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Yesterday a news came in after I was just back from Monami's room answering all her questions. The search parties had found some hidden bunkers where our ammunition can be found.

Currently I am standing here in Batra Sir's office with him and Faizi trying to devise a plan on the best suitable route, cadets for the mission, timings for it because if they get a hint that the ammunition bunker has been tipped off to us they will try to move it.

After almost 5 to 6 hours of planning we decide that tomorrow night at 9 pm we will leave the academy, reach the forest tracks by almost 9:30 and climb uphill on foot.

Monami has been chosen for the mission based on the results that came out of the programme.

She has topped in wireless communication skills hence she will be standing near the jeeps of the academy and remain in contact with us and the academy updating them of every situation.

None of the cadets of the civilian programme will be on the proper mission beacuse their arms training has still not started.

Late evening post dinner, all the cadets of different programme, agents and special agents are explained their duties.

While Sanjana has been roped in for the on-site mission Siddharth will be staying here in the academy and strategically working on the back end.


NEXT DAY 8:30 pm

Everybody is gathered in the ground. For the next half an hour duties will be revised and full plan will be revealed to everyone so that no mix up happens during the task. Immediate decisions that could be taken during emergency situations would also be explained.

At 9:00 pm after the plan is completely laid on the floor and everyone has boarded the alloted jeeps we commence our journey towards the forest tracks.


We reach the forest tracks.

The decided team which included me, Faizi, Sanjana, Amit and Parash started climbing uphill. Initially it was decided to take more agents with us but we dropped the idea as the search team was kore than ready to help us. More people not only meant more chances of plan leak but also more chances of casualty and danger.

We met the head of search team at the decided point and marched forward.

Then we silently walked towards the bunker keeping each step carefully as there were chances of pits being dug.

The search party had seen 5 people inside.. in their day of keeping the watch so we hope it would be an easy task.

We gather around the bunker... me and Parash at the entrance, Faizi and Sanjana at the backside, Amit and the search party head on the right side and assistant head search party members on the left. Rest of the search party members were still in hiding.

I knocked on the door.

Not the best move I know but this was how we decided on entering.

The door opens and a gun is directly pointed on my head.

Parash was on the other side so he went unnoticed. He comes forward and kicks the person in front of him. We are completely shocked to see no one, even no ammunition in the bunker.

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