Chapter 38.

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After probably five minutes of a blank minded mess, I finally got out the car. I tucked the car keys in my pocket and walked in, of course the boys was asking why I took so long but I dismissed it. I took a seat alone, I had even lost my appetite. My stomach was in notches from his cold words, the way his eyes burned with anger.

I wanted for today to be over with already, all I wanted to do was take a hot shower and curl up with my pillow. As I sat there drown in my own thoughts someone slipped in the booth.

" You okay? You look a little pale" It was Rachel. I slowly began to shake my head when something caught my eye past her.

He stood there leaning against the counter, he gave a flirtatious smile and the brunette that he was talking to returned that same smile.My heart almost dropped from its cavity,I couldnt look at that anymore and there was no way I was gonna live in a house with that attitude.

“Ciara!” She clapped her hands in front of me to get my attention back.

“I'm fine,But I'm going to get some fresh air.”I took his keys out my pockets and handed them to her. “These are Kyles keys,give it to him for me.”

“Wait,why?Where are you going?”She shouted behind me,ignoring her and the looks from the other guys I damn near ran out of there.

“Ciara!” Someone shouted behind me.

Ignoring it and the feeling I was getting in the pit of my stomach I kept walking.

(Trevor P.O.V)

We watched her run out,as Javaughn went after her I could only look at Kyle,he looked as if nothing happened.I sighed,From her expression,Rachels blank one and Kyles I knew he had something to do with it.

Xavier was already at kyle before I could get up.

“What did you do?”Xavier asked,I was sitting next to the counter so from this spot I could hear them.

“Nothing,I was just talking to her.”He said nonchalantly pointing at the cashier,she looked confused.

“Was she his girlfriend or something?”The brunette asked,

“No,but lets just say they have a on and off thing.”Xavier answered.He told kyle to follow him as they sat at a table near by.Kyle told Xavier what he had said to her in the car.

I gritted my teeth,Monroes sure could be assholes,but Kyle was never part of that requirement.Tyler got up from across of me,but not to go to kyle to chase after Javaughn and Ciara.

“Trevor what's going on?”Rachel asked.

“Kyle told Ciara to do her,basically what I'm hearing over there is jealousy getting the better of him.Anyway Kyle swears he can read Ciara,but the truth is he can only see what everyone else already knew.You see Kyle wants Ciara,and Ciara wants both,or at least thats my guess.”

“No way,Ciara made it clear she won't date any of you.”Rachel protested while taking a seat.

“Exactly,When she made that clear she set her self up for failure.When have you known ciara to ever go back on her word,when she says she gonna do something she’s gonna do it.So her saying she will never backfired,She did fall for him,shes just not gonna admit it.”

“Trevor,you're on crack if you think that is even logical.”She rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out.

I shrugged my shoulders,I knew it didn't make a lot of sense but then again it did.I knew she wants Kyle,but Justin is still in the way.

(Ciara P.O.V)

I ended up walking two blocks down before they stopped me fully,they threw questions left and right.Could I blame them though?Every Time I ran I always ended up getting hurt,or when ever I disappear something bad always happens.

“Why must you be an athlete,Why can't you just be out of shape like normal teenage girls.”Javaughn sighed,I guess chasing me right now wasn't what he wanted to do.

“No one asked you to come out here.”I spat

“All right,pull the claws back in.What happend?”


“Nothing,leave it alone.”I shouted,thats when I noticed Tyler was steady coming up behind us.As he made it I let them know something,somtheing I wasnt gonna change my mind on.

“By the way me coming back to the house,thats a big Fat No.”

“What”They both shouted.

“You heard me,by the way can one of you take me home.I love you all dearly but me staying here any more is gonna make me pull my hair out.”I turned around,so I couldn't see there face.One thing Kyle said that was right was I am a open book,these boys read me easier than a picture book.

“Ciara what happened?A second ago you was all fine.”Tyler spoke more serious than before.He fixed his baseball cap and folded his arms.

“Like I said nothing.”

