Chapter 13 - Yuko's Determination

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[Word count - 2,265]

Your POV

Our battle against the Spade Duel School isn't exactly off to an easy start. In the first duel, Shun completely destroyed Kazuki, despite how hard he was dueling. Now if we lose again, Spade will win the school battle. Thankfully, Yuko is up. Can he get us the win we need.

"Alright teams! Send out your second duelist!" The announcer ordered.

Yuko began to step forward and made his way on the battlefield.

"You can do this, Yuko!" Kazuki said and cheered loudly for him.

As expected, Yuko didn't say anything to Kazuki. He's just standing there with his eyes closed. Now, which player is Spade going to bring out...?

Ruri's POV

Well, this is it. If we win this next duel, the Spade will be the champions of the school battle. And it looks like they're sending in Yuko, the champion of the Future Duel Circuit. And I thought Kazuki was interesting when he dueled against my brother. I guess (Y/N) knows how to pick the right teammates, huh?

After losing to Kai a while back, I spent most of my time training hard to become stronger, thanks to Yuto, brother and my friends from both Spade and Clover duel schools. Now I know what I need to do.

"Brother... Yuto... is okay if I go next?" I asked them.

"Ruri, are you sure you want to do that?" Yuto asked in return.

"Yes. I want to to see how I hold my hand again the Future Duel Circuit champion."

Yuto and Shun looked at each other, and grinned.

"Okay, Ruri, we're counting on you." Shun said.

"Good luck."

Yuto planted a kiss on my cheek, and I began to make my way to the battlefield. This is going to be the first time (Y/N) will get to see me duel. I wonder if he'll like my deck.

Your POV

"Our next two duelists stepped onto the battlefield!" The announcer declared. "From Blazier, we have Yuko, last year's Future Duel Circuit champion, and from Spade, Kurosaki Ruri!"

Yuko is dueling Ruri. Now that I think about it, this is going to be the first time I get to see her duel, but against Yuko of all people? She's got guts, I'll give her that.

"Will Ruri win and give her team the final win that they need? Or will Yuko stop her dead in her tracks?" The announcer went on. "We won't know unless we start the duel, so... LET THE SECOND MATCH BEGIN!!!"


Yuko and Ruri activated their duel disks and drew their five cards.

Yuko's LP: 4,000

Ruri's LP: 4,000

[Turn 1]

"The first move is mine." Yuko said as he looked at his starting hand.

"I summon Steel Knight Panther to the field."

Yuko's hand: 5 -> 4

Steel Knight Panther

Level 4

ATK: 1,900 DEF: 0

"I activate its effect, Special Summoning a level 4 Steel Knight from my hand."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now