Chapter 1 - The Deck That Was Left Behind

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[Word count - 687]

Flashback - A months later...

Location - (L/N) Residence, Living Room


After suffering a loss to Maxie, Rika was in a coma and had to be taken to the hospital. Her brother, Shu, who watched the duel on tv, saw everything and rushed to be by her side. He asked the doctors when she would wake up, but they didn't have a clue.

Shu asked if it was okay for them to be alone for a moment. They agreed since Rika wasn't showing any signs of improvement. They stepped out of the room. Shu looked down at her sister, and took her hand.

"Rika... you did your best to make it to the finals." He said.

"But in the end, Maxie was too much for you to handle." He added. "If mom and dad were here, I'm sure they'll be proud of you, too."

He let out a sigh as he kept on talking.

"I'm sorry I just wasn't supportive on the idea of you competing." He said. "It's just... your my little sister, and I didn't want to see you get hurt..."

He did his best to hold back the tears, but he couldn't. A single teardrop was formed and fell down on Shu's face. However...


Shu looked down and saw that Rika was slowly waking up from her coma.

"Rika, you're awake!" Shu said, quite happy that his little sister was okay.

She gave him a small smile.

"Yes, brother." She said. "I heard your voice."

"Rika, I'm glad you're okay." Shu said with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, but... I lost the duel, didn't I?" She asked.

"Yeah, you did."

Rika sighed as she stared up at the ceiling.

"If only I was stronger..."

"It's not your fault." Shu said, comforting his sister. "Maxie was much more stronger than you."

"Yeah, I guess so..."

A few years later...

Location - (L/N) Residence, Living Room

After recovering from her Coma, Rika decided not to take part in any tournaments for a while. She felt like she wasn't ready after losing to Maxie, so she decided to take it easy. She still duels from time to time, and in the end, she was able to find someone who shares the same passion for dueling as she does. And from that day onwards, she fell in love with him.

He asked her out, and she said yes. They were in love with each other, and a few years later, they got married and a beautiful baby boy. Can you guess who they named him? That's right, they named him... you, (Y/N) (L/N).

However, even though Rika is much happier to find her true love, she still thinks about Maxie, and how she lost to him. After thinking about it, she made a decision that her husband was not ready for.

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" He asked.

"You heard me... I'm going on a journey to get stronger." She said.

"But what about (Y/N)? He's going to need you more than ever."

"Yeah, I know it's not easy for a mother to be away from her child, but... I can never live with myself at this rate."


She looked at the sky with a smile, then back to her husband and son.

"I don't know when I come back, but in case I don't, give my son this."

She gave her husband her dragon deck.

"Your deck?"

"Yes. It's served me well for many years, and now, it's (Y/N) turn. I have a feeling he's going to be destined to do great things."

"I see."

And soon enough, Rika went away on a journey to become even stronger, and at the same time, your story as just begun.

To be continued

A/N: Short chapter, I know, but that's the idea. Now we can dive into the good stuff.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Shout-out to NicholasAnderson576, Ayasaki3211, RGX4399 and MisuzuPendragon for becoming recent followers.

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