“Don't lie to us!”He shouted at me,I almost took a step back.What the hell is his problem now. “Ciara I dont know why you won't talk to us,we're here if you need us,but you always want to solve things on your own.You never ask for help,I mean come one we have lived together for a while.Talk to us.”

“I can't.”


“Was it any of us?Did we do something.”Javaughn intervened.

“No,not you two.”

“Then who?”Trevor asked.

That weird feeling in my stomach came back.I felt like throwing up,but I don't know why I felt like that.I've seen Kyle with other girls before,what did I care.I don't like him,I don't love him.I don't have those types of feeling for any of the boys,so why can't I deal with this?

They stared at me waiting for my answer.

I stared at them hoping to find one.

Was I okay?

Was I just making excuses this whole time.

Was I just trying not to fall for anyone?

I knew what the answer was,all this time i'd been trying to have my cake and eat it too.

“Look,It was no one.My head just isnt right,Kyle said something to me in the car and I kind of over reacted.My anxiety,thats why im not alright.Somethings get over thinked when they shouldnt.Lets just head back,sorry I made you all run out here.”I apologized,the whole axiety thing was bull,but I didn't want them to know that.

I was pissed at Kyle?Justin?Or myself?

A little of all three.

We walked back,me in the lead.I know they didn't fully believe what I just said.I knew they needed to get off my back at the moment.As much as my pride won't let me admit it,they are right.I would never ask for help,on my own is what Ive been doing since I can remember.My mom and dad was always working,as much as they tried to have time for me it wasnt that much.

Am I damaged?

Do I even deserve someone like Kyle?Or any of the boys trying to help me when I continue to brush them off.

I went back into the place and sat in the back,the cashiers eyes followed me while I tried to kill her by staring at her.Not successful but I know she got the message ‘don't come near any of them’. I sat down and Rachel stared at me,I was however looking past her,kyle was just eating.Not a care in the world.

After the second game we all went to the house,however we had unwanted guest.The boys shouted something about wanting to do a up all night movie night.I didn't care.They had gathered every soda,candy,chips,popcorn and lastly every little debbie cake they had in the house.

“Fatties tonight!”Rebecca cheerfully shouted in Javaughna lap.I smile,she was a mess.Kyle had been goofing with the boys,he even had the nerve to bring a girl back from the game.I wasn't gonna let that mess me up,I wanted to show him I would do me.

“What movie we watching?”Tyler shouted from the floor.I was on the couch,tyler was right next to my legs.Trevor was on my left,rebecca and Javaughn fit comfortably in the one seater while pen and rachel got the love seat.Like Tyler Michael and sam was on the floor laid out.

I'm not even gonna lie,I thought about calling Justin to get back at him for bringing some slut back.Then again I decided against it because Jason would end up in jail.

“Ciara you pick.”Xavier said just walking in with the last of the snacks,he wasn't staying long.He had to go back to his girlfriend soon.He handed me a bag of salt and vinegar chips.

“Definitely Takers,I'm sorry Rachel but that all star cast has nothing but sexy guys in it.”

“Not! There was nothing sexy about that jessy character.”

“Sorry little sister but you're smoking if you dont think thats he’s sexy.”

“Okay,there are still more men in this room,can we quite on who’s more sexy now.”Trevor blurted out obviously not wanting to here anymore girl talk. “Besides i'm more sexier than all five put together.”

We threw pillows at him for that one.

“Any way takers it is.”Xavier laughed putting the DvD in.

I waited for the movie to start,but then I heard giggling coming out from somewhere.I used my peripheral vision,It was Kyle and her.Why she was laughing I dont know,but he was surely whispering something in her ear.

“Tyler why are you on the floor?”I asked,game time.

“Cause I know you are gonna want to lay out,like the lazy bum you are.”

“This true,but still come get a seat.”I patted the chair.No one was really paying attention to me,they were all having there own conversations.

“Whatever floats you're boat.”He said getting up with his blanket.It was freezing in here so everyone had a blanket.Some however shared one.When I mean some one I meant all the couples and Kyle.

