Dedicated to:XLastChance for the awsome cover!!!! She has talent!
"CiCi wake up." I hard a little voice say to me with little hands tryning to tap me awake."Come on Ciara."
"I'm up what's is it." I said sitting up and wipping the crust out my eyes.i looked over and notice it was only 7:00 in the morning.
"Come with me." He said taking my hand and trying to pull me up.
"Alright I'm comming." I said standing up to put on some socks.
He lead me to the little hang out room and then turned the t.v on to what looked like sonic,Then sat down and patted on the couch signaling for me to sit next to him.I looked at him and sat down in tottal confusion.
"So is this why you brought me in here?" I asked still sleepy. He just nodded his head never looking away from the T.V. Tommy had better be lucky he was cute and little or things would of jumped off in here. I layed out on the couch and only saw about 6 minutes of the show before i was back asleep, Then some one else was tapping me but it wasnt little hands.
"Ciara wake up." A deep voice was saying.
"I am up." I said never looking up
"Sure you are." I finnaly realized it was Javuaghn who was trying to wake me.
I finally got up and streched, still never opening my eyes. I finally looked up at him and he was only in sweat pants like normal but these sweat pants had Monroe on the side of them.
"Whats with the sweats." I asked
"Moms brand since she designes not only for girls but boys to we all get freebies."
"Whatever why did you wake me"
"Cause mom had every one in the house looking for you .Do you know what time it is?"
"Not really."
"Its 12 o'clock."
"Didnt realize it was that late."
"What are doing in here any way i thought you crashed in you bed."
"I did till tommy came in like at 7 made me come in here just to watch cartoons then next thing i know i was sleep again."
He just busted out laughing for reasons i didnt know. All i know that i slept the morning away and that i was hungry.
"Whats so funny."
"That was tommys way of saying he likes you and accepts you as a member of a family.Really you should feel honored he only does that with either Micheal or Trevor."
"Aww so sweet but all i feel is hungry right now."
"Well lets go down stairs and well get you some food. "
I quickly jumped up and threw my hair in a messy bun with a hair tie i had on my wrist and straightend out my pink fuzzy short shorts and my white wife beater. We made our way down stairs and i jumped into a chair at the bar while javuaghn went to the intercom.
"Hey guys i found her she was just getting over a tommy initiation." He said laughing and walking back over to me. "So what do you wanna eat.?"
"You can cook?"
"Of course mom didnt raise no fool."
"Since im not compeletly convice you can cook why not just dice me some mixed fruit."
"Fruit it is." He said heading into the kitchen to grab the ingredients.
"So how was the intitiation." Tyler said making his way into the kitchen to grab a water bottle, with no shirt on. I swear these boys didnt own one shirt

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...