Its been three months of changes, three long months of one person being an asshole and maybe even three longer months with a shrink.This may of been the longest three months of my life and as bad as everything use to look, well lets just say there was some new light shining into the window.
“You can get your ass out my way.” I said as calmly as I could, as calmly as I thought was possible, but this girl was definitely gonna get hit.
“And who are you to be telling me what to do?” She asked then sitting directly where I needed to be a book from. “ You can’t control me.”
“Thats true, but unless you want that pretty face to stay pretty I suggest you move out my way.”
With that final threat she lifted her no less than one hundred and fifteen pound ass up and out of my way.Grabbing the library book I headed back to my table where rachel, rebecca and a new friend we meet Kim Do-Hyun,we however call him by his american name when we get lazy which is Robert. He was from south Korea,he was born here then moved to korea from the ages six to twelve then moved back at thirteen. He is a new transfer and has even heard about me, and as I was getting adjusted back he stood up for me when everyone else had two cents to put in.Ever since then he’s been sticking with us, he’s very quiet at times, and most of the time he doesn't need to talk he has those glareful type eyes that at one glance makes you shut up or at least think twice. He was tall around five ten, blonde hair shaved at the sides and the rest crawling to the front and had a tattoo on his right shoulder, it was words he always had his shoulder conver so I never got to read it fully.
I had a very sly grin on my face as I sat down. At least she knew the consequences if she didn't get up.
“You two go at each other every chance you get, what's up?”Robert asked while lifting his head up from his language book,he was also practicing his pronunciation as soon as he thought of something.
I had enrolled back in school,We were in a public library since I didn't want to be home.Though coincidentally she had to be here,out of all places you would think this would be the last place she come. I hated her and since she was dating Kyle we have been at each others throats, though she talks all big won't dare to put a hand on me.She only acts like she will infront of kyle so he can jump in between, then we go at it.
“I dont like her, she is just unnecessary.What are you over there mumbling about anyway,don't you already know korean?”I asked taking a peek at the book, I couldn't tell what language it,all I knew is that is came from asia.
“One you two are fun to watch, second its mandarin, which is from china.Now please stop asking unnecessary questions.” He went back to his book and I just stared at him, I don't know what it was but he had a fire to him that I thought matched me perfectly. If I hadn't gotten along with him I think I may have cursed him out by now,he was a smart ass.
“Anyway, I don't understand why he’s with her. I mean he just better really like her for her face,cause she is definitely lacking a nice personality.”I scoffed, I opened the book I had gotten off the bookshelf. It was a young adult fiction novel, the series was called beautiful creatures. “Maybe I should get into another language.” I said throwing a pen at Robert, he was so focused on his book that when he looked up he didn't look so happy about the pen.
“Maybe you should, but don't interrupt me when I'm trying to learn mine.”He threw the pen right back which hit me in the chest and fell to the ground, as I went to pick it up he closed his book. “Great,I lost my will to study.”

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...