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It has been almost a month after Monami told me that she has decided to continue being my therapist.

Being honest with myself I was low-key happy. The reason of why I was happy is unknown to me. Maybe sharing things with her actually makes me feel better and lighter...

There had been no session in the past month because they had few training tests and she needed to catch-up and prepare a few things.

In the past month I managed to gather the courage to reveal everything to Monami, my therapist rather than giving her small shocks. I  don't know if it will be better for her absorb things slowly or whole at once. It will be surely better for me to let it out at once to her.

I know I am being selfish here but sometimes being selfish is better.


I am sitting across her once again and we are discussing about exams right now.

She is stressed about the results which is natural and sad that they have only two days break between for rest which is not enough.

"Dr. Monami I have decided something"

"Ok. Yes? This tone of yours is a little scary to be honest."

"Maine decide kiya hai ki I will reveal everything to you the story from start to end."

"Are you sure?" She asks me raising an eyebrow.. as if she couldn't believe what I told her..

"Haan" I nod.

She doesn't speak anything in reply and keeps looking at me... there is fear in her eyes... for herself ot me I don't know

"I hope it will be fine for you" I speak after a few minutes of silence.

"I hope so too." She presses her lips.

"It all started when the civilian training programme was initially introduced. She looked like you, her form had same name as yours, she had also lost her parents...." I start as the memories come back again...

"My eyes stopped when I looked at her form, she had an ex boyfriend, we fake dated, became friends, dated. I fell in love. I was genuinely happy... everything seemed to fall in place .. everything seemed perfect. We even decided that she will take up the job here so we could be together. My passwords were well known to her like any other couple... I sometimes shared my work stress with her... Being a cadet who was learning she said she was more than excited to know about these things... and even suggested me some measures. After a series of events I was enlightened with the truth of her being a... "

I stopped...

Monami looked at me with curiosity... her eyebrows a little raised and eyes questioning me..

I gulped not once not twice but almost five times.

"Terrorist" I mumble..

"Sorry" Monami asks not surprised because I knew I would have been inaudible to her.

"Terrorist" I maange to speak out aloud. "She was associated with some anti-national elements and her real name was Abhiha. And many things started clearing... Now I knew why every talk about the academy interested her so much... I realised how she never hid anything from me yet hid everything "

I paused and looked at Monami, the same face.... but I think now I notice the differences... how her eyes are brown with a tinge of hazel colour different from those eyes which were deep brown, how her nose is a little less sharp, how her forehead is not as broad... The face in front of me was sad, guilty... I wanted to stop telling her but decided against it

"A lot of ammunition of ours was stolen. On her way of jail transfer, I was the incharge, she was killed by the group she belonged to and I was transferred."

I stop waiting for her to speak something and realise she is doing the same..

"That is all to my story.."

A minute passes, another passes, another ... about 10 minutes pass...
"It is a lot of information for me...I have tons of questions.."

"I am ready to answer them all..."

"I guess but I am not ready to ask them."

"I understand. Take your time...I will take the diary afterwards.." Nodding I leave...

I understand how desperate she might be to absorb it all... it must have been a lot for her... It must have taken a toll on her..

■ Monami■

The truth is better if unknown sometimes.

This seemed so true in my case. I was better off with questions on Karan hating me rather than knowing the reason of it.

The reason shook me to the core.

Never in my worst nightmare I thought that I would have a doppleganger who would be an anti-national element.

Not only doppleganger she was even a name sake.

Someone else carried my identity here.

And now I am here in the same place.

Was I meant to be here ?

Was it fate?

I never believed in fate, I was a practical person but all this didn't make any sense.

To find answers I had to put my trust in destiny.

I was fated to be here.

This is the destination my destiny decided.

But why?

Maybe to give them back what was stolen by someone like me.

It is better that Karan revealed the whole truth to me at once because the relevation in pieces would have blurred a lot of things for me.

I have a lot of questions in my mind which I begin to pen down so that I can ask Karan.

I didn't want to leave any question and may be after this finishes we will have a new beginning... A fresh start where he could trust this name and face again... but this time his trust wouldn't be broken.


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