Chapter 10.

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I sat at my computer desk and just stared at the screen,I saw my @connect button light up but I was too afraid to see the reaction of the sudden message I delivered just 20 minutes ago.I turned my screen off,grabbed my phone and went over to my bed and sat down next to Rachel.

“So did he reply back?”She asked sitting up.

“Nope”I know lying was wrong but I really didn’t want her to know to much.

“Ok.”Was all she said,but the look in her eyes told a different story like she knew I wasn’t telling the truth.She didn't pressure too much on it though,she went back to playing on her phone.

“So when do I get to meet Mr.stranger.” I asked referring to her boyfriend.

“Soon.He doesn’t go to our school he goes to a public one.” She replied never looking up but going at it on her phone.

I said ok and we chilled in the room for another 30 minutes before my phone went off and it was trevor,He texted me to come his room. My thoughts went back and forth whether I should go or not,surprisingly I was still mad about this morning current events.I decided against it and stayed in my room,my phone after five minutes was vibrating like crazy and I ignored every single one knowing it was from trevor.

“You do know your phone is going off right?”Rachel acknowledge actually looking up from her phone.

“Yes and Im not going to answer it cause I know who Its from.” I know that avoiding him wasn’t going to work,especially since we lived in the same house.

“O well lets go get something to eat I'm starving.” She whined making me get up from my rather cozy spot.

“Lets go see what’s down stairs.” I got up and we made our way to the first floor,Rachel surprised me when she was able to lead down better than I was.Im guessing with Rebecca and javuaghn dating she must of been over here plenty of times.

We went into the kitchen and saw nothing was cooked,I can cook but wasn’t in the mood to especially since my mind was on some heavy thinking.As me and Rachel looked around to see what could be prepared micheal and kyle came from the back,micheal was carring a tray of-Already devoured-soup,while kyle had a thermometer and some benedryl.

“How’s little man doing?” I asked,I took a seat at the bar cause I couldn’t find nothing I wanted to actually cook.

“His fever came back so we gave him some soup and this benadryl and he was knocked out in no time.”He replied as he stood on the other side of the bar,michael was just washing dishes.

“Im glad he is okay.On a nothing issue what are we gonna eat?” Rachel was concerned but obviously her stomach was interfering.

“Well I can go and grab some tacos if anyone want’s some?” Kyle suggested and me and rachel was happily to accept,Even michael chirped in. “Ok.I'll be back in like fifteen.” He grabbed his keys from off the counter and bolted off.

“So ciara,how is the monroe charm problem?” Michael casually said while taking a orange fanta out the fridge.

“Its alright why?” I didn’t want to even think about this boy or his twin.

“Monroe charm problem?” Poor Rachel was so confused so I decided to shine some light on the situation.

“Since I’ve been here i've been kissed by two monroe boys and one constantly flirts with me.” It was crazy cause I never asked for all this frustration,back home I barely ever had a boyfriend cause of training.

“So which one you gonna choose.” She asked insinuating that I liked either of them.

“None.”I replied dryly,these boys were cute but;trevor had a off on girlfriend and was a complete ass,tyler was much like his brother an ass as well,kyle,well there was nothing wrong with kyle besides him having a big ego but then again what monroe boy didn’t?

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