Chapter 27.Jason P.O.V

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Javaughn,Xavier and Michael had gone to the emergency room,everyone else was driving back to the hotel that Vick and his wife got.Since I wasn't sure if my boys was gonna try and strangle Justin he was riding with me,with Connie in the back seat with him.He hasn't spoken one word,nor did he try and resist,he just sat there with his head down.

We all we gathered in the hotel that wasn't far from the hospital,everyone was somewhere in the living room.Just was sitting on the couch getting stares that could kill,my boys were eagerly ready to pounce on him.

“What are we gonna do with him?”Deyshawn asked while taking a sip of his Corona,after a long day like this I needed something strong to drink to.

“You could put him in the room with me,Tyler and Kyle for five minutes”Trevor suggested his tone was just as cold as his stare at Justin,I just ignored the comment.

“Tanya did you locate his parents?”I asked,

“No,for some reason its like they disappeared,but we got more people checking for them.”She answered,

“Well that's unfortunate,now any suggestions?”

“Why don't we just keep him here till we find them,besides it will give us time to really talk to him.”Connie suggested,

“We could let him go.”I said,I glanced around and everyone thought I had lost my mind.

“Dad!Why would you even suggest that,I mean look where that's gotten us to!”Tyler yelled standing up,he was really worked up about this.

“Well technically he hasn't done anything wrong,he didn't even know what was going on around him.”Teyvon defended,he was the more sensible one.He rather think out the situation and bring everyone to reality,he doesn't let emotions get in the way.

“What do you mean hasn't done anything wrong!Ciara is unconscious and bloody,and Isaac was shot.”Kyle spoke up,I just leaned back and watched.I knew with them hyped up much wasn't gonna get done,

“No your wrong,its true that he held us gunpoint but that was under his brother orders.When Tyler and Trevor got beat up didn't you feel a way about that?Its no different here,he saw his siblings in trouble and acted upon so.”He started to explain, “Remember he didn't pull the trigger Pierce did,He didn't make Ciara Unconscious or rape her his siblings did.”

Teyvon was right,technically he hadent done anything he was just put in a bad situation.My sons however didn't see it that way,all they saw was a thicklin,one that hurt Ciara.I sighed,I looked over at Justin who was sitting with his head lowered,I couldnt even tell if he was listening or not.

“Still how do we know he might not try anything,he still a Thicklin and he is blood to the people in New York.”Deyshawn said,I could agree to that one,we didn't know what he was thinking.Would he want revenge?Would he come after one of my sons?What was gonna happen?

“I won't try anything...I never even wanted to be apart of this.”He finally was talking,he lifted his head so we could see his eyes.

“How do we know that?”Connie asked,

“Because If I do you can shoot me,kill me dead.”He replied a bit serious,his words and manner was a little surprising. “My sister and Brothers choose that path to take,I on the other hand have no intentions on joining them or my family from New York.”

“Well I can promise you I will with that shooting thing.”Connie replied,

“What do you want to do Justin?”I asked,something wanted me to hear this answer.If it isnt the one I know he will say,we can't trust him.

“I just want to go my own way,Im sad my brothers and sister are in this mess but I cant do anything about it.My parents might already know by now,and if they have spoken to them I can tell you Im no longer welcomed into the family,so I just wanna do me.”He replied,

“What will you do for money?Food?Shelter?”Connie asked,

“I have my own account no one in the family knows about,one thing about Thicklins we keep many secrets.Anywho it has more than enough money to get me by,plus I have connections so I would be set.”

“Well its decided he can be released,just one question will you stay here in this area?”Vick asked,he was still concerned about Ciara and itching to get to the hospital like I was.

“Well I would like to finish High school here,Im not really sure.”He replied this time skeptical about his own words,it would be hard for him to stay here.Plus trying to finish school at the same place as my sons,there is no telling what would happen.

“We can sort out the details later,lets head over to the hospital.”I ordered standing up, “Justin I suggest you stay here in this room,we need to talk with you more.”

“I understand,you have my word I won't leave.”He replied,there was something about this boy that I could somewhat trust.

“Don't worry Jason we got some workers who will keep eye,and will not hesitate to shoot.”Connie replied sinisterly,she was a very trigger happy person.

“Lets go”Vick said,we all got up but him and walked out the door.

We arrived at the hospital in ten minutes,from there we saw that the three boys was in the waiting room.Kelly was also there,pacing around,she was beyond worried and the boys were trying to calm her down.

“So what's the doctors saying?”I asked walking in,Kelly had stopped pacing around.

“She still isn't awake,she has broken ribs and they say a possible fracture to her skull.There doing X-Rays now,Jason what happened?They are running a rape kit on her,did it really go that far?”

I didn't have a answer,I didn't want to believe it mainly,He told me to make sure nothing happens to her and now this.The look she saw on my face confirmed her fears,she started breaking down.The moment I told her Ciara was coming she consider her a daughter and was glad to have her,I could only imagine this was tearing her apart.

