“No thats where the two Dj’s will be and they should be set up a half hour before the party,now go set that up over there.”I ordered to Javaughn,pointing to a empty area.
“But if this goes there where does the lights go?”He asked still holding the fireworks.
“The lights have been set up already,so just go handle that and then come back to me.”I replied,I looked at the clipboard it was three o’clock in the afternoon and we still had things to set up and stuff to prepare.Five hours didn't seem like enough at this point,all the monroe boys and Rachel,Penn and Rebecca and me took school off just to prepare.
Thursday was supposed to be the day to set up but at last minute the people in charge of the cabin said that it was already booked and they accidentally double booked us,which caused us to be searching the whole day after that.We finally came to this spot in the woods that was close to a lake and had two giant pavilions and a open spot enough room to build the strange and still have a bonfire,how this went with project X was beyond me but it was coming together if it had been thrown outside.
“Michael is the lights near the lake up?”I shouted to him,he gave me the thumbs up and started to test it.I checked it off on my list and then it hit me,no life gaurd.It was gonna be night but I wasnt gonna let some one drown here,especially since the only adult is Xavier and a couple of his friends.
“Damit,Rachel help please!”I shouted,she turned around from where we had called to have a quality size stage built for tonights guest.It was coming out good,except the wiring for the mics wasnt working to good.
“What's wrong boss?”She asked seeing me stressing a little too heavy,
“I know it will be night but I want a lifeguard at least there,or maybe we shouldn’t I don't know.”This was hurting my head and not mention I still had other stuff to take care of,I sighed and then started looking for my phone which wasn't on me.
“Chill Ciara,first Rebecca is way ahead of you she’s on the phone now making it final second you left your phone under the pavillion which I grabbed for you.”She replied taking me over to the first pavillion to sit down,I exhaled then inhaled,I was about to have a panic attack.
“Thanks,wait what about the the decorations are they here yet?”I asked looking around for Trevor who I put in charge of it,I couldn't see him anywhere.
“Calm down him and thing two went to get them,Now you have a arranged lunch date which I suggest you go to.Leave it up to the second boss in charge,plus I know you haven't eaten all day and we need you to be energized.”Her tone was more of a request it was a calm way of telling me to calm the hell down and go relax for a hour.
“Lunch date with who?And how can I leave! The stage isn't ready,which by the way Xavier was suppose to be confirming the guests coming.I still need to contact the people for the security guards and the food isnt even here yet,plus where the hell is the grills?!”I asked,this was going to be hell if it didn't come together before time.
“Ciara i'm gonna smack you if you don't breath,and to answer those questions Xavier texted you already saying everything's ago,the stage is coming together nicely since Kyle called out another party to help,and as food wise penn has left to get the grills and Rebecca is handling the food and stuff related to it.”Rachel got up went to the cooler we set up for the workers and us to refresh ourselves and grabbed a water and handed it to me, “And the lunch date is with Justin,he texted you and I said okay for you,girl since the first place we couldn't get you been freaking out.Now lets go get into my car and i'll take you to where you're pose to meet him,then i'll come and get you.”
“I don't know what about the-”I was cut off when she grabbed my hand and started dragging me to her car.She told them that I needed to handle last minute stuff then practically threw me in,I had no choice but to buckle up.
She drove me half a mile up the road,and then I saw the familiar car parked on the side of the road.I thanked her and told her to call me if anything went wrong,I got out and then walked over to the car.
“Hey Justin.”My regular alto turned into a soprano when I opened the door,then my cherry smile went into a form of a frown when I saw satan's child himself.
“Well I must be invisible today?”Mark said with a very weird grin on his face,I just sighed and closed the door to the car.
“Hello Mark,so Justin why are you babysitting the Devils kid today?”I asked,Mark just leaned back and laughed.
“Well he asked to come,seems you made a good impression on the Thicklins.Besides he was begging to come to the point where I had to let him”He replied backing up and then driving on the road.
“Any way so where are we going today?”I asked,Rachel was right I was hungry and seriously need some energy.
“Well since I don't want to take you to far were headed to cracker Barrel.”He replied sensing my need to just relax,
“Cool”My mind started to wonder back to the party,I wonder if all the lights will be enough.Maybe we needed more security? Shit what about the red ropes that we were suppose to get to rope off where outsiders couldn't get in and so the security will know where to post up,damn did I print out the invite list?
