Chapter 8 - Raidraptors

140 3 5

[Word count - 1,361]

Same day...

Location - Heartland City, Duel Park

Your POV

Everything happened so fast... All I wanted to do is come to the card shop to get some new cards for my deck, and before I knew it, I found myself in a duel against Ruri's older brother, Shun. And judging by the look on his face, he does not approve of my existence.

"So kid, ready to do this?" Shun said and activated his duel disk.

"Oh, umm... yeah. I'm ready." I replied and activated my duel disk as well.

Shun and I drew our five cards and the battle begins.


(Y/N)'s LP: 4,000

Shun's LP: 4,000

[Turn 1]

"The first move is mine!" I said looked at my starting hand.

"I summon Sun Dragon!"

(Y/N)'s hand: 5 -> 4

Sun Dragon

Level 4

ATK: 1,000 DEF: 0

"Since Sun Dragon was summoned successfully, I can Special Summon Moon Dragon from my hand or deck!"

Thankfully Moon Dragon was already in my hand.

(Y/N)'s hand: 4 -> 3

Moon Dragon

Level 4

ATK: 0 DEF: 1,000

"Next I use Sun Dragon and Moon Dragon to build the overlay network!"

The overlay network was created.

"I XYZ summon! Rank 4! Meteor Core Dragon!"

Meteor Core Dragon

Rank 4

ATK: 2,500 DEF: 1,900

Shun took a look at my monster and smirked.

"Not bad, kid. What else do you have planned?" He asked.

"You'll see, and it starts with Moon Dragon's effect!" I declared. "Since I used it as an XYZ material, I can Special Summon another dragon from my deck!" 

I pulled out a card from my deck.

"I Special Summon Dragon Guard from my deck!" 

Dragon Guard was summoned in DEF mode. 

Dragon Guard

Level 3 

ATK: 0 DEF: 800

"And in DEF mode, Dragon Guard can't be destroyed in battle." I informed him. "Now I set two cards facedown and end my turn."

I placed my facedown cards in the spell and trap zone. 

(Y/N)'s hand: 3 -> 1

[Turn 2]

"It's time! My turn!" Shun said as he as he drew his card.

Shun's hand: 5 -> 6

"I summon Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius!"

Shun's hand: 6 -> 5

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now