Chapter 22-The Party

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You cast a spell on me(spell on me)You hit me like the sky fell on me(Fell on me),And I decided you look well on me(Well on me)So lets go somewhere no one else can see you and me.

The music blasted from the right side of the open space,everyone was moving to the beat of the song.Me and Rachel got so into it we found ourselfs dancing to it,this infectious beat was getting to everyone.I was so into the song that at the last verse I then remebered I was suppose to check on the grills,I stopped in the middle of dancing and manourved my way through the crowed area.I walked up to the first person on the gril,which was Xavier.

“Hey this is actually pretty decent,not better than my year but still pretty good.”He complimented while the flames illuminated behind him,I laughed and asked if he needed anything.With the sweat the he accumulated from being in front of the girl I could already tell it was something to drink,which is what he asked for.

I shook my head and headed for the pavillion on this side,I grabbed from the immense cooler three bottles of water.I figured that the others were thirsty as well,which I was right cause when I made the rounds each gulped it down like pro’s.

“Dang deep throat!You was thirsty wasnt you.”I shouted over the music to Javaughn,the comment had got me slightly splashed with the little water he had left.I laughed cause soon Rebecca was hitting him upside the head,they soon went into lovey dovey mode which made me leave.

I left the second pavillion who was playing We Are Young By Fun,I went back to try and find Michael.I hadn't seen him in a while and I was hoping that girl came,I was looking around and not looking in front of me when I bumped into someone.I looked up and it was Tyler,or at least I believe it was.

In the night it kinda was hard to tell the twins apart,Tyler had more serious features and when he looked at you it made you feel distant.Trevor however was cocky in every way and had softer features and was never shy to make a comment,which is why it was easier when they spoke.

“How do we keep bumping into each other?”I knew from the first word it was Tyler after that,seeming how I was always bumping into him for some reason.

“Don't know,Have you seen Michael?”I asked trying to overpower the music,he pointed me in the direction where I saw him sitting on the log with that little B*tch Mindy.I sighed then looked for Sam,she was leaning on one of the stands to the pavillion looking like she wasn't enjoying herself.

I walked over to her and a small smile appeared,I returned the smile and leaned against the beam with her.I looked out to the bonfire where he was at,surprisingly he didn't notice her constant eyes roaming when I could so easily.

“Why don't you go talk to him?”I asked studying them more,she just looked at me and blushed a bit.Michael was smarter than this,so why was he being so dumb?Powers of a pretty face and smile I guess.

I looked around and then found Trevor who was just Oh so casually slobbering down his little groupie,I rolled my eyes and proceeded towards them.I tapped him on the shoulder and he soon disconnected from her,she didn't look too happy about my sudden intrusion but she could kiss my ass for all I cared.

“What's up?”He asked looking a little too happy to see me,

“Michael is over there with a girl who simply is trying to get close to him to get to you,so being the big brother you are can you go over there and do something about it?”I asked,its good that they choose a spot where I didn't have to strain my voice.

“Oh most definitely no one plays a Monroe,you might wanna go over there and get a good seat at the magic thats about to happen.”He replied being the smart ass,then he strolled over to where they were.I looked at the blondie again and gave her a smirk,she just rolled her eyes and we soon went separate ways.

I posted up on the beam where Sam was,she was simply looking out to the crowd that was approximately half of the Five hundred teens that showed up,I focused my attention over back to where Trevor was walking.

He showed up and sent Michael walking my way for some reason,Trevor sat down near the girl and then glanced my way and winked.Cocky little bastard,I swear If I did like him it was only for a split second.Sam however saw him coming and left to the other side of the pavilion,poor girl she seemed so shy.

“What's up CiCi?Heard you wanted me.”He asked,I was confused for a second and then made something up.

“Yeah just wanted to know what you thought of the party?”I asked fumbling over my words,I never liked lying around Michael.

“The party Is great Ciara relax,no ones gonna forget this party.”He assured me,I glanced towards where Trevor was and then caught him making out with the chick!My jaw fell open a bit and Michael caught on to my stare,he looked the same way.He cursed which I never heard him do before,soon he was walking back down there.I followed him just in case he was gonna do something dumb,I swear Trevor was a Idiot.

“Mindy?”He asked,which cause her to release Trevor.

“Sorry what can I say some Monroe Boys got it and some don't.”She replied with no shame,I was just about to lunge at her until Michael did it for me.

“Thanks bro.”He said towards Trevor,Mindy just went confused.To be honest I did a little till I remembered what one of them said about respecting the code and they never betray on another.

“Your welcome Youngin,just pick them wiser next time.”Trevor replied standing up and throwing his arms behind his head,Midy still wasn't understanding.

“Trevor!What about us?”She asked in a pleading manor,Trevor just laughed.

“Sorry Hun,I dont date down and No one tries and play a Monroe boy.”He informed before walking away,I laughed and threw my arm around Micheal leading him away.

“You okay Michael?”I asked,seeing as his face went a bit sad.

“Yeah,plus it explains why she was looking around the whole time we was talking.”He replied with a slight laugh.