“Ciara!”Justin half way yelled,I snapped out of it and looked forward and saw we was there.What the hell that was a short drive,
“That was a short drive.”I commented before getting out the car,which mark was already out.
“Well it was ten minutes but you was staring off to space the whole time,now look you're with me now so take your mind off the party and focus on me please.”
“Well with those puppy eyes you're trying to pull off how could I say no.”I smiled and then wrapped my arms around his neck,he smiled back and then leaned in to kiss me.
“Ew please can you two not,were about to eat.”Pierce yelled from the other side of the parking lot,I released my arms and then watched as he walked over.His piercing eyes gave me a chill that ran up my spine,I looked at Justin who was just annoyed.
“Shut up,Anyway let's head in.”Justin replied grabbing me by the waist and heading inside,why was he here?
“Actually Justin give me your keys I left my cell in there.”I said patting my pockets,he handed me the keys and said that they would be a table.
“Alright Ill be in there in a sec.”I informed,I walked back to car and looked on the passenger side.It wasnt on the seat so I tried inbetween the passenger and driver chair,my hand soon swipped over my baby.I grabbed it and then backed out the car,I stood up and then felt someone directly behind me.
“Justin what are you doing?”I asked with a smile,I turned around and my face was soon filled with disgust as It was Mark.
“Sorry to disappoint even though I think I look better than him.”His tone was filled with nothing but devilish plans,I put my hand to him and tried to push him back.It didnt work out and he held my wrist hard,I stuggled a bit and soon he came so close I was back up directly on the car.
“Back the hell up.”I shouted,but he didn't listen he just grabbed my other wrist.
“Sorry can't do that,Not till I find out why Justin is so fixated on the enemy.”He replied,his eyes deeply looking into mine.
“Oh someone is using their big boy vocabulary today.”My snide remark did nothing but make his grip hardened and that devil smile to spread wider.
“So feisty today arent we,anyway so how about this you kiss me like you mean it and I'll let go.”He demanded,this boy must think he dumb if that was gonna happen.
“Not gonna happen now let go!”I shouted again,I tried using something my trainer taught me but he was too close and I wasn't trying to hurt myself in the process.
“Im not dumb would you honestly think that I'd let you have range enough to do any of your moves? Now Justin and Pierce are too deep in convo to even notice we're gone so now give me a kiss.”He leaned in without even waiting to hear a reply,I didn't have much time to think so I did something I consider a cheap shot.
I kneed him and he soon backed up holding his very sensitive area,to my surprise he could still stand straight up.He looked at me with fire in his eyes now,He charged at me but I quickly punched him in the face causing him to stagger back.I shook my hand seeing as though my fist connected slightly with his nose but definitely connected with his teeth,he soon stood up straight with his nose bleeding.
“What the F*ck is going on out here?”Pierce shouted seeing as the tension was heavy,him and Justin walked over to us.Both their eyes went wide when they saw I was holding my hand tight and Mark was bleeding through his nose,I was about to say something when Justin beat me to it.
“Mark what the hell did you do?!”Justins tone was almost deadly,he took my hand and inspected it as soon as he lifted a finger I drew my hand back.
“What did I do?! The little Bitch punched me in my face.”He shouted back without letting his nose go,
“After you held me down on the car then tried to kiss me you asshole.”I shouted back,I could tell hand has swole up.There was nothing broken just sore,I punched to many people in fights to be able to tell the difference.
“Mark car now!”Pierce shouted,Mark just looked surprised at his brothers tone and honestly so was I.
“This isn't over.”He replied,then did as he was told,fear struck me with his tone.I didn't know what he meant but I knew it was something bad,I just watched as he walked to Pierce's car.
“Im sorry for his actions Ciara and I'll deal with him when I get him home.”Pierce face went soft when he talked to me,I just nodded and then my phone started to go off.
“Hello?”I answered.
“Ciara there's a problem we need to be putting the meat on the grill in a hour but the food that was delivered didn't have any.”Rachel said into the phone,I could hear someone arguing with a man in the background.
“Shit! Alright come and get me where you dropped me off.”I whispered into the phone so they couldn't hear,I hung up the phone and turned back to the boys.
“Come on Ciara were leaving,Pierce handle him.”He added before walking to the driver side of the car.
