Sitting in the waiting room was pure hell,I couldn’t stand it I wanted to know how tommy was doing.I wasn’t the only one feeling like this,the nurses had to argue with each monroe boy after another.I sat and rested my head on kyle’s shoulder,everyone had settled down and was just playing the waiting game now.
I looked around to every face,Kelly was silently crying her eyes out into jason's shoulder.Jason was doing the only thing he could do and that was comfort his wife,Javuaghn was sitting near the twins.It was scary because I couldn’t read there face’s,each was like a stone.I looked up at kyle who was no diffrent,I couldn’t stand to see them all like this especially kelly.Her crying broke my heart and Im pretty sure the boys heart,this had to be the lowest point in tonight.
The door open to the waiting room and we was all hoping it was the doctor but it was the Xavier,he saw our disappointed faces and took a seat.
“So what’s going on?”He asked,
“Tommy stopped breathing and the doctors don’t know why.”Jason replied
“So did they get him breathing?”Xavier was full of concern,we all were
“We don’t know.”Jason responded
The minutes passed and passed and they still weren't calling us in,I couldn’t take it anymore.I got up and decided to walk to the vending machine,I asked if anyone wanted something.Kelly wanted a water,jason said he was fine.The boys on the other hand wanted something to drink and a small snack,Trevor like me couldn’t take it so he volunteered to go with me.I wanted to decline but I couldn't carry everything back on my own,he took his wallet out and started pressing in the codes to get the sweets and drinks.I looked at him while he did so,He looked like a sad puppy that you couldn’t help but comfort.
“It’s going to be okay.”I spoke up while he handed me some skittles and a sprite.
“Ciara Im really sorry about everything.”He said in a hushed tone.
“It’s alright,Im over it now.”I replied,I haven't really thought back to that day
“Well I just wanted to make sure me and you was cool.”He said getting the next item
“Were cool just keep your lips to yourself.”I replied taking the soda out his hands
“What about if you ask?”
“Only then are you allowed to kiss me.”I replied with a smile,Making things right between us felt good.We never got a chance to talk after he snapped.
“Well don’t worry that will be soon.”He winked at me while handing me some chips
“And there goes the trevor we all know and love.”I replied while laughing
“All day every day baby.”He was still a cocky ass boy.
We collected everyone's stuff and head back when we got back jason and kelly was missing.
“Where’s mom and Jason.”Trevor asked,I started passing the snacks out.
“They just left with the doctor.”Kyle explained.
We sat waiting another twenty minutes,playing the waiting game never was my thing.I constantly had to get up,I can't stay still for too long.We finally saw Kelly,Jason and a doctor start to walk towards us.Every one sprang to life,we all sat up and watched as they came down the hall.
“Well Tommy’s stable now.”The doctor informed us
“What happened?”Kelly asked.
“Well you see we weren't informed he was allergic to penicillin, the antibiotic we was giving him caused his airways to close.”He replied.
“We didn’t know he was allergic to penicillin either.”Jason added,
“Well he’s stable but is in I.C.U”He continued, “Only immediate family can go back there,and only three at a time.”
I assumed he was talking to me with that last comment,no one seemed to notice though
“Well take turns.”Jason said. “CiCi,Kelly and Michael why don't you three go first,I'll go with the twins and the older ones can go last.”
“I'm sorry Mr.Monroe but she can not go back there.”The Doctor stated.
“Why not?”He asked,Jason wasn’t the type to be told no to.
“She isn’t on the form as family,all we have is your sons and your wife.”He replied,
“She should be allowed back there!”Javaughn spoke up,his voice was demanding and a bit mad.
“Sorry she isnt allowed.”The doctor re-stated
“Ciara is much apart of this family as we are.”Trevor yelled,These boys sure had a short temper.
“Guys it’s okay,you all go back there I’ll stay here.”I said,they were stuck in my throat as I said them.I really didn’t wanna stay behind but this was tommy’s immediate family,Technically I really wasn't their family.
“Doctor is there any way you could allow her back there.”Kelly asked,She knew that tommy was my little buddy and I adored him.
“Sorry those are the rules.”He turned away and started walking off,A nurse came in to escort the first set of people.
“Go on guys I’ll be fine,just give tommy a kiss for me.”I manage to say
“Are you sure?”Jason asked.
“Yeah I’m sure.”With those last words,Jason,michael and kelly walked off with the nurse.I sat back in my chair and got comfortable,Looks like I wouldn't be going anywhere soon.The rest of the boys were waiting at the door for the nurse to return,I stretched out half way into the fetal position and watched the T.v that was above on the other screen.I finally felt the after affects from practice and my eyes started to get heavy,I looked at the time on the T.v is was only seven o’clock.Soon my eyesight got blurry and I was out like a light
“Ciara.”A voice called out to me while shaking my arm.