“Well forget her,I got a girl who would be perfect for you.”I said steady leading him towards sam,he seemed interested in what I had in mind.

Sam stood turned around with a soda in her hands,I had to admit sam wasn't as cute as mindy.On the other hand there was one thing I knew that would win Micheal over that Mindy didn't have,which was a kind heart just like micheal.

“Sam I'd like to introduce you to The nicest guy ever Michael,Now I gotta go so you two play nice.”I introduced in playful tone,I soon left and just sat at one of the benches under the pavillion.I looked out and saw the lights we hung around the pavilion was really pretty at night,they were icicle lights or at least thats what the box said.The lights inside was making everything dark but bright at the same time,like the Uv lights.Everyone was enjoying themselves and the turnout was huge,the stage was darkened cause the guest appearance wasn't here yet.

“Having fun?”Kyle asked sitting down next to me,I shook my head and continued to admire the work we did.

“I can't believe I pulled this off,well with the help of everyone but still.”I said mesmerized by the success.

“Yeah its pretty awesome,so next year you up for the same thing?”He asked bumping my shoulder with his,

“Hell no.”I shouted and he laughed,we sat there just watching until some girl came up to us or should I say Kyle.

“Kyle you wanna dance?”She was a tall model shaped type girl with long brown hair,she was very pretty,and those shorts and half tee she was wearing exposing her mid drift made her look pretty irresistible.He looked from her to me,and I just told him to go.He did as I said but didn't look too happy about it,but was okay enough to still get up.

I felt a small bit of jealousy,nothing major but just hoped he wouldn't enjoy it too much.I was soon alone,the pavillion on the right was more for people to eat and since the food was still cooking no one was over here.

“You look a bit lonely,and that's pretty weird cause you're at a party.”Tyler said sitting where Kyle had just gotten up,his polo cologne was intoxicating as ever tonight.

“Well what can I say I'm a bit tired,are you stalking me?You seem to find me to easy.”I asked jokingly,he just smiled.In some way talking to Tyler was uncomfterable seeing as we never spoke that often,but he was a nice person to be around,well when he isnt being dumb that is.

“No not stalking,we just happen to cross paths a lot.”He replied staring out into the sea of people,he was looking pretty good in his grey V-Neck,leather black jacket and some black fitted jeans.

“Well anyway so why haven't you been whisked away to dance yet,seems every girl here is after one of you boys tonight?”I asked,the cool night was perfect.I looked over at where I had left Sam and Michael and they were still there laughing like crazy,I looked over to where the pond was and every one that wanted to get wet was having a hella good time.

“Because Im waiting for this one girl to whisk me away to the dance floor,unfortunately for me she is a bit tired.”I laughed seeing how It didn't take a rocket science to know that he was talking about me.I stood up and took his hand,I tried to figure out which side was playing the best dancing song.It was the left how ever playing Ayy Ladies By Travis porter,I guided him to the dance floor and some how landed right next to Penn and Rachel.Me and Rachel put in work with these boys,it was too funny cause neither was expecting it.

The song soon ended and Rachel soon pulled me away with her,leaving both boys upset.We went over to the pond to feel the cool air coming off of it,this was much needed.

“So what's with you and Tyler?”She asked making sure she doesn't get splashed,

“Nothing we're just friends,its just he wanted to dance I was by myself so I said why not”I replied watching some of the football jocks throw girls into the pond,good thing we set the lights up cause they face plant she did was priceless.

“Anyways so who’s the guest and when do they perform?”She asked checking her phone for the time,it was ten and It was time for them to start already.

I told her now and me and her made our way to the stage which was surrounded by guards,we went past them to the tent that was set up.

“Are you ready?”I asked to our special guest,

“Yeah,I'm ready to go when you are.”They replied putting the finishing touches on what they were doing,Rachel mouth almost dropped when she saw the guest.

“Alright well im about to go announce you know.”I informed leaving the tent having to drag Rachel out with me to the stage,the Stage was lit and we walked on it.I handed Rachel a mic and grabbed on my self,when we walked up the crowd noticed and watched to see what we were doing.

“Cut the music.”I said into the mic which echoed out the speakers overpowering the two Dj’s,everyone gathered near the stage and the music was cut.

“Everyone liking our partay!”Rachel shouted into the mic and got a very enthusiastic scream back,we smile and she told me to take it away.

“Alright everyone what you been waiting for tonight's guest is none other than herself,Miss Nicki Minaj!.”I shouted and instantly the stage went dark again and the small lights at the front of the stage illuminated us,and then you heard the beat of Beez In The Trap.

“B*tches and shit and they ain't sayin nothing,a hundred Mother F*ckers can't tell me nothing I Beez In the trap.”She started saying coming up on stage,the whole crowd almost lost it.I smiled and me and Rachel left the stage so she could do her thing,I was glad she started with that song cause it was my favorite.

“Thats Nicki Minaj!”Rachel shouted into my ear,she was about to have a panic attack.I laughed because she was fangirling so hard right now,everyone was rapping along to her song.

“Damn this blows my year out the water.”Xavier replied standing next to me,scaring me a bit.

