Prologue - The Rising Queen of Heartland

980 4 13

[Word count - 2,111]

Flashback - ten years ago...

Location - Heartland Stadium


It was the finals of the Heartland National Tournament. Many duelists battled hard to get here, but only two of these duelists were the only ones left standing. When it was time, the announcer grabbed the mic, and called out to everyone.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for the finals of the Heartland National Tournament?!"

There were a lot of exciting responses from the audience.

"Then let's not waste anymore time and introduce the two finalist!"

The audience cheered again!

"On the left is last year's champion! Give it up for Maxie Magma!"

The champion began to make his way to the field and many of his fans were cheering for him.

"Go Maxie! I know you can do it!" One fan said.

"Make sure you come home with another championship title!" Another fan said.

"Don't worry, my loyal fans!" Maxie called out to them. "I promise to win, for all of you!"

The cheer of his fans were getting louder and louder before the announcer could move on.

"And on the right, she has earned the title of The Rising Queen of Heartland! Give it up for Rika (L/N)!"

More cheers were heard as Rika made her way to the battlefield. She and Maxie made eye contact with each other.

"Ah, dear Rika. I'm impressed that you made this far." Maxie said. "However, this is the end of the line for you."

"You can't be sure of that until we duel for ourselves!" Rika replied.

"Pfft! You can't win... You knew that when you realized I was your opponent." Maxie said.

"Looks like both of our duelists are fired up and ready to go! And the audience can't wait either, so Maxie and Rika, activate your duel disks!"

And so, they did, then the judge came forward.

"We will now do a coin toss to determine who will go first." He said. "Call it, you two."

"Heads!" Rika said.

"Then I pick tails." Maxie said.

The judge nodded as he flipped the coin, and as a result...

"It's heads, so Rika will go first." The judge said.

Both duelist nodded and draw their five cards.

"Alright... let the duel begin!"

"Let's duel!"

Rika's LP: 4,000

Maxie's LP: 4,000

"My turn!" Rika said as she looked at her opening, which consists of two monsters, two spells cards and one trap card.

"I summon Razor Blade Dragon!" Rika said as she places the card on her monster zone.

Razor Blade Dragon

Level 4

ATK: 1,500 DEF: 1,000

Type: Dragon

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