“You know I will,anyway sorry again Ciara.”He replied,he walked off and I could see Mark in the passenger side giving me a smile that terrified me.I turned around and jumped into the car with Justin,the silence was awkward.
“Ciara Im so sorry that happened,I didn't know he would try you like that.”He apologized pulling out the parking lot,it's a shame we didn't get a chance to eat I was starving.
“Its alright I have to get back anyway there's a problem I have to take care of.”I said touching my hand,it hurted but nothing I couldn't handle.
“Well atleast let me get you some food,I know you're hungry.”He insisted,I agreed and not far was a pollo tropical where I ordered some food.Before I got out he went into the back seat and grabbed a first aid kit,why was that in the car?
“You be surprised how many times I hurt my self in practice,here's a Ace Wrap it should help a bit but I'd soak your hand in ice.”He said handing it to me,I took it and he helped me put it on.I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got out with my food in my hand,I walked and saw Rachel's car parked in the same spot.I hurried and got in her eyes widen with curiosity when she saw the wrap,
“Do I wanna know?”She asked while picking my hand up,
“Well I had to punch his little brother in the face for trying to step to me,I kneed him to but he took that like a champ so what else was I pose to do?
“Better have a good explanation for the boys when you get back cause they're all there now,the only problem is the meat.”Rachel explained as we soon pulled up to the area,my eyes almost popped out my head as I saw the area was better than I thought way better.
“Rachel how in the hell?”I asked,the place was a dream come true.
“Told you to let me handle it,I saw how stressed you was so I had asked Xavier to grab some extra hands to help.”She replied getting out the car,I smiled as I walked up.Even though the sun was setting everything was good,the security was just arriving the red ropes were set up and the decorations was finally up.
“Damn you all work fast.”I said walking up to what looked like worn out Monroes,
“Well without the guidance of you and the dictator there things may not have turned out this way,which I gotta say may be the best party we ever had.”Javaughn complimented,I smiled then I saw the eyes got to my wrapped hand.
“What happened to your hand?”Michael spoke up,
“When I heard about the food I punched the wall,guess this is more stressing than I thought.”I don't know when I learned to lie that fast but I was complaining about it,
“Damn maybe you need to sit down,”Trevor jokingly said,I just flicked him off with my good hand.
“Any way so what are we gonna do about meat?”I asked,
“Well there's that meat shop thirty minutes from here plus we could go and raid the supermarkets.”Tyler suggested,I thought about it and then thought there was no other way.
“Fine,wait who is gonna be grilling?”I asked forgetting that main detail.
“And thats what Im here for,and why Isaac is here.”I heard Alicia voice sound from the back, “We heard about the party and wanted to help,Isaac,Javaughn and Xavier will be on the grill but I spent almost all yesterday and today preparing the sides that Xavier said you would forget.Thanks to the monroes large kitchen and Rebecca over there we was able to prepare it all.”
“Thanks so much you guys are lifesavers,and Xavier you was right cause I did forget.”I hugged alicia and Isaac and soon I sent every boy off to go get the meat,The only one that stayed behind was Javaughn.
“Go and talk to her,trust me if you two are still mad during the party it will get more intense.”I informed as I sat and watched him stare at her while she and Rachel was checking out the now finished stage.
“I will,I just don't have the right words.”He responded,his eyes expressed how sad he was and it was hurting me to see him that way.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him up and pushed him in the direction that she was in,he accidentally bumped into her that made them fall.They started laughing,he helped her up and they took a walk down near the lake.
“Good work.”Rachel said popping up out of nowhere.
“Thanks and not so bad yourself.”I complimented looking at the finished work,the bonfire was being set up now and the food and drinks minus the meat was ready.The stage was set and the security was getting into place,I looked at my watch it was seven thirty and the party started in a hour and we all needed to shower and then come back.Since Alicia and Isaac was already ready they said they would stay,of course I made sure that the security took care of them.
We all hopped into the cars all the girls was at Rachel's house,all the boys said the meat was there and they was heading to the monroes house to change and get ready.Tonight I knew for sure was gonna be the night to remember,everything was gonna be perfect.Finally what we been waiting for PARTY TIME! Now you wont want to miss the next chapter cause it will be the party to remember!Next chapter will probally Tomorrow or the next day cause im excited about it.
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For all my vampire lovers I started a new book 'Their Secret To Keep' check it out,it will be worth it.

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...