The waiting part was excruciating,it was pure torture but no one could go in yet.Isaac even stuck around after he was stitched up,I told him to go back to the dorms and rest but he wanted to see if Ciara was gonna be okay.

“Jason Monroe?”Someone asked coming into the waiting room,I looked up and saw a lady.She had brown hair up in a bun,she wore glasses and had a grey business suit on.From her expression I could tell she was serious,that she means business.

“Thats me,what can I help you with?”I asked,she dug around with some papers in her hands and came up with some papers.

“My Name is Ms.Taylor,Well you see I been monitoring this little guardianship,so when Ciara was admitted I was soon modified.Ive meet with Ciara once,I’m her social worker,you don't know me cause the last man handling this case was transferred.The point is right now the courts see you unfit to handle Ciara,therefore tomorrow morning they will be deciding whether she will be allowed to continue living with you.”She Informed me adjusting her glasses,I looked at her and wasn't sure I understood.

“Hold on what happened tonight was a kidnapping what was I suppose to do I didn't see-”I was cut off by her,

“Well from what we gathered there was no parental guidance at the party tonight,Teens of all ages where there but no adults.”She added,before handing me some papers.

“I was there!”Xavier butted in

“Yes but you are only nineteen plus it isn't enough to host a entire party of a few hundred kids”She countered,no one could really say anything.
“So you're gonna try and snatch her from the people she feels is family from her?Hasn't she gone through enough in one lifetime!”Connie added,I knew everyone was growing with anger by the minute.This was something however I had to deal with,something I should've been more aware about.

“Look Im just doing my job,like I said the courts feel she is in danger if she continues living with you all.Now It’s well past midnight,I will be seeing You tomorrow or the day after.”With those last words she turned around and left out,I was still trying to process this.

“Dad she isn't taking Ciara away is she?”Michael asked full of concern.

“Don't worry I'll handle this.”I said trying to assure him,he wasn't buying it and to be honest I wasn't either.This lady is gonna try hard to take Ciara,thats the last thing I want.I ran my hand thover my head out of fustration,I didnt know how I was gonna deal with this.

“Jason well stay a couple weeks to help out,Ciara belongs here and they can't take her.”Tanya suggested,she was trying to calm Kelly down since she look like she was gonna freak out at any moment.

“What about upstate?”I asked,I knew they still had business to attend to.He paused and thought about it,after a few seconds he gave me a answer.

“Don't worry about that Jay,we will be in and out,the kids however will stay here.”Vick answered,there was time like these that made me glad I still had people like Vick and Tanya to rely on.

“Yeah Jason,we will help in any way we can.”Deyshawn added,I just nodded.I was about to speak when the doctor and two policemen from earlier came in with him,I stood up and so did everyone else.

“Hello,Hate to see everyone here again on this occasion.Well Ciara is still unconscious she took a pretty bad blow to the head,she needs a blood transfusion and on top of that were conducting the rape kit on her.That will take a few hours to get everything together,we gave her something to prevent pregnancy since there was penetration.”Dr.Matthews informs us with a very tired face,everyone paying close attention.

“Where is she now?”Javaughn asked

“She is getting her rib taped up,she has very abnormal breathing since she is in pain which we started her on medication for.She will be In ICU for the rest of the night,No one but parents are allowed to see her,but right now no one is allowed in.I suggest for everyone to go home and get some rest then follow up back here”He finished,he looked more upset that he had to deliver this news.

“Thanks so much Dr.Matthews.”I got up and shaked his hand,this man has been taking care of my family for years.

“No problem Jason”He replied then turned around and walked out,then there was the policemen that was left.

“May we help you gentlemen?”Tanya asked,

“Actually we are here just to get some follow up information that were missing,when the three was interrogated there was one more boy.Did he get away?Was he involved?”The cop with jet black short hair asked,

“No he didn't,that one had nothing to do with this.”I replied,

“Alright,well we will be talking with you and Vick soon.”He said and turned around to leave with his partner right behind him,

“Alright everyone we need some sleep,lets go back to the house.While come back tomorrow morning,everyone needs to be calm tomorrow.”Tanya said getting up,she was right if Ciara was awake tomorrow everyone needs to be calm,to show her nothing is wrong.

“She’s right,oh and by the way with everything I forgot to say that Tommy is being released tomorrow.I really however don't want him to know about this,but when he is awake all he talks about is Ciara.”Kelly said picking up her jacket and purse,everyone else was getting up to leave.

“We'll handle it tomorrow,Its been a long night.”I answered trying to keep things together,that was what I was suppose to do,make sure no one worries.

“And Thicklin?”Xavier asked helping Isaac up with Alica who had fallen asleep due to the pain in his arm,

“He’s at the hotel and guarded,he won't be leaving anytime soon.Vick will you and the kids be coming over?”I asked heading for the door,

“Yeah,You know I'd rather stay with family.”With those words we all were exiting,I had a calm face on but on the inside I was panicking.How am I pose to deal with all this and stay calm?I mean I been in bad situations before but this was something entirely different,all they asked was to keep her out of harms way.I couldn't even do that,and in the back of my mind I could see them taking her away from us.

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