As Xavier said good bye,he turned out the lights.The movie just started and everyone was getting cozy.I couldnt help but look over to the right though.At them,they werent to much in the movie,though she seemed to be enjoying her self.

I turned back to the movie,it was maybe eleven when we started this movie.Now we were about thirty minutes in.Everyone was glued to the movie and snacks.I felt my phone vibrate.

‘You good?’ Rachel texted.


‘Ciara I love you and is looking out for you,but i'm pretty sure dumb and dumber arent watching the hottest guys ever’

I looked from the phone to her,she just looked over to where I'd been trying not to see.I stupidly followed where she was looking.Sure enough,even with barely any lights,they were more into seeing who can go down further someone throat than the movie.

‘Watch this.’ I texted back,what was I about to do.Something that could possibly piss off more than one person.Was I gonna hit her?No, thought about it though.

I laid on the twins,my feet on Tyler and my head on Trevors lap.No attention was payed to my adjustment.I had did this to them many times in the past,so they just adjusted with me,throwing the blanket fully covering me.I looked back at rachel,if she was my bestie that I knew she was she knew exactly what was gonna happen.I didn't mean to use them,but hey theres no rules after you play with my emotions.

I played at the end of trevors shirt,he looked down at me with a question on his face.I shrugged,he just moved my hands and went back to the movie.I did it again,this time my hands touched his skin.He jerked his stomach muscles,hadn't realized my hands may be cold.Though I was pretty sure it was he didn't expect it.His skin was smooth,this close I smelt his cologne,and his very well sculpted art that lay under his shirt was well toned.

I traced his abs,he just let me do it.

As for Tyler,I used my foot.Wasn't hard either.I just moved it up and down his lap,he fidget obviously my ‘footwork.’ was doing just what I needed it to.

I was second guessing this when I heard the lightest moan ever,I snapped my eyes in the direction I heard it from.Little bitch,Kyle was kissing her neck and I saw the blanket move,I just don't know what the hell was happening.I also didn't want to know.

I stopped all movement.I signalled Trevor to come closer to whisper in his ear.

“Meet me in the hallway.”I said,I got up.I stopped by Rachel before going out the room.

“I don't blame you.”She said just before I could say anything. “Just know,there may be repercussions to using the twins.”

“I know.” I smiled.I wasn't that naive of course there was,I just didn't give two shits about them at the moment. “In ten minutes,tell tyler to get you some candy.Make him go into trevor's room to his stash.”

“Roger.”She said.Penn for some reason was knocked out on rachel.

I left the room and hung out in the hallway.Just waiting for the first one to make my plan go in motin.As I heard the door open,I was ready to just be the ass that he was portraying me to be in the car.I knew this was a dangerous game,but he started it bringing her here.

I leaned on the wall and he stood in front of me.

“What was up with that in there?”He asked raising his eyebrow at me.

“Follow me.”I said,I walked and listened to him follow behind me.

I lead him to his room,I opened the door,he walked in,I closed the door.I stayed on the door,pressing my back against it.He watched me curiously.I pulled him into me,I laid my head into his chest.Inhaled once,then whatever fear I was feeling was leaving me.

With no warning I smashed my lips into his,he didn't object.He followed my lead.He moved his hands to the small of my back,I knew even if he didn't want me as a girlfriend,he still would do anything that involved being a little physical.

I went harder and deeper into our kiss,just like I had seen Kyle do.I tugged at the start of his shirt,this time he took it off.I smiled,this was gonna be the best.Revenge never tasted any sweeter.

Omg she updated!!! Its been a month where have you been lady! I know some of you might be thinking that lol but I had some problems Id been dealing with lately.I finally got the chance to update.Its been so long since I did,so sorry if this chapter seems everywhere and doesnt make sense.Everything will be cleared by next chapter,sorry it took so long to update.

p.s Next chapter is not for those not mature enough to read it,no its not full blown r scence, but close its a q scence close to it.I asked my bestfriend for help and we where playing around with this and next chpater so yeah thats where it lead. If you dont want to read it,the chapter after will have everything you need to contiue the story without getting confused.

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