Finally the best part of the day lunch,I walked casually through the student filled hallways.I was Sorta in a daze there was just so much in one day,I was about to enter the courtyard when I was pulled away.I stumbled as I tried to regain my balance,the tight grip still on my wrist.I looked up and saw a very familiar face,It was Justin.
“What's with all the manhandling to today?”I jokingly asked while standing up straight,He leaned up against the lockers and I stood directly in front of him.
“So since you left me hanging in art class I think you owe me.”His tone was sexy and had that edge to it.
“Owe you?”I asked raising an eyebrow
“Yeah owe me,so I was thinking why not skip lunch here and come with me.”He suggested while folding his arms.He looked beyond cute in the schools uniform,he didn't wear the blazer nor the sweater and the tie was hanging lower than normal.He really did have that bad boy type look,I hesitated on his offer.
“I don’t know Justin.”I replied thinking about the boys and what would they suspect when they see im missing.
“Come on Ciara,you can't let them run your entire life.”He pleaded,
“Their not.”I defensively replied,
“Then you’ll come?”He asked,
“Just let me handle something right fast.”I responded when I saw Rachel walking down the hallway in the direction of us.
“Meet me by the office when your done.”He replied,he left in the same direction Rachel was coming.Apparently she hadn't seen us cause she was in shock when I pulled her the same way Justin did me.
“Damn CiCi you scared me.”She said with a slight laughter,she flung her blonde hair over her shoulder, “So what’s up you not coming to lunch?”
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“Which is?”
“Well Justin asked me to go off campus with him-”I was cut off.
“And you wanna go with but need a hand with the boys?”She asked,damn it was kinda scary how she was finishing my sentences today.
“Yeah and did any one tell you that finishing my sentences is starting to get creepy.”I Laughed.
“Look Ciara I don't condone you going with the him but you are my friend and you do come before the boys so I guess I can,I got the perfect cover up to.”I was so grateful that she was actually on my side.
“Its scary how fast your mind works Rachel.”I said,we turned in a direction away from the court yard and lazily walked down the hall way.
“I know but listen,I was skipping lunch any way to go see penn.I originally was gonna ask you to come,but since you're leaving campus any way I'll just tell them you're with me,Or if they call you can tell them.”
“Rachel you're a lifesaver!”I shouted while ambushing her with a hug,she wasn't ready cause we quickly fell unto the floor.It was a good thing no one was in the halway to see it.We got back up and straighted our selfs out,I headed near the main office and she headed towards the main enterance to the parking lot.
He waited like her said he would,he was posted up on the wall talking to a blonde hair girl.I quickly remembered who it was,It was trevors little girlfriend or what ever she was to him.I was about to turn around when Justin spotted me and called me over,I had no choice so I continued to walk near them.She gave me a very wicked smile before telling justin she had to leave,she started walking past and cut her eyes at me.
“What's her problem?”I asked as she left.
“I have no clue.”He shrugged.
“So where are we going?”I asked as we departed out the building.
“We my dear are going to where ever you want to eat lunch at.”
“Um let me see something I wanna eat?”I asked myself as we made our way to the parking lot,I followed him to a car car very similar to tylers car except his was all black.
He opened the door for me and I slid in,he went around to the other side to get in as well.
“So any Ideas?”He asked,starting the car up.
“Tacos,Definitely Tacos.”I replied buckling up
“What ever the lady wants.”He replied,he pulled out and soon we were on the road.Everything still looked unfamiliar to me things were still so new to me.My phone started to buz inside my bag,I retreved it and saw it was Kyle calling me.
“Hello?”I answered while putting my finger up to tell Justin to not say a word.
“Where are you?”He asked,I could hear everyone else in the background
“Im with Rachel we were going to meet penn for lunch.”I lied,telling the boy who loves me that Im with the boy he hates was not the smartest thing to do.
“Oh Well make sure you don't return late this school is big on detention and your gonna need to be home to get your orders for the party.”He informed,I told him I wouldn’t and hung up the phone.
“So Is your little boyfriend okay with you being out with the big bad wolf?”Justin asked being such a smart ass
“Wolf?More like teddy bear to me.”I replied,we shared a laugh then the car got quiet.I couldn’t help but look at him while he drove those soft eyes,that devilish grin and the smile he puts on could melt any one.I really couldn’t process how he was the one to hurt anyone.
We pulled up to a taco spot and I saw a familiar face there as well,I tried my hardest to avoid eye contact but looks like Justin set this up cause he walked directly towards him.
“Hey pierce.”Justin greeted walking up to him,I tried to stay quietly behind him
“Whats up man,I see you brought your little girlfriend.Hey Ciara.”He greeted me also making Justin blush at the same time.
“Hi Pierce.”I replied with a weak wave.
“So Mark should be joining us soon I believe.”Pierce replied.
