Chapter 20.

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Authours Note:Normally I dont put these here but Please Read some people have told me this story is similar to other living with....Boys and I have to say that I contacted the person they kept comparing it to and talked this matter over with them. So please stop commenting it and Just Pm me about it.I have tried my best to make this unique one and Yes sometimes similat things wil happen but thats with majority of these Living with or Surviving.Thats all I have to say ejoy the Update ^.^

Its been two days since the funeral,I was trying to concentrate on the party but my mind drifted to all different topics.Michael was still a bit shaken but came to me to talk it out,Jason was even considering cancelling the party.Of course Xavier then stepped in and got that thought erased,I was now in the Hangout room with Rachel,Penn and Rebecca watching this movie.

“So.......”Rachel asked as Project X ended,I just stared at the screen thinking there was no way I can do this.

“How..In..The..Hell..Am..I..Pose..To..Do..That?!”I screamed the last part out,I really didn't know how this was gonna turn out.There was no way in hell I was gonna Mimic that movie and not got to jail in the end,I mean thats impossible.

“Well all I can say is that no one can get arrested,and that you can't burn the place down of have the swat team out.”Rebecca replied trying ot be helpful but wasn't really working,I sighed and threw a pillow over my head.

“Come on CiCi you only have three days, the party is Saturday and today's only Tuesday,plus you need to get started on it.”Rachel added,she was right but i'm extra sore from practice today,my trainer was kicking my ass all over that room.

“I'm too sore to start.”I whined but she wasn't going for it,she dragged me off the couch to where I hit the floor.I shouted in pain and got up,she was a persistent little devil.I had no choice but to get up,To be honest I didn't even know where I was gonna start.

“Your hopeless.”She remarked shaking her head and walking out the room,I turned and saw Penn and Rebecca was in agreement.

“Shut the hell up!”I barked,I was about to say something else when the first step slapped me in the face. Location!,I need to know where it was gonna be and more importantly how many are coming.I hurried off through the hallway and went to Trevors room first,He wasn't in there but his shower was running telling me he was in the shower.Since the door was open to the bathroom I just shouted what I needed.

“Trevor I need your list of who is coming,and your V.I.Ps.”I shouted and sat on the bed my back facing the bathroom door,I heard the shower turn off then the curtain to the shower pull back.

“You're sure now how to pop up at the best times.”He replied in his what he called ‘Seductive’ voice,I rolled my eyes and just kept my back towards him.

“Whatever where the list?”I asked again,temptation was a hell of a thing.I wasn't interested in him but he was still cute as hell and I was female,I tried my damndest not to turn around.I heard him go into his desk drawer then the bed shifted a bit.

“Here.”He replied, I turned around and of course he would only be in a towel still wet from the shower.I felt myself blush a bit,I snatched them out his hand and made my way towards the door.I made it out with still blushing a bit,I shook it off and then went to Javaughn room.

“Party list pick up.”I sang coming in the room,he was just sitting at the computer staring at the screen.He turned towards me and smiled,I smiled back and he went into the desk drawer and handed me the list.I grabbed them a then hurried off,but when I left the room I felt weird.The smile he just gave me wasn't normal nor was it sweet,just a little weird.

I made my rounds to all the other boys and went into my room where the three stooges was waiting,I sat in my desk chair and wheeled myself to the bed and layed the list down.My mouth almost came off my jaw when I saw that there was about five hundred kids minus the V.I.Ps,I smacked my forehead.Where in the hell was I pose to find a venue that would fit Seven hundred plus kids!.

“Wow bigger turnout than last year.”Penn commented,I glared at him.He looked at me and quickly shut up,Rachel just laughed she once told me in confidence that Penn was a bit frightened of me.At first it made me laugh,it still does except when he caught a glimsp of my practice and I saw it in his eyes.

“Anyway looks like we need a venue for about that many and I have no where to look,But thats what the great power of the internet is.”I replied,I grabbed my computer and the others went to borrow Michaels and Javaughn computers.

