Its been a week since that day,I was released yesterday.I have been locked in my room ever since,the first thing I did when I got back was took a shower.It didn't matter how many times I did take one I still felt them on me,both of them.Every mark and Briuse that was on me reminded me,I just couldnt get it out my head.
I was still freaking out by the slightest touch,I've been having recurring dreams as well,it replays everything again and again.I felt like shit and from the way the mirror told it I looked the same as well.The hardest part was I was so uncomfortable being around the guys,the only ones that was even allowed in the room was Kelly,Connie and Tanya.Tommy was allowed in as well,he however didn't like seeing me like this.
“Ciara?”I heard call out,I turned around from the mirror and walked back into the room,it was Kelly with Tanya close behind.
“Yes.”I answered,I fixed the hoodie I had been wearing and sat on the bed.That's also something I been doing a habit of,Hoodies and sweatpants was all I wore.I didn't want my skin showing,I didn't want anyone to touch me.
“Sweety you haven't left this room all day,you know the boys are really worried.”She informed me while taking a set on my bed,Tanya grabbed the chair from over by the computer desk.
“I just really want to be left alone right now”I replied taking a pillow and hugging it to my body,even with them being in here I wanted them at a distance.I knew they wouldn't hurt me,but then again something was telling me to stay away.
“Ciara we understand and we also came in here to tell you that we believe that you really need to see a therapist,so they can help you.”Tanya intervened,I really didn't want to see some shrink.They would just ask me about what happened,they would make me more scared than I already am.
“No,I'm fine really,I just need time to think.”I gave them the best smile I could,Tanya nor Kelly was fooled.I had to convince them I was alright,I didn't want to go see no damn shrink.
“Obviously you arent,Since Kelly sat on the bed you moved your self further away.”She was watching me!What the hell!I wasn't even aware of me moving further.
“Oh really I didn't even notice,How about this i'll prove it to you.”I jumped off the bed and headed down stairs,I knew everyone was in the living room.
I walked down the stairs and as I hit the bottom of the staircase my heart started beating a bit fast,I walked to the living room and all eyes was on me.All I needed to do was hug and hold Tommy,He was the one I was easiest around.I walked around the couch where eyes were still steadily watching me,I sat down on the one seater.You couldn't tell but my heart was beyond beating wildly,I didn't know why but it was.
“Ciara?”Jason said,he looked at me a bit shocked.
“Sorry I was in the room so long,I just needed to sort things out for myself.”Again the fake smile appeared on my face,I was fidgeting with the strings of my hoodie and barely looked up.
“CiCi!”I heard a small little boy shout,before long he appeared in front of me.All I saw from the angle my head was at was his deep brown hair,I lifted my head up a bit more.His little blue eyes looked into mine,I shuddered a bit,that color.He raised his arms,he wanted to be picked up,I didn't object and picked him up and sat him in my lap.
“How are you feeling?”Vicks deep voice asked,
“Im fine”It was simple and didn't give off too much,well hopefully.
“Why is your head down?”He asked,what the hell!
“No reason”
“Raise your head then,You are a brown and they don't lower their head.”Vick ordered,what the hell was he trying to get at!

Living With The Monroe Boys
Novela JuvenilCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...