“Ciara where have you been?”Kelly asked rushing up to hug me,I gave her a tight hug and we released.
“Sorry had to clear my head.”I simply replied back,guess I never thought about what it would not only to the boys but kelly and Jason as well.I looked around and all eyes were on me,I instantly felt uncomfortable.I couldn’t tell what anyone was thinking,I looked around to find a empty seat and opted for the window seal.Every one was in here including Rachel,Rebecca and penn
“Sweetie are you okay now?”Kelly asked sweetly checking out my bandage,my symptoms were almost gone accept the headache
“Im fine kelly,I told you just need time to clear my head.”I replied trying to calm her down
“You had us worried CiCi”Jason added
“I know,and I’m sorry.Jason you of all people gotta understand how hard it is to move from where you're not from.”I stated implying that he wasn’t originally from florida but my hometown philly
“I know how hard this is for you,but next time come to me or kelly.”He replied,truthfully besides him yelling at the five idiots he was a teddy bear.
“I will jason.”I assured him,everything went into silence after that
“So what's wrong with tommy?”I asked trying to break the silence.
“No one knows yet,doctor just left.”Xavier answered,he was sitting near the twins.Kelly and jason was on each side of tommy,kyle and javaughn was in the last seats with Rebecca on his lap.Penn and Rachel was posted up in a corner of the room.Again the room lapsed into silence,nothing was heard but tommys pulse from the machine.
“Okay from the results here.”The doctor started saying coming into the room. “Looks like little tommy here has a very bad case of pneumonia.”
“Has what?”Javaughn asked
“Its a chest infection.”The doctor answered. “Now this by my stats has been going untreated for a while now.”
“But how?I mean he was getting better but soon got back sick again.”Kyle asked,I swear these boys where his parents sometimes.It was actually cute.
“Well thats should've been the first sign to bring him in,That was a sign that he wasn't getting no better.Was he experiencing any breathing problems?”
“Yes a little wheezing.”Michael answered.
“Any paleness?”
“Yeah,when I checked on him it looked as if he was losing color.”I added
“We're going to have to keep him here for a week or two until he starts showing signs of progress.Pneumonia left untreated in a small child can be very difficult to treat at times”
“Thanks doctor.”Jason said shaking his hand.
“No problems and how is the head Ciara.”I hadn’t noticed before but he was the same doctor I saw when I hit my head.
“It’s okay headaches here and there but Im alright.”I answered
“Well good,I recommend tommy gets some rest we already started him on I.V’s for the night.”He added before leaving the room.
“Alright you heard the doctor me and kelly will stay here you boys and girls go back to the house.”Jason said
We all did what was told and headed out,I jumped in xaviers car since the other ones were full.Who’s bright Idea was it to only take three cars?Kyles car consisted of the trevor ,michael and javaughn.Rachels car had her her sister and penn,and tyler,me and xavier was the only ones in his car.We all got in and headed back to the house,me and xavier sat in silence.I notice there was a picture on his dashboard of some short black haired girl I never seen,

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...