“I’ll go order the food.”Justin stated,Justin soon disappeared inside while I was stuck outside with Pierce.This had to be the most akward Moment of my life
“So Pierce how you know we be here?”
“Justin texted me Im guessin while you two was in the car,He told me and I told Mark.”He replied sitting down at the table,He patted a seat next to him but I choose the one across from him.He raised an eyebrow but soon dropped it,there was a strange vibe about these two brothers.I couldn’t explain fully but something was weird.
Speak of the devil mark started walking up to us,It was weird those two hard the fiercest blue eyes I ever seen yet Justin had the soft chocolate brown eyes.He approached us with a smile,I smiled back weakly and Pierce just said hey.
“So where’s justin?”He asked sitting down.
“He’s getting the food,Im bout to go help him so sit here with the lovely Ciara and try to be civil.”He said getting up and going into the place,f*ck my life today because apparently the universe wasn’t agreeing with me today.
“Whats up enemy?”He asked
“Nothing much what about you asshole?”I replied,today wasn't the day to play with me
“Ouch,I don’t think you should call me that being that peirce still doesn't know about you yet.”He said in only the tone he could say.
“Are you Threatening me?”I asked
“Call it what you want but i’ll tell you this,If Pierce finds out this little Nice person he is now is over and you and justin would be history.You're lucky my sister isn't involved because there would be no way she would even stand for this so I suggest you be nice to me before someone gets her and you wouldn't want that now would you?”
“Listen here you don’t scare me and as for hurting someone I wish you would touch one of my boys.That my dear may lead to more than a threat,I will personally handle you ,got it.”
“You're in no position to make threats ciara,I hold all the cards and as for you handling me I look forward to it.”
“You little F*c-”I stopped when I saw justin and Pierce returning with the food and drinks,He smiled wickedly at me.I just rolled my eyes
“So what were you two kids talking about?”Piece asked handing out the drinks
“Nothing just getting to know each other better.”Mark replied,I swear this boy was asking to get slapped.
The rest of the lunch went smoothly except Mark kept staring at me with those sinful blue eyes,He made me want to jump across the table at him.This boy was someone I couldn’t ignore then again I couldn’t pay attention to.We hurried back to campus where we made it just on time so we wouldn’t be late,we sat in the parking lot talking till we heard the bell ring.
“Had fun?”He asked turning the car off.
“Yeah”I replied tiredly
“Something the matter?”He asked sensing my frustration on me.
“Nothing I had fun,but theres Rachel so I got to go.”I replied picking up my bag.
“Well can I at least get a kiss?”
I gave him a small peck on the lips,even with it being small and being frustrated it still had that spark to it which drew me to go deeper into this kiss.After a few seconds I stopped and pulled away,I was so confused.
“You keep teasing me you know.”He added before I stepped out the car,I blew him a kiss and tried to catch up with Rachel.
“Hey Ciara how was lunch?”She asked fixing her cloths and her make up
“It was alright,but looks like your lunch was a little more interesting.”I replied starring her up and down,Her hair was messy and her clothes were needing a good adjustment.
“I’ll give you the juiciness later alright but for now help me.”She pleaded,we made a quick stop into the schools bathroom.I sat her stuff in the sink and helped her with her cloths.
“So you were with the hottest junior and all you can say is alright?”She asked,I didn’t see how she manage to have her bra all twisted.
“Well it was cool until Justins little brother came it was bad enough pierce was there,wait I thought you didn’t agree now you're calling him hot?.”I replied as she went into the stall.
“Just cause I don't agree mean he’s any less hot and why what happened.”
“I swear Rachel that is the devil’s child cause he sure as hell has it out for me.”I replied leaning against the sink
“He’s just cautious about his brother,Don't pay it no mind.”She added before stepping out. ‘How do I look?”
“Better!”I responded,She just laughed
The rest of the day went by smoothly,I saw almost every kid walking around with a invite.The day was over and Rachel took me home since the boys still had practice,It became sort of a routine for us.We made a quick stop to see tommy but he was still in I.C.U and wouldn’t be taken out till tomorrow which meant I still couldn’t see him.We arrived back home and waited patiently for the boys to get home,It was the usual me,Michael and Rachel chilling in the hangout room.
“So CiCi I finally got the courage enough to ask this girl I been crushing on to go to the party.”He spoke up softly from the other couch.
“Michael I meant to talk to you about that.”I replied,I really didn’t want to break his new found courage.
“What about it?”
“Well I was in the hallway when I saw you give it to her and when they walked away Mindy was talking about how she only wanted to use you to get to trevor.”I replied as gently as I could to him.
“Are you serious?”He asked,he sighed then leaned back into the seat and through his hands over his eyes.
