Chapter 25.-New Info

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(Ciara P.O.V)

I just layed there half conscious,I was beaten so bad that I could barely stay awake.The tears however returned and I couldn't stop them,what was done was done.I felt numb,I wanted to let go and just die right there.I was tied up yet again but this time I was half naked the clothes I had been wearing to the party was over to my left,my shirt was torn,my pants however were intact.

The only thing I think I did feel was cold,the room was a bit freezing which made me shake.The two boys left the room about twenty minutes ago,I was just left there to practically die.I tried my hardest to look at the clock on the wall,all I could see with my blurry vision was twelve I guessed the next was between twenty and thirty.I couldnt too much focus on anything and I couldnt too much move without my sore body rebelling against me,If this wasn't hell then there wasn't a hell to begin with.

I felt violated beyond belief,I was scared to no return and I couldn't close my eyes without seeing everything play over.How I was a toy to them,how they just.....I just couldn't close my eyes without it scaring the hell outta me.Something as precious as that taken from me,that I didn't have the choice in it.I was bloody and bruised and scratched,everything that I learned in training was pointless at this point.I couldn't even move,I couldn't protect myself,I couldn't even yell.

I felt the person who was Ciara slowly slip away.....

(Rachel P.O.V)

I watched as they tried to tear the two monroe boys off of Thicklin,the two boys however weren't enough to take Justin down,they were able to get a few hits in.When they finally held them back I could see Justin was pissed,everyone was.

“What the hell Monroe!”He shouted and spitting out a little bit of blood,

“What did you do with Ciara!”Penn yelled,the other boys would of loved to argue with him but were preoccupied with keeping their brothers inline.

“What are you talking about?I haven't seen her since we went to lunch you dumbasses”He shouted back at Penn,he leaned against his car.

“Oh really?Well she went missing about a hour and a half ago,she was lured into the woods with a text from your phone.”Penn replied a bit calmer.

“I lost my phone assholes,see I had to get a new one.”He responded taking out his phone from his pocket,

“Well what about your brothers?”I asked jumping in,I however kept my calm.

“They arent even home,they went to my brother's place.”He informed us,that's when I definitely knew it was Mark and pierce.

“What about Stacy?”Penn asked,

“She is with them,now am I done here.”He asked getting ready to hop into his car.

“Wait!”Michael yelled getting out the car. “Justin if you don't mind,we need you to follow us to the empty parking lot thats not too close from here.”

“No way! I had enough of yall for the night.”

“I am suggesting you do,we were told to get you there with any means necessary.”Something about Michael's voice sent a chill through me,it was cold and unpleasant.

Justin looked around and figured he couldn't take everyone on,he agreed and to make sure Penn rode with him.I asked Isaac to drive I was still un eased,he agreed and soon everyone was heading off to the lot.

We arrived and waited for what seemed like hours but only was an hour,why was he taking so long to get here?Everyone was uncomfortable my watched showed that it was a half hour till one,this was taking far too long.

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