Chapter 17 - Abyss Psychic Dragon

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[Word count - 1,919]

Same day...

Location - The Park

Your POV

I was hanging out at the park alone... I let out a sigh as I tried to process what happened during the school battle. It was such an important duel, and I lost... just like that. And now, anytime I try talking to Yuko, he just gives me the death glare before walking away. Good thing Kazuki is still hanging out with me.


I looked around to see who was calling out to me. And to my surprise, it was Yuto and Shun. They don't appear to be in good shape, though. Did they lose a duel just now?

"Guys! What happened to you two?!" I asked.

"We... had a duel against Kai." Yuto said.

"He defeated both of us, and took Ruri away." Shun said.

My heart fell to my stomach upon hearing this. But why would Kai kidnap Ruri, though?

"Did he say what he was after?" I asked.

"He said... he was using us as part of his training to defeat you." Shun said.

"I see."

"Please, (Y/N), it's up to you to save Ruri from Kai's grip." Yuto said.

"In our current condition, we don't have the strength to defeat him." Shun added.

"I understand." I said. "I will accept your wishes, and take on Kai with everything I've got."

As I was about to walk away, Yuto stopped me.

"Wait, before you go, there's something I want to give you."



Location - Abandoned Warehouse

Ruri's POV

"Where am I?" I asked as I looked around my surroundings.

"You're awake." Kai said as I felt his gaze upon me.


At first, I was confused about why Kai was here, but then I remembered. He got closer to me and kidnapped me after defeating my brother. After it started coming back to me, I glared angrily at him.

"Kai! Let me go!" I said and tried to escape.

"I would, but I'm not going to." He smirked.

"Why would you kidnap me in the first place?!" I glared at him.

"I need to use you as bait to get (Y/N) (L/N) down here." He explained.

I didn't believe him at first, but as if on cue, the door to this... abandoned warehouse opened, and (Y/N) appears.

"(Y/N)!!!" I shouted through happy tears.

"Glad to see that you're okay, Ruri." He smiled at me.

He looked at Kai, and he almost went pale.

Your POV

"Kai, you really did kidnap Ruri, huh?" I asked him.

"I did, because I know it'll get you to come to me." Kai responded.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now