I was laughing so hard I could have peed myself,I straighten up and looked out to the sun set.The pink,orange and yellow colors swirled perfectly together,Im glad I came.I looked out into the waters that was crystal blue,I had to admit I never saw such a sight back in philly.
“Having a good time?”The person next to me asked.
“Im having a great time.”I was having the most fun I did in weeks
A phone started buzzing and when I grabbed mine I notice it wasn't mine but the boy next to me buzzing,he answered it.
“Who’s this?”He asked
“Oh it's the little groupie,and no she isn’t”He clicked instantly after that last line
“Who was that?”I asked
“No one.”He said calmly.
“If it’s no one than tell me.”I was beyond curious to find out who it was.
“It was one of the monroes groupies,penn I believe.”He finally answered.
“Oh.”I said,Guess they were still looking for me but I had no intentions of going back there for a few more hours,what was said to me could never be forgotten nor easily forgiven.
When justin picked me up from the park him and his brothers were going out on the yacht today,and by my luck I could tag along.They didn’t know however that I was connected with the monroes,I made sure justin left that part out.
“Hey love birds foods done.”Justins older brother pierce yelled out,I saw justin blush a bit and we followed to the inside.
I had to admit Mrs.Thicklin had taste cause the inside was beyond beautiful,I took a seat on the couch and justin went in further down to get our plates.I was looking around at the interior when justin’s youngest brother mark came and sat on the other side of me,he already had his plate.
“Enjoying the boat?”He asked,mark was cool but something about him creeped me out.He was cute,had brown shaggy type hair like justin but something about him just wasn’t right.
“Yeah,Its really beautiful on here.”I replied smiling,He smiled back and then we sat in silence.My phone started to buzz but I ignored It.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?”He asked raising his eyebrow
“No It’s no one important.”I simply said,this boy was really on my case.
Justin in time justin came back with our plates and went back to for our drinks,we got situated on the couch then he turned the T.V. on.He turned to a rerun of two men and a half,I absolutely loved that show the kid jake was too funny.We ate and was soon joined by justins older brother pierce,The food I had to admit was bangin;steak,mashed potatoes and green beans pierce knew how to throw down.
“So do y'all do this often?”I asked in between bites of my steak
“Yeah,whenever we need a break from reality we take old beauty here out.”Justin answered taking a sip of his soda.
“Well thanks for letting me come cause I certainly needed a break.”I turned my attention back to the show.
“So Ciara how do you know justin?”Pierce asked,pierce was cute as well he had the same type hair,bluish grey eyes and a tattoo on his top left arm.
“We have art class together.”I replied.
“Oh so justin is this your new girl?”I swear justin spitted out most of the sprite he was drinking when pierce asked that,I laughed
“Dude! really?”Was all he said
“What?I mean you never bring a girl around us,matter of fact never on the yacht.”Pierce said making justin blush harder
“Well I wonder why!.”I swear justin was so cute when he was embarrassed
“To answer your question peirce no we're not dating.”I replied still giggling
“Thank you thats all I asked I swear my brothers dramatic.”He said giving a devilish smile
Justin glared at pierce then we went back to watching two and a half men,after eating justin went to go help pierce clean up leaving me and mark alone again.I tried to keep my eyes glued onto the T.V. when I kept feeling eyes on me,I looked his way and he was starring dead at me.
“Is there a problem?”I asked annoyed that he kept starring at me,
“You know what there is.”He answered,I folded my arms and looked at him like he was crazy.
“And what would that be?”He was starting to piss me off a bit
“Listen just know I’m watching you since you’re with the monroes.”How the hell did he know that?
“I don't know what you're talking about.”I replied calmly
“Oh but I think you do,you see that bandage on your head tells me everything.”Mark was one arrogant little mother f*cker.
“I hit my head so what?”Playing it cool was a specialty that my parents taught me.
