Healing (1.2)

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This chapter if from Monami's POV and consists of the same dialogues.. (after she visits the hospital) you can sure skip them a little and focus only on the inner feelings 🥰


I didn't get the chance to confront Karan first due to the nurse and then due to Faizi Sir who came to check up upon his friend and sent me back.

I am honestly glad for the training off that has been going on otherwise it all would have been so hectic and I would have been so burdened... I am getting enough time to catch up upon the studies I was lagging in.

I am not sure what Karan's nightmares are about but I am actually disappointed that after confiding in me about so much he didn't trust me to tell the truth about his nightmares...

I freshen up, change and decide to take a nap because I was sure Faizi sir won't be leaving Karan's side for a few hours especially with his guilt that he couldn't come in yesterday.

Faizi Sir is a good friend of Karan he has been standing with him through his thick and thin.. and Karan might not say it on his face but he loves him and appreciates his presence in his life. On various incidents during some sessions he has mentioned
'I was glad Faizi was there.'
'Faizi tha mere saath.'
'Agar Faizi na hota toh.'

I haven't found such a friendship.. I was either to busy with studies to maje friends or the friends I made gradually grew apart because of our personal and professional lives. Therefore I admire their friendship more and more... to have a friend like this... is so beautiful..
I sigh as my thoughts overwhelm me...


I wake up and have my lunch in the canteen. As I am about to leave I notice Faizi Sir enter... I quickly rush towards him...

"Sir you are back...???"

"Yes .. I had some work to I wish I could have stayed more.."

"Can I go to see him ??" I ask hurriedly

"For a session ??"

"Kind of.. " I reply vaguely beacuse that was neither the complete truth nor lie...


"Thank you Sir." I say with a smile and rush to get dressed..


I enter Karan's room and clearly notice the shocked expression on his face..

"We need to discuss about you Karan.." I tell him as soon as I am near his bed

"I know I have a lot of things to tell.." He says in a low voice


"But I will talk about that on one condition.."

His words leave me in disbelief..

"What condition..???" I ask still trying to absorb his words...

It is not that big of a deal that I am making out of it but the fact that he made his healing a deal surprised me.

"That you have to first tell me about yourself.."

"About myself .. ??" Now I am genuinely confused... I thought he knew what he wanted to know about me...

"Yes... how are you and how are you dealing with witnessing me shot...??" I sigh as I understand what he wants to know... honestly yes a time is little rough.. but it will be fine...

Though I know self-diagnosis is not a good thing by I thought of an easy way out....

Now I have to share it... and I am sure Karan is experienced in dealing with such matters... since he must have experienced it and seen number of people experience it too..

Dil Sambhal Jaa Zara (MoRan FF) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now