Epilogue - I Love You

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[Word count - 761]

[Final chapter]

Your POV

Winner: (Y/N) (L/N)

The final duel was over, and it ended in my victory. Everyone clapped and cheered for me, and they were chanting my name. After the duel, I walked over to Kai, and offered him my hand.

"Kai, that was a great duel." I said.

Kai looked at me with a grin.

"Yeah, I suppose it was."

He took my hand and I helped him up.

"I guess that makes you the new national champion now." Kai said.

"No, it doesn't." I replied, shutting him down.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked in confusion.

"I didn't duel you just so I could acquire your title." I said. "I wanted to get rid of the revenge that was consuming your heart."

Kai stared at me in shock, but he let out a small smile towards the end.

"In that case, it definitely worked." He said, then looked towards the sky.

"It was stupid of me to only duel for revenge, and you were kind enough to help me realize that, so thank you."

"Yeah, no problem."

Kai and I shook hands once again, and I said.

"Although Kai, I do want to take a shot at the next national championship, and when that time comes, do you think I can challenge you for the title?" I asked.

The old Kai would most likely say no to this. However, since I beat him, he grinned at me from what I said.

"Sure. And when we do duel again, I won't lose this time." Kai said with determination.

One year later...

Location - The Park

It has been a whole year since I had that final duel against Kai, and a lot has happened since then. And to be honest, things couldn't get any better.

For starters, after disappearing for so long, my mom decided to come home, and needless to say, my father was very happy about this. And ever since she came home, my mom has been helping me rearrange my deck and did consist of test plays in order to perfect them.

At Blazier, Yuko graduated and decided to go pro. Now the best duelist in the school is me and Kazuki. Lots of the new students would come to us to help them train, and while I did enjoy the attention, I think it was Kazuki who liked it more.

And last but not least, there was Ruri. She and I have gotten closer over during this last year, and I didn't notice it before, but I was falling in love with her, and I really wanted to tell her how I felt, but I had to keep in mind that she has a relationship with Yuto. However, that all changed when she asked me to meet her at the park one day on a weekend. 

"Hey, thanks for coming to see me." She said, sitting down on a bench. 

"Yeah, of course." I replied and sat down next to her. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I... have something I should confess to you about." She said.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

Ruri took a deep breath and said...

"I love you."

"Love me?"

"Yes. I've been in love with you ever since I first met, but I was too shy to tell you how I really felt."

"Oh, I can understand that, but what about Yuto? Isn't he still in your life?" I asked.

"Yes. Yuto is always going to be a part of my life, but he supported me in this decision, and when he did, I had to meet up with you as soon as possible."


I don't know what it is, but hearing Ruri say all this is making my heart skip a beat.

"So what do you say, (Y/N)? Do you feel the same way as me?"

"Yeah, you got me. I do love you, Kurosaki Ruri. I love you a lot."

"I love you too."

Ruri and I looked at each other in the eyes. She lean in and gave me a kiss, and I kissed her back. The two of us shared a kiss for a while, and once that kiss was broken, she and I stayed at the park for a while... in complete happiness.

The end

A/N: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the end of Wings of Fate. Thank you so much for reading this book from start to finish. Comment down below your favorite chapter from the book, and I'll see you in my next project. :)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now