“You see justin told me he was visiting you in the hospital, now at the time I didn't realize you was with the monroes until that phone call I over heard justin on earlier.”He replied,
“Okay what's that got to do with me?”He was slowly putting the pieces together
“Now I know penn he hangs with the monroes now why would he call justin when we don't like him and vice versa,then I remembered where we picked you up from not far from their house.Also everyone's talking about their new housemate so airgo that’s you.”He added in a devilish tone,This boy had some nerve
“Okay so maybe I do stay with them but thats not any of your business.”I said remaining calm
“True but justin is and if anything happens to him you will get what the twins got.”He added “Oh and if pierce finds out your ass is grass.”
“Is that a threat cause I don’t take too kindly to them.”I replied standing up,I was sure ready to throw down my moves on him.
“Take it how you want it miss fighter just remember this whole family fights.”He replied getting up as well,The tension in the air was thick.My hands started to ball up and he smirked obviously amused at me,we was so close I could smell the orange sun kist he had,before I even thought about throwing a fist justin and pierce came back in.
“What's going on?”Pierce asked sensing the tension
“Nothing Ciara here was showing me a little move.”He replied never breaking the stare we had,I rolled my eyes and turned to justin.
“Can we go outside?”I didn’t want to be in the same place as mark
“Sure.”He grabbed my hand and lead me back to the deck,It was already dark.I checked my phone and it was already nine o’clock.Being downstairs surely made a difference and didn’t help they were doing a marathon on two and a half men.
The stars was shining tonight and were beautiful,I looked up at them and smiled nights like these were the best.Justin joined me on the rail and looked where I was looking.
“Beautiful aren't they?”He asked
“Yes.”I simply answered,I don't know why but my heart was picking up on pace.
He went behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist,My heart was beating wildly now.
“This okay?”I swear he was a gentlemen
“You’re good.”I said,good thing it was night cause I was smiling my ass off,We stayed like this for a good minute.He turned around so I was facing him,being so close to him was crazy.
“Ciara,I have a question?”I looked into his eyes and said shoot “Will you stop hangin with me because of them?”
“No.”How could I after what he’s done,
“Will you get to know me now?”
“I'll think about it.”I smiled
“So we got jokes okay,what would you say to me kissing you?”He was so cute to ask,usually the monroe boys just went for it.
“Id wouldn’t object.”With that he leaned in for a small peck,but I didn’t want just that I wanted more and he was alright with that.We stayed our mouths locked with each others for a minute occasionally stopping to catch our breaths,suddenly my phone went off;It was a text from micheal
Michael:Tommys in the hospital in critical conditions,please come home
I broke away shocked,tommy was just a little sick how that happened?
“Justin I need to get to the hospital now?”I said having a little panic attack that was my little buddy.
“Well be on shore in a half a hour why the rush?”
“I just need to go.”
We arrived on shore and I couldn’t get off that boat fast enough,I jumped into justins car and we left.When we got to the hospital he asked If I him wanted to stay and I told him no,he gave me one last peck and I entered the hospital.I approached the night nurse
“Tommy monroe please.”I asked
“Second floor room two ten are you family?”
“Yes.”I answered and left.
I got into the elevator,and pressed the two repeatedly.Why was this elevator so slow?I walked down the hallway and finally found room two ten when I entered all eyes landed on me.
“Is tommy okay?”Every monroe was in the room and all but tommy had their eyes on me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Autnors Note:I dont know why but I feel like this story isnt good,maybe its just me.Thanks for all the support you guys ahve been giving me ^.^
P.S pictures of mark and pierce soon
Next Chapter:CiCi returns
Next Update:See I have finals so it will have to be next week
Please check out my other stories though :D!!!!

Living With The Monroe Boys
Teen FictionCiara "CiCi" Brown she had everything from loving parents to the greatest friend she has ever had and not to mention a state championship for fighting under her belt,But thanks to a car crash killing her mom and dad she is stripped of her loving par...