As rebecca drove I just stared out the window with a blank expression on my face,I didn’t understand what was the big deal if I wanted to be friends with him or not?. I just continued to stare out the window wondering what was with them.We pulled up to the house no later than twenty minutes later we arrived at the house, I unlocked the door and was greeted by a snotty and sick tommy.
“Hi CiCi” He managed to put into words between sniffles.“Hey little man how are you doing?”I bended down to his level,I didn’t want to catch what he had.
“My fever is gone,but I still can’t breath through this.” He replied pointing to his nose which was red.
“Aw well feel better little man.” He turned and walked away back into the living room where i guess he been all day.Me,Rebecca and Rachel headed up to my room with Micheal right behind us.I went to my closet to change while the three of them basically took over my bed,I rolled my eyes and changed into blue short shorts and a white v-neck short sleeve.
“I hope you people are comfortable on my bed.” I said walking over to sit at my desk.
“Trust me we are.” Rachel responded while adjusting my pink,fuzzy pillow.
“So why do the guys want to talk to me for?”I didn’t have the patience to wait for them to get home.
“Sorry CiCi.The guys would kill us if we told you.”Rebecca answered closing her eyes.
I didn’t even respond,what the hell was the big secret I mean this just better be serious for no one to tell me.I swung around in my computer chair and attempted to do some homework I had gotten today.I did about three problems from geometry and gave up,my mind wasn’t focused to the work.I looked over and saw that Michael,Rebecca even rachel had fallen into a light sleep,I picked up my phone and went through my contacts to see who I could text.I tried bianca and waited ten minutes and no reply,frustrated I just put my headphones In and listened to Bruno Mars and layed my head on the desk.Before the fifth song on his album could play I felt my eyelids getting heavy and sure enough I was asleep In no time.
~Some Time Later~
I felt a strong hand on my back tapping me,my eyes slowly opened and focused on a room of people staring at me.I slid my hand back and forth across my eyes and saw all the monroe boys in my room,half of them shirtless as usual.
I looked around and saw the three that had fallen asleep on my bed wide awake,tyler and trevor were joined on the bed though shirtless.Kyle shirtless and javaughn actually had a shirt on for once and they were sitting on the little couch I had in the room and tommy was sitting in Rebecca’s lap,I looked over to my left to see who had been tapping my and It was Xavier!.He was leaned up against my desk ,I removed my headphones and stretched. I got to admit seeing Xavier here was a little shocking seeing that he was barely here.
“Glad to see you're finally awake.”Xavier said with a nonchalant attitude.
“Yeah,Yeah” I said yawning.
The whole room was quiet but there was intense stares everywhere,not one person in the room had a smile not even tommy.I felt the tips of my ears turn red from the tension in the room,Xavier exhaled and broke the silence in the room.
“So I heard you hang with Justin Thicklin.”He said folding his well sculpted arms.
“Technically I haven’t hung with him yet,we share a class together and he so happendly was nice to me.” I responded.
"Yet?”Kyle jumped into.
“Yeah.Yet.Is there a problem.” I replied looking his way.
“More than a problem a whole F*cking mess.”Javaughn bluntly said.

Living With The Monroe Boys
Roman pour AdolescentsCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...