Chapter 4 - A Duel With The Champion (Part 2)

285 3 7

[Word count - 1,793]

Location - Heartland City, Duel Park

Your POV

"Psychic Dragon Overlord..." I said as I was staring at Kai's strongest monster.

(Y/N)'s LP: 1,800

(Y/N)'s hand: 4

Dragon Guard DEF: 800

Number of facedowns: 1

"That's right. And it'll be the last monster you see once I wipe the floor with you." Kai responded.

Kai's LP: 3,200

Kai's hand: 1

Psychic Dragon Overlord ATK: 2,600

Psychic Serpent ATK: 1,400

Number of facedowns: 2

"I end my turn!" Kai declared. "Now give me your best shot!"

"Right! It's my turn!" I said as I drew my card.

(Y/N)'s hand: 4 -> 5

I looked at my hand and thought about the current situation. None of the cards I have in my hand are strong enough to destroy Psychic Dragon Overlord... However, I should start small, and go for Psychic Serpent instead, and I know how, too.

"I summon Star Dragon to the field!" I said as I brought it out.

Star Dragon

Level 3

ATK: 1,000 DEF: 1,000

(Y/N)'s hand: 5 -> 4

"Next, I'll be overlaying my two level 3 dragons to build... the overlay network!"

My two dragons were overlayed, and an overlay network was created.

"I XYZ summon! Rank 3! Dark Dragon Blader!"

The xyz dragon appeared on my field.

Dark Dragon Blader

Rank 3

ATK: 2,000 DEF 1,000

Kai stared at my monster for a moment before commenting on it.

"Oh, so you do have an XYZ monster, huh?" He said.

"And now, I'll activate the trap card! Dragon Rush!" I said and activated the facedown I played at the start of the duel.

"This card increases the ATK of my dragon by 500 points."

Dark Dragon Blader ATK 2,000 -> 2,500

"Battle! Dark Dragon Blader! Attack Psychic Serpent!"

Dark Dragon Blader started charging towards Psychic Serpent, but Kai didn't seem worried though.

"I activate the trap card! Psychic Wall!" Kai said as he also activated one of his facedown from the start of the duel. "By sending a card from my hand to the GY, my Psychic Serpent can't be destroyed in battle."

Kai discarded the last card from his hand to save his monster.

Kai's hand: 1 -> 0

"Even so, you still take the damage!"

Kai's LP: 3,200 -> 2,100

"And next, I activate the second effect of my Dragon Rush trap card!" I declared. "Since the targeted monster dealt you damage, this card slams you another 500 points of damage!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now