We all got comfortable and started searching for venues,and unfortunately all the venues that was there was all four hundred and less,I sighed seeing I wasn't coming up with the most useful results.After thirty minutes of this I gave up it wasn't worth the headache that was forming now,I sighed and put my laptop down.

“Giving up so soon?”Rachel asked,That sure was a dumb question seeing as though I closed the laptop.

“Duh!”I shouted,she just threw a pillow in my direction.There was no way we was gonna find a venue in the same area as us,I was about to give up when another inspiration struck.

“Forget a venue lets have it outside.”I shouted with such enthusiasm,first they looked at me like I just lost my mind and soon they were onboard.

“That could work,plus we could have it out at the cabins not too far from here.”Rebecca suggested,I was relieved I wasn't the only one alone on this,

“Well lets go check it out,it's only around five I believe.”I replied checking my watch at the time,we all got up and started throwing shoes on and hurrying out the door.Of course I was the last one,as I ran out the door I bumped into someone again falling on my ass.

“Ciara I swear you pay no attention to your surroundings.”Tyler commented extending his hand out,I rolled my eyes and then grabbed his hand.I hated bumping into him,it wasn't that we weren't cool its just was a little awkward.

“Thanks.”I replied standing up straight,I soon turned around and started walking down the hallway.I felt the eyes of him burn a hole into the back of my head,I heard a sigh as well.When I was about to turn around to say something I heard the door on my left creek open,when I stopped to look it was Javaughn and he didn't look too happy.

“Something the matter?”I asked,he just ignored me and kept walking away.I tried to grab him but he was walking quickly to get downstairs,left in confusion I just slowly walked down stairs.

What's with them?They're acting so weird.The only ones not acting weird is Trevor and Michael all the others minus Xavier are being weird.

I shook it from my mind and ran outside,I hopped in the car and within twenty minutes we arrived at our destination.I looked at the two cabins close to each other,I knew this place was gonna be perfect.

We got out and me and rachel went exploring while the others checked out the the front more,we walked to the back of the cabins and each one had a trail that lead to fire pit.Right behind that was the rather large forest behind it,I smiled this was gonna be perfect.

“Hey Rachel do you know what's going on with Javaughn?”I asked,If anyone would know it was her since her sister was dating him.

“Well him and Rebecca had a very heated disagreement,so they aren't too much talking at the moment.”She explained as we took a seat on the logs surrounding the pit,okay that explained one person acting weird now what was with the others?Wait since when did those to argue?

“Wait what was the argument about?”I questioned,that was rare when those two weren't all lovey dovey or being down right disgusting.

“Well apparently someone was flirting majorly while handing out the invites or so it seemed and so the other found out and then bam!They were mad at each other.”She replied still checking out the location,I shook my head.How many times did I tell Javaughn that he was a major flirt and to check himself,guess being in relationships really wasn't their thing.

“Well Im sure Javaughn was being friendly.”I defended,If I knew Javaughn like I believe I did then he wasn't doing it on purpose.I mean Javaughn had a big heart and is a very kind person,there was probably miscommunication.

“Why do you assume it Javaughn who got caught?”She asked with a surprised look on her face,I looked in confusion.Why would Rebecca do it I mean she was the one who was taming the flirt within Javaughn,right?

“I just assumed,Usually its one of the boys making ass of themselves not the girl.”I replied,I wasn't too much prepared to answer that question.

“Well it was Rebecca fault and now when they was arguing Javaughn was questioning whether she was truly there for him,which shocked the hell out of Rebecca.”She informed,it was sounding as if she was taking Javaughn side rather than her own sisters.

“Oh wow,well who was the guy she was flirting with?”

“Some senior in their class,when you date a monroe all the others boys see it as a challenge.It becomes a who can steal Mr.Populars girl,and then thats when drama happens.”

I said nothing else and just let it all soak in,soon we heard Penn and Rebecca walking to where we were.They told us that the number to rent the place ou was on the door and they got it for us,so we get to check this place out tomorrow after school.I replied okay and soon was hand to leave the beautiful landscape and head back to the house,this time they just dropped me off and went home.

