Chapter 11 - Final Team Member

118 2 3

[Word count - 1,667]

Your POV

"It's my turn!" Yuko said and drew his card.

Yuko's hand: 1 -> 2

Before the duel continues, allow me to bring you up to speed. Yuko's and Kazuki's duel has barely started, but both of them summoned their XYZ monsters. Yuko has 3,700 LP, and Kazuki has 4,000. Neither of them has any face downs, but Yuko has a face up spell card that protects him from effect damage once per turn. 

Yuko is now about to start his turn. Thankfully for him, Sword Breaker's ATK points are back to normal, so I wonder how he's going to make use of it. 

"I activate the spell card: Defense Circle Layer 2." Yuko said and activated his spell card. 

Yuko's hand: 2 -> 1 

"As long as this card is face up on the field with an XYZ monster, I can negate battle damage." Yuko said as he explains the effect of his second spell card. 

"What are you planning to do with those two cards?" Kazuki asks. 

"You'll see soon enough." Yuko replied and pulled out the final card his hand.

"Next I summon Steel Knight Hound." He said and summoned it. 

Yuko's hand: 1 -> 0

Steel Knight Hound

Level 3

ATK: 1,400 DEF: 0 

"With its effect, I select one trap card from my deck, and set it facedown." 

Yuko pulls out a trap card and sets it facedown. Now he has two face up spell cards, and one face down trap card. 

"Time to battle! Steel Knight Dragoon, attack Sword Breaker Knight." 

Dragoon goes in, and destroys Sword Breaker, and Kazuki takes the damage. 

Kazuki's LP: 4,000 -> 3,800 

"Heh, not bad." Kazuki said. 

"Next, Steel Knight Hound attacks you directly."

Steel Knight Hound goes in and damages Kazuki even more. 

Kazuki's LP: 3,800 -> 2,400 

"Now I end my turn." Yuko said. 

[Turn 4]

"Hehe, not bad, Yuko." Kazuki chuckled. "But this duel is far from over!"

"Oh yeah, then go ahead and show me what you're made of." Yuko said, challenging him at this point.

"Oh, that's what I'm planning for!"

Kazuki placed his fingers on top of his deck.

"It's my turn! I draw!"

Kazuki's hand: 5 -> 6

"I summon Mist Knight!"

Kazuki's hand: 6 -> 5

Mist Knight

Level 4

ATK: 1,800 DEF: 1,200

"And with its effect, you take 200 points of damage for every card in my hand!"

That was a mistake...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now