Chapter 6 - Battle of the Friends

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[Word count - 2,370]

The next day...

Location - Duel School Blazier, Courtyard

Your POV

During lunch time, Kazuki and I were outside eating out lunch, and that's when I told him about how my father was okay about me being able to duel again.

"He really said that?" He asked.

"That's right, and to think, it wouldn't be possible if it weren't for Ruri." I replied.

"You said her name was Ruri, right?"

"Yeah... Do you know her or something?"

"Well, not exactly, but I think I've heard that name somewhere before." He said.

"Really? Do you know where?"

Kazuki thought about it, and I waited for his answer. How come he's heard about Ruri? Is she famous or something?

"I forgot."

Well... I should've seen that coming...


"Well sorry, man. It doesn't really matter now." He said. "What's important is that you're able to duel again!"

"Yeah, you're right! I'm a free man!"

"Then that means you'll be able to join me in doing the tryouts for the team battle, right?"

"You bet I am!"

"Awesome! This is going to be a blast!"

After school...

Location - Duel School Blazier, Duel Fields

Today is the day Kazuki and I take part in the tryouts for the upcoming school battle. It wasn't just us that was taking part, though. Other students from our school are trying out as well. However, it can only be the top three students that can take part in the school battle.

Last year, we won because one of the duelist, Yuko, was the champion of the Future Duel Circuit at a young age, and since then, he never lost a match. And I am willing to bet all of my cards that he gets picked again.

Soon our dueling coach appeared in front of us, and spoke.

"Fellow duelists, thank you so much for coming to tryouts for the school battle." He said. "However, this year, things will be different and for that, I'll let Yuko-kun explain it."

Yuko came forward and stood next to the coach.

"Hello, everyone. As you heard, I already secure a spot for the team in the school battle." He said.

Of course he did...

"However, I decided that someone else as already secured a spot as well."

We looked confused by who he was talking about, then I noticed him looking at me.

"(Y/N)-kun, congratulations, you made the cut."

"Wait what?!"

People stared at me and they clapping, and now I was embarrassed.

"That's good, isn't it, buddy?" Kazuki said.

"I guess, but how am I on the team already?" I asked.

"Because I took a look at your dueling record, and it looks like you were able to defeat Kai-san in your last duel."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now