Chapter 12 - The School Battle Begins

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[Word count - 2,929]

Day of the school battle...

Location - Heartland City, Duel Arena

Your POV

Well, this is it. Today is the day of the school battle. It's going to be me, Kazuki and Yuko vs the three duelist from the Spade duel school, and the location for the event is taking place at the Heartland duel arena.

"Well, this is it, huh?" Kazuki said.

"Yeah, it is." I replied.

"Let's win, and make our school proud." Yuko said.


Moments later, two people came towards us, and I recognize them. It was Ruri, and her older brother Shun. They really are part of the Spade duel school.

"It's been a while, (Y/N)." Shun said.

"Yeah, good to see you again."

"Hang on, you know him?" Yuko asks.

"Yeah, this is Kurosaki Shun, and his little sister, Ruri." I said.

"It's nice to meet you." Ruri said and politely bows to us.

"Ah, so you're Ruri. I heard so much about you." Kazuki said.

"Oh, so you've heard of me?" She asked.

"Yeah. (Y/N) talks so much about you." He said. Oh dear god...

"Oh, yeah? What did he say?" Ruri asked.

"He went on and on about how kind and pretty you were..."

I started to blush by all the words that were coming out of Kazuki's mouth. However, Ruri began to giggle cutely.

"Well, I am flattered, but he must've told you that I already have a boyfriend, and is also apart of the team." She said.

"And who is this boyfriend of yours?" Yuko asks.

"That would be me."

Approaching us was a man who appears to be the same age as me. His hair was a mix of light purple and black in the back. He was wearing a black shirt and cream colored jacket over it, plus a necklace.

"Hey, there you are!"

Ruri came over to give him a kiss. He kissed her back, and I felt my heart breaking a little bit. But I did my best not to draw attention to myself.

"Guys, this is Yuto, and final member of our team."

Yuto looked at us and let out a smile.

"I take it you two are from Duel School Blazier?" He asked.

"Yes we are." Yuko responded.

"I see. Looks you're going to be facing us today. I'm looking forward to it."

"Us as well!" Kazuki said.

Yuto took the time to shake our hands, and when he shook mine, he said...

"I'm looking forward to facing you the most."

"Yeah, me too."

A few hours later...

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer said. "Welcome to this year's school battle!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now