“I'll call and we can get some more stuff worked out.”Rachel shouted as the car vanished from the drive through.

I waved and made my way into the house,surprisingly there wasn't anyone in sight.I knew Kelly and Jason was at the hospital,a car was missing so some one left.I walked upstairs and just went into my room,its been awhile since I ever heard the house quite.

Just when I thought it was quiet I walked in and there was kyle laying on my bed with his arm over his eyes,I swear he had some kinda attachment to this room because he always showed up in the weirdest times.

“And you're in here cause?”I asked taking a seat on the top of the bed,he just looked at me and said nothing. “You know when people ask questions you're allowed to answer them.”

“Why do you play such games with us?”He sighed then asked,I just looked at him like what the hell was he talking about.I dont play games and I never will,I don't believe in playing with people emotions and come to think of it hes the last one to talk.

“Kyle what are you talking about?”I asked,

“You can't be this Naive Ciara you know what Im talking about.”He replied sounding frustrated at me but keeping a very calm tone.

“I really have no clue Kyle and since Im no good at guessing games can you tell me”I asked folding my arms,I really didn't have patience for what ever he was doing.

“Pitting two people against each other and then not choosing who you would rather be with is very cruel don't you think?”He asked peeking from under his arm at me,I felt my cheeks go hot.Was he talking about Justin?Wait if he was how did he know I was still conversing with him?

“I did no such thing.”Was all I was able to say seeing as it was true,I didn't do anything.

“So me and Tyler just happened to be stressing over you for no reason then.”He responded back this time sitting up to face me,I sighed in a bit of relief I was for sure he was talking about justin.Since we got back I've been having lunch with him off campus while Rachel was my ally.

“Look I told you two individually what was going on and after the little blow ups I just really wanna focus on getting on better terms than a relationship.”I replied feeling a bit at ease,He just starred at me searching my face for something that didn't seem right and just when I think Im safe the universe has to disagree.

“But Thicklin must be on way better terms than us huh?”He shot back and this time I didn't think I had a response for it,I just stared at him as I saw in his eyes that was Checkmate.

“Again what are you talking about?”I asked,denying was about the only thing I could do at this point without revealing too many secrets.

“You really didn't think you could sneak off campus without anyone telling us?”He asked getting up and walking towards the door. “You know where I stand and i'll probably be there for a while,just don't trust him to much.”

With those words he was gone and within the next two minutes Javaughn appeared and looked rather confused,he plopped down where Kyle was and look at me as he saw my surprised face.How the hell?!

“What's up with you?”He asked,

“Apparently Im an open book in this house and can't do nothing without you all knowing.”I replied a bit irritated that he just put me on the spot like that.

“I could've told you that,but enough of the obvious I need help.”He said so casually like he knew,wait of course he did.

“Well I believe you and her need to sit down and talk to find out what exactly happened,and stop questioning if she is with you for you that happens to piss girls off.”

“How did you....Rachel?”He asked already answering his own question,I nodded and he just grunted.

“I don't do well in these types of environments can't you just do it for me?”I slapped him upside the head,I swear boys really didn't have a brain.

“This is something you gotta do retard.”I replied laughing because he was acting like such a big baby,

“Same for you Miss love square.”He shot back,I just glared at him.

“Shut up and its not a square its not even a shape.”I swear he was an ass,but a kind one.

“Well whatever you wanna call it,Kyle and Tyler are walking on eggshells with each other,and now that they know Thicklin is somewhat involved its been a very silent war.So id figure out who you wanted and soon,tension will only come out bad with them.”

“I know that Javuaghn.”I replied with a sigh,it was something that couldnt be helped.To be honest I liked Kyle and all but all I ever wanted to do was get to Know Justin better,ever since I saw him in art class.

“Look just make sure whatever you decide the after effects won't blow up in your face.”

I again was speechless and just layed my head on Javaughn stomach as he stretched out on the bed and me following me him,He was right I needed to make a choice and just stop kidding myself.I knew that soon it would come to this and it was time for Ciara to make a choice I thought was best,and I knew it would be....................

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