“CiCi” I heard a concerned voice call out to me,darkness was all I saw.
My eyes halfway opened to a dim light,I couldn’t make out who or where I was;every thing was just a blur.My eyes closed back and before I knew it I was unconcous,I saw these weird Images.My mom and dad was there and I looked like I was two years younger than I was now,At my first MMA fight.My mother stood there holding me in her arms cause I had just lost,my father talking to my coach about the defeat.She soothed me In any way a mother knew how,my mother was a beautiful lady;Same complexion as me ,latino and long lengthy hair as me.My father was also my same complexion maybe two shades darker,he was mixed black and white,his curls cut short.
I was balling my eyes out in my mothers arms,I thought I was ready to fight but from this lost I guess I wasn't.This memory wasn't my best but It was a moment where me and my parents really connected,they weren't always there but at some fights they were the biggest supporters.I watched as the memory kept playing then something started to change,my mom gave me a forceful shove and my dad soon joined her.
“Mom,Dad what are you doing?” I screamed,they Ignored my comment as If I never said anything.They kept walking away from me,my dad's arm draped around her walking away.I tried to follow after them but my feet wouldn’t move,I started to panic I wasn’t gonna let them leave me again.I tried to force myself to move but it was hopeless,I broke down and started to cry as they faded away into a distance.
“Why are you leaving me again.” I said In Between sobs,this couldn’t be happening again.
“CiCi” I heard a unfamiliar voice call out to me,I couldn’t see it but It was coming from the direction my parents left.It was weird because at the sound of the voice my legs was moving again,I started to walk again.I followed the voice but as I walked my surroundings started to change; the arena I had been figthing in was breaking apart,a light started to shine bright right in front of me as I walked.I didn’t know where It lead but I did manage to catch up to my parents,who had stopped and turned around.I picked up my past and started to run,just as fast as any track runner.
“Mom”They turned around opposite from me.
“Please Don’t leave me again.” They Started walking again.I was just about to touch my father's back when.........
My eyes flew open wildly,I looked around my vision still a bit fuzzy.I couldn’t see much but some white walls,My head was pounding something awful the most massive headache I’ve ever had.I couldn’t really move my body ached all over,this was the most pain I ever endured even after my most intense practices.I looked around and my vision started to come back even though the lights was killing me,It wasn't helping my headache much either.“Ciara can you hear me?”I didn’t know the voice as the face tried to come into focus.
“W-w-ho are you?” I stuttered my mouth apparently didn’t want to move,my whole body isn't cooperating with me right now.
“I am doctor mathews.” Doctor why in the hell was I in the doctors?
“Do you know where you are.” I looked around and my vision had finally returned not fully but good enough to see,a very concerned kelly and michael standing next to each other behind the doctor,a worried Rachel and Michael on the edge of their seats.
“No.Why am I here?” I was confused,I didn’t know how I had gotten here.
“You fell and hit your head.” The doctor explained.
I couldn’t remember one thing that happened,all I seemed to recall was me and Rachel in my room talking.I thought maybe I’d fallen asleep but from the stairs and doctor Mathews information I was seriously missing a huge piece of events.

Living With The Monroe Boys
Novela JuvenilCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...