“Don't worry I know a girl who is interested in you and Looks way better than mindy.”I enthusiastically remarked
“Who?”He brighten up a bit at my words
“Im not telling you,But I did invite her to the party.”I replied,
“You're the worst you know that!”He yelled getting up to jump me,he tried his best to tickle the information out of me but I wouldn’t budge.
“Nice try but Im not telling.”I shouted as he continued to tickle me.
“We missing a party in here?”Tylers voice said as the boys came in.
“No Micheals just mad cause he has a blind date.”I replied sitting up
“With who?and When?”Trevor asked.
“At the party and I can't tell you.”I replied,
“Boo!”Everyone shouted,I just stuck my tongue out at them
“So ladies and gentlemen we have been gathered here today to give Ciara her theme that she will have to create without any Monroe help for the party this year.”Javaughn announced
“When you mean creat does that mean finding a place to have it at?”I asked
“Yes indeed after the party two years ago we aren't allowed to have it in the house.”Kyle replied
“What happened that year?”I asked.
“Nope can't tell you that my dear is cheating.”Javaughn intervene. “These are the rules to the Monroe yearly parties;One you cannot go to any monroe to help or learn about past events,Two:you only have one week and Three:No one on the blacklist is invited.Also we will give you V.I.P lists and those must be taken care of before any other guest and the band or artist must be the best.”
“Hold the hell on One week!”I shouted,they all nodded in confirmation. “How am I pose to do all that in one week and get a kick ass band or artist to play?!”
“Sorry can't answer any of those,the good news is you have a unlimited account so go crazy.”Javaughn added
“What asshole came up with these rules?”I asked then glared at Trevor.
“Not me it was Xavier actually.”Trevor replied
“But I still have practice!”I shouted hoping they go easy.
“And so did we when it was our turn you just have to manage,You are allowed though to have a few people help but you aren't allowed to ask about past events.”Javaughn stated
“I hate all of you.”I mumbled under my breath.
“We know and we love you too.”Michael said.
The boys soon all disappeared and I went upstairs to talk to,hopefully we was cool enough to talk about everything.I knocked on his door and as usual he was shirtless
“No I can't help with the party.”He said as I walked in.
“It’s not about that.”I replied sitting down on his bed.
“What’s this about?”He asked sensing the seriousness on my face.
“Well kyle came in my room the other night and kissed me then told me he loved me.”I responded kinda low but good enough to hear.
“Its about time”He sighed in relief
“Your not understanding me Javaughn I don't know if I feel that way about him”I revealed laying back on the bed.He joined me by laying the opposite way out heads meet but our bodies were in different directions.
“Oh I see Justin huh?”He replied,he saw right through me
“Kinda”I replied.
“Look Ciara Im not gonna act like I like that but it’s on you and I think you proved you can't be told what to do,but just know you can't trust them.I want you to be happy ,you're like my little sister but I don't think he is the best choice.”
“Javaughn I can't tell whether your deciding in kyle’s best interest or in mine.”I replied,
“Look Ciara its a little of both but you're free to make your own decision,Im here for you any time.”He said getting up
“Thanks Javaughn”I replied,I got up and gave him a hug,I loved him for being here for me.
“Your welcome CiCi,Now go plan for the party.”He said
I left his room and then Jason called every one down to the kitchen.
“What's going on Jason?”I asked being the last person down.
“Well as you know im going to need everyone to pack tonight cause we fly out to philly tomorrow for the funeral sunday.”Jason announced
“Wait what about tommy?”Michael asked
“He’s gonna still be in the hospital,we already planned it and they can't reschedule.Tommy really didn’t need to be there any way and naturally kelly is staying,Xavier will be going with us as well.”Jason replied.
I said nothing and stayed in the background,It was still kinda hard to cope with this and I managed to push this subject to the side.I don’t know when but I felt some tears roll down my cheek,I was soon engulfed in a hug by kelly who had walked up behind me.
“It’s gonna be alright,Im sorry I won't be there honey but I love you and you will get through this.”She said into my ear.
“Thanks kelly,and I love you to.”I replied,I just stayed in her arms.To be wrapped in a nurturing person’s arms like kelly sure made the pain ease.
The boys saw me and kellys embrace because soon their faces was emotionless even Jason,I couldn’t help but notice they always did this when they didn’t want to show any weakness.Me and kelly let go and I went up stairs and went into kyle’s room if he could do one thing it was to cheer me up,he soon came in was a bit shocked I was there.I was laying down when he walked in,Like it was second nature he laid down with me and secured me in his arms while I let the rest of the pain flow out in tears.I was soon off to sleep,crying my eyes out made them weariy and kyle promised he wasnt gonna let me go.
Aurthors Note:Hoped you enjoyed ^.^ I bet you all forgot that there was a funeral!I tried to make this long hoped I made didn't disapoint
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Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...