Chapter 5 - Being Passionate

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[Word count - 957]

The next day...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

Black... that is all I see. And I am laying down on something... something soft, like a bed... Could this be my bed, and if so, then that means I'm asleep right now. I should wake up right now, but why can't I?

After a few more minutes, the sunlight hit me in the face, and thanks to that, I was finally able to open my eyes. I looked over to the edge of my bed, and spotted someone familiar sleeping on the side. Ruri. What was she doing in my room?

But then... it started coming back to me.

Flashack to the other day...

Location - Heartland City, Duel Park

I managed to win against Kishima Kai, the current national champion. Dueling him did took a lot out of me, but I hope I made him learn his lesson about messing with Ruri.

After his defeat, Kai got up from the ground, and tried to process what just happened.

"Impossible... How can I... lose to someone like him?" He asked himself.

"Because I believed in my cards." I answered, even though he didn't ask me.

Kai gave me a disgusted look and just walked away, not wanting to see me again. But I have a feeling he'll come back, and he'll be stronger than ever. As soon as he walked away, someone came over to me.


I looked over and saw Ruri with the cutest smile I have ever seen.

"Oh... Ruri... what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw your duel just now! It was cool how you were able to defeat the national champion!"

"Yeah... I was cool, wasn't I...?"

From there, I remember that my vision was getting blurry, and I began to pass out from exhaustion. And even though it was faint, I could hear Ruri's voice.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!!"

And that was it...

End of flashback...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

"That's right... I passed out after the duel..."

I looked over to Ruri, who was still sleeping on the edge of my bed. Maybe she was the one who brought me. And if she did, then... Oh crap, my father must've found out that I snuck off to duel. But I couldn't think about that now, especially since I have a girl in my room.

I looked down at Ruri, and shook her a bit, just to see if she would wake up. She slowly opened her eyes, and saw me and my smile. I don't know if it's just me, but I think a small blush appeared on her face.

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" She said happily.

She sat on my bed and hugged me tightly. Sure, it caught me off guard, but... her hug felt nice, so I hugged her back. After hugging for a while, she glared at me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You scared me when you passed out like that!" She snapped.

"Sorry... I guess dueling Kai took a lot out of me..." I replied, quite embarrassed.

Ruri let out a sigh.

"Well, as long as you're okay, that's the important part." She said and smiled.

"Well, thanks for your concern." I said.

"It's no problem." Ruri replied before changing the subject.

"By the way, are you free this weekend?" She asked. 

"This weekend?" I pondered. "Well, I-"

Before I could give an answer, I heard yelling from the living room.

"(Y/N)!!! GET DOWN HERE!!!"

It's my father, and he does sound pissed...

"Oh boy, I better go face the music." I said to Ruri.

"Need me to come down there with you?" She asked.

"I think that'll be a good idea." I said.

Location - (L/N) Residence, Living Room

Ruri and I made our way downstairs to the living room, and waiting for us was my father with a serious expression. It didn't take him long to get to the point.

"So son, you lied to me about going to hangout with Kazuki-kun, huh?"

"Yeah... I did."

My father let out a sigh.

"Honestly, I didn't raise my son to be a liar..."

"Sorry, father... I know I went behind your back and kept dueling, but it is something I am passionate about, and if my mom was here, she would want me to follow in her footsteps."

"Well, I get that, but..."

"You think I'll end up like her and disappear?" I asked.

My father nodded, but it sounds like he needed more convincing.

"Look, dueling is something that I'm passionate about. And no matter what you say or do, that's not going to change."

My father fell silent by my words, hoping it'll be enough to convince him. But his facial expression softened a bit, and he said something that changed everything.

"You know what, you're right." He said.

"Right about what?"

"That dueling is something that you're passionate about. You really are your mother's kid."

"Really? Does this mean..."

He nodded at me and smiled.

"Yes. You can duel for as much as you want to, but on the condition you don't go overboard." He said.

"Awesome! Thanks dad!" I said and hugged him as tight as I could.

"That's good, isn't it, (Y/N)-kun?" Ruri said.

"Yeah, it is!"

And now that I am free to duel whenever I want, I got to get my ready for tryouts for the school battle that's coming up. Kazuki is going to be happy about this.

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now