Chapter 3 - A Duel With The Champion (Part 1)

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[Word count - 2,227]

Same day...

Location - Heartland City, Duel Park

Your POV

"You want to duel against me?" Kai laughed when I said I'll challenge him.

"Yes, I do!" I said with rage in my eyes. "What's wrong with that?"

"Kid, be real for a second. Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I do! You're Kishima Kai, champion of last year's national tournament." I said with a serious expression.

"That's right..."

Kai didn't say anything else for a moment. Instead he looks at me with my serious expression. He could tell how badly I wanted to duel him.

"You really do want to duel me, huh?"

"That's right."

"Very well. But I'll make it easy on you and give you a week to prepare." Kai said before walking off.

I stared at him as he walked off, then the girl he dueled earlier spoke up.

"Hey, umm... thanks for helping me back there." She said.

"No problem, but I could tell that you didn't want to duel him, am I right?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Exactly, she showed up out of nowhere and made me put my favorite card on the line..." She said. "But when he looked at my deck, he saw how weak he was, and threw it back at my face..."

"Oh, I see."

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this trouble because of me..."

I can tell how sorry she was. I even notice a few tears falling from her eyes. Being the kind person I was, I wiped away the tears off of her face, and I gave her a smile.

"Don't worry about it. He has no reason to do that to you, and I'm going to be there one to stop him." I said.

The girl smiled at me.

"Well, best of luck. I'll be cheering you on." She said.

"Thanks, and by the way, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." I said, introducing myself.

"(Y/N), huh? That's a cute name."

I began to blush from that.

"Oh, thanks."

"May I know your name?" I asked while trying to calm down.

"Oh, it's Ruri. Kurosaki Ruri."

So her name is Ruri... That is a lovely name for a wonderful person like she is. Wait, why am I thinking like that? I should be focusing on my upcoming duel against Kai.

A week later...

Location - (L/N) Residence

This whole week flew by like it was nothing. I made sure by some cards from the local card shop to buy some cards to rearrange my deck, then I would study last year's national championship duel, where Kai would take the championship against the duelist who won before that.

While I do think Kai's deck is powerful and all that, I am ready to take him on. As I headed out the door, my father stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"Oh, umm... I'm gonna go hangout with Kazuki." I replied.

"Is that so? Are you sure you're not gonna go duel someone?" He asked with a glare.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now