“I know,nice ain't it.”I smiled in triumph,this was the icing on the cake “Hey is the food done?”

“Been done since you and Rachel was near the lake,see take a look.”He pointed behind him,I turned my head around and saw that he was right.The first pavillion was with many people eating and enjoying the show,I turned back around and soon they had a little dance battle happening in the middle.

I watched as these talented boys was doing the damn thing,I felt my phone vibrate for a second in my pocket.I took it out and it was a text from justin,weird why was he texting me?

Justin:CiCi meet me out in the woods by the lake,I just really wanna see you.

Me:What you're here?How did you slip past the guard.

Justin:Because I'm slick like that you know me,anyway please come.

Me:Alright Only for a minute or two.

Justin:I know cause the Monroe boys are there.

I closed the message and walked away from the scene that was going on,I made my way to the lake when Kyle intercepted me.

“Never make me do that again,and where you going the partys over there.”He said pointing to where I was just at,

“I didn't make you do anything plus i’ll be right back I need to get some cool air.”I replied walking past him

“Want some company?”He offered,I rejected it and kept walking.I looked back to make sure he wasn't following,he wasn't since Trevor got to him to take him closer to see Nicki.

I walked down to the lake being careful not to mess up my Jordans,I looked around and didn't see him so I slipped into the forest area near the lake and looked around.

“Justin?”I called out,I heard some twigs crack behind me and then two pair of arms wrapped around my waist. “Thought you left me hanging for a minute there.”

“No Never that,wouldn't want the enemy to wait any longer for what they deserve.”The cold voice said,I realized the voice immediately and elbowed them in the stomach.

“What the hell where's Justin.”I shouted at him,he just tumbled over from the blow I just gave him.

“Sorry hun to trick you but Justin ain't coming.”I heard the most familiar and very sinister voice come up behind me,I turned around and those bluish grey eyes starring at me.His smile told me something was gonna happen,something I wouldn't like.

“Damn he just had to pick the fighter.”Mark complained standing back up while holding his stomach,he came closer and I tried to move but my arms were grabbed by Pierce.

“What the hell are you doing?”I shouted,this couldn't be the same boy I was just with earlier.

“Well seems you been hiding something from me Ciara,I didn't know you ran with the people that had me locked down for a year!”He replied barking at me with that last part.

“I don't know what youre talking about.”I replied struggling to get free from his grip,but soon I felt my hands getting tied behind my back by some rope.

“Don't play dumb,mark told me everything that Justin was bound to tell me sooner or later.Face it Miss Ciara you been played,Justin knew who you was and just wanted you to get revenge on those Monroes.”He replied pushing me to the ground,I felt my heart skip a beat I was terrified at this point.I started to scream and he bent down to my level and put his hands over my mouth,soon mark was at his side handing him a scarf,and he secured it around my mouth.

I felt my eyes start to water,that couldn't be true!How the hell did I end up in this situation?! I was knocked down more to the point I was laying on the ground,I looked up and saw Pierce straddling me.Then I felt my legs getting tied up ,I kicked with all my might to stop him.

“Stop moving.”Pierce shouted slapping me across my face,the pain was intense and I felt that whole side go hot.A tear escaped my eyes and they were loving it,Pierce soon got off of me.

“This is for punching me in the face.”Mark informed me before stomping on my stomach,the impact was enough to make me haeve as If I was about to throw up,while knocking the wind out of me.

I couldn't move with the restrictions of the rope,I was terrified.More so I was more scared about what they were gonna do to me,I felt more tears escape my eyes.

“Look she’s crying Pierce,what should we do?”He asked pretending to be concerned for my well being.

“Well we can't leave her here so lets take her where she can't interrupt the party with her crys.”Pierce suggested,my eyes widen when he spoke.I tried screaming through the scarf and moving wildly with my hands and legs tied.

“Sorry but seems Nicki is overpowering your screams for anyone to hear,told you that This wasn't the end.”Mark replied smiling over me,I just glared at him.

I didn't know what to do! I couldn't move to good and there was two of them even if I was free,while I was thinking what my next move was I was hoisted up and thrown over Pierces shoulder.I squired while he led me up,that came to a hand as soon as I felt something cold and metal put to my head.I looked at it was mark standing behind pierce,he was holding a gun and I just stopped moving after that.

They went through the woods and soon came unto the road after ten minutes of walking,it was a pickup type truck and I was thrown into the back like a piece of trash.I hit my head hard being thrown in there,I winced as I felt the pain.The two climbed into the back and the car started moving.I looked up into the sky seeing as this might be one fight I couldn't win,I saw the lights that illuminated the party was slowly fading.

How could he do this! I trusted Justin and I thought he was different! Guess I should've listen to what they been saying all this time,he’s a Thicklin and can't be trusted.

Mom!Dad! Please help me!

Kyle help me!

Xavier help me!

Javaughn help me!

Someone please help me!

Holy sh*t is what everyones thinking I bet,cause rereading this I damn sure was.Hope you enjoy and next chapter is something that will leave you breathless!

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