My eyes slowly opened to a tired looking Tyler,I stared at him and then sat up.As I sat up I felt a jacket fall off my shoulders,I caught it before it dropped then looked around.Everyone was back and stadning,I looked at the time on the T.V it was ten o’clock.I been sleep for three hours.
“Who's Tommy?”I asked groggily while stretching,
“He alright for now,he woke up half an hour ago and was asking for you.”Kelly assured
“When will he be out of I.C.U?”I asked
“Not till next week.”Kyle replied,
I got up and draped the jacket back around my arms,I didn’t know whose it was but this hospital was cold not to have it on.I walked in step with them and saw that kelly and jason went the other way,back into the ICU wing.
“There staying over night with tommy?”I asked as we all went out side
“Yeah.Mom wasn't leaving and dad wasn't going anywhere without her.”Michael answered,Me and him jumped into Kyle's car with Javaughn.The twins rode with xavier back to the house,we drove in silence not a word was said.
We arrived to the house,everyone got out.We walked into the house and we all were beat,I notice that michael was starring at me.
“What?”I asked
“That’s a large bruise.”He replied pointing at the very clear purplish looking mark,
“Damn.”I said,I walked into the kitchen and saw the dishes from earlier where there anymore “Where’s the dishes we left?”
“Maid cleaned it up.”Xavier answered coming into the kitchen along with the other boys.
“What maid?I never seen one.”
“You are so unobservant,but than again you rarely see christy.”Michael said
“That looks really bad.”Tyler said grabbing a water out the fridge.
“Always looks badder than it is.”
“Well put some Ice on it.”He replied,as he took a seat on the counter.
“Or a cold spoon.”Javaughn replied being a smart ass
“Shut the hell up.”I spat at him
Everyone laughed,It was good to hear them laugh to know there alright.Being at that hospital showed me that even blood couldn’t make these boys thicker,I rolled my eyes and went into a cabinet and grabbed some chips ahoys.
“Hey you sharing right?”Kyle asked,he sounded better
“Maybe.”I replied,I thought of a game that might put these boys in better spirits.I knew when it was family troubles nothing made someone feel better than a little distraction.
“Let me rephrase that you're going to share these cookies.”He ordered folding his arms,his defined muscles started to show.
“Right.”All the boys chimed in.
I started inching closer to the kitchens opening and said
“If you can catch me.”I took off,I hurried to the stairs and made a dash to xaviers old room.The first place they would look is my room.First I was skeptical whether they would follow me but I heard behind me massive footsteps so I picked up the pace and made it to xaviers old room,I locked the door and caught my breath.Running up three sets of long stairs was a work out by it self,I finally caught my breath and looked around.
His room was clean,and barely had any flavor like the other rooms it was bland.Then again he was at college,so I guess most of his personality in a room was there.The walls were a off white and the bed was king sized with grey sheets,his desk was on the other wall and the flat screen was posted above it.I put the cookies down on the bed and picked up a picture he had on the desk,It was him,Alica,Rebecca and the boys plus the parents,It looked like they were at a cookout.
“Nice picture right?”Xaviers voice said,as all the boys gathered in the room
“Damn how did you find me?Thought this be the last place you look.”
“You can't out run the track star in the family.”He replied giving dap to kyle
“He saw you just as you entered the room.”Tyler added.
“Kyle im gonna cut your legs off.”I said jokingly,I forget these boys were serious athletes.
We all chilled a little in the room,we stayed up late.Soon we all departed into separate rooms,kyle of course followed me into my room.
“I swear this should of been your room.”I said,plopping down on my bed
“Hush.”Was all he said taking a seat next to me.
I turned the T.v on so there would be some light in the room,I was into the show when felt his gaze on me.
“Why are you staring at me?”I asked
He didn’t respond but leaned in and kissed me,there was something about this kiss though.It was soft and had sadness to it but yet had a burning desire to it,I couldn’t pull away from kyle.He was feeling hurt cause of tommy and I didn’t want to be the next person to hurt him.He pulled away on his own after a few more seconds.
“Ciara I love you.”He said,looking deep into my eye’s
“Kyle I-”He cut me off by putting his finger on my mouth.
“You don't have to say it,Just get some sleep.”He got up and walked out the room,Soon I felt my phone buzzing.I picked it up without looking at the caller Id
“Hello?”I answered
“Hey sweet lady.”Justin’s voice filled through the phone.
“Hey.”I said in a weird demeanor.
“Something the matter?”He asked
“No.”I lied
“Well Im calling to wish you a goodnight.”He said
“Goodnight,see you tomorrow.”He said
“Yeah.”With that I hung up,I laid my phone down and then laid down my self.
I still felt his soft lips on mine,the sensation was wild.I guess Michael was right three monroe boys would come after me.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Authors Note:Sorry it took so long had some medical issues :(,that might explain why this chapter goes in many directions.All the support is great! you guys are the best
Please put meekers in a comment! I need LWTHMB fans to dedicate these chapters to!
Remember:Vote,Commet,Fan and whatever else you do!

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...