Chapter 15 - The Final Match Part 2

109 1 3

[Word count - 1,003]

Your POV

[Turn 4]

Allow me to bring you up to speed here. We are in the fourth turn of the final between Yuto and myself. I have 4,000 LP and Yuto has 3,500 LP. I have an XYZ monster with a facedown card on my field. And on Yuto's field, he just summoned Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon with two overlay units to work with.

"I use two of Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon's overlay units to activate its effect!"

Dark Rebellion two overlay units are gone.

"Its effect cuts Dragonic Striker's ATK points in half, and Dark Rebellion gains those ATK points."

Dragonic Striker loses half of its ATK points, and that half went to Dark Rebellion.

"Treason Discharge!"

Dragonic Striker's ATK: 2,100 -> 1,050

Dark Rebellion's ATK: 2,500 -> 3,550

"That can't be good."

"Battle! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! Attack Dragonic Striker!"

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon goes in for the attack.

"Revolt of the Lighting Disobey!"

The attack connects and I lost a lot of LP as a result.


(Y/N)'s LP: 4,000 -> 1,500

The attack sent me flying and I fell flat on my back.

"I play one card facedown and end my turn."

Yuto set a card facedown in his spell and trap zone.

Yuto's hand: 4 -> 3

[Turn 5]

It's my turn... but for some reason, I can't move my body. I guess Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon did a number on me... But is this it? Is this the end for me...? 

I'm sorry, Kazuki... Yuko... You two and everyone at school was counting on me, and I let you down. 

"It's not over yet." An unknown voice said. 

Wait, I remember this voice... back when I was dueling against Kai... this same voice was calling out to me. Is this... Dark Virus Dragon? 

"Wake up, (Y/N) (L/N), you have some unfinish business to attend to." 

Unfinish business...?

Before I got up, my deck started glowing. And when I stood up, my vision became purple, and it was at that moment I lost control of my body. 

"It's my turn..." 

Against my will, I was able to draw the top card of my deck. 

(Y/N)'s hand: 1 -> 2

"I activate the spell card: Dragonic Rebirth." 

(Y/N)'s hand: 2 -> 1

I activated my spell card. 

"For every 200 LP I give up, I can summon a dragon type monster from my GY." 

I give up 400 LP, then summoned two dragons from my GY.

(Y/N)'s LP: 1,500 -> 1,100 

"Be reborn... Ghostly Dragon and Dragon Guard." 

Both dragons were summoned in ATK mode. 

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now