Chapter 14 - The Final Match Part 1

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[Word count - 1,203]

Your POV

"And the winner of round 2 is... YUKO!!!" The announcer shouted.

People began to clap and cheer for Yuko as he won the duel. Now both teams has one win each, and my turn is next. If I win this duel, Blazier will win the school battle.

"Alright! Way to go, Yuko!" Kazuki said as Yuko walked over towards us.

"Pfft, that duel was easy." He said.

He wasn't wrong about that. That duel was a little too easy. After all, Ruri lost the duel on the third turn. I looked over at her with Shun and Yuto, and she seems pretty upset that she lost.

Ruri's POV

"I'm sorry, guys..." I said to my brother and Yuto. "I don't understand what went wrong."

"There's no need to beat yourself up over this." My brother said.

"He's right. Yuko was just the better duelist at the end of the day."

"Maybe so, but still..."

Tears fell from my eyes at Yuto walks over to hug me. I hugged him back and I cried on his shoulder. After crying for a while, I looked up at Yuto.

"It's ok, Ruri." He said.

"But Yuto-"

"Don't worry, because it's my turn next, and I am going to avenge you."

Your POV

I watch Yuto making his way to the battlefield, and I guess I gotta get out there and do the same. Right when I was about to get out there, Kazuki gave me some encouraging words.

"Hey bro, good luck out there!" Kazuki said.

"The whole school is counting on you, so don't let us down." Yuko said.

"Right! Leave it to me!"

I walked over to the battlefield to meet up with Yuto. Now we were both there, and Yuto had something to say before we start dueling.

"Looks like I finally get a chance to duel you, (Y/N)." Yuto smiled.

"Yeah, you as well." I said.

"When Ruri told me that you were able to defeat the national champion, I just had to see it for myself." He went on.

"I think I got lucky."

"Lucky, huh? Well, whether its luck or not, I look forward to seeing on our duel turns out." He said with a proud grin.

"Yeah, me too."

"Alright, everyone! This is it! The final battle of the School Battle is about to begin!"

The crowd got excited once again.

"Up until now, we've seen two fantastic duels, and now both teams have one win each, and begs the question on who is going to win this final match: (Y/N) or Yuto?"

"There's only one way to find out! And that's to let the final duel... begin!"


Yuto and I activated our duel disks and drew our five cards.

(Y/N)'s LP: 4,000

Yuto's LP: 4,000

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V: Wings of Fate [Kurosaki Ruri x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now