Chapter 19.D The Funeral

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I was the first up which was unusual for me,I looked around and saw that Michael was still fast asleep.I glanced over at the clock it was only seven,the night mare I had kept repeating itself in pieces to the point where I couldn't take it any more.

I got out the bed and went into the bathroom,I looked in the mirror and sighed.The bags under my eyes told the story of my sleepless night,the dullness in my eyes told that I wasn't happy at all.I sighed and left the bathroom,I was about to go back into the room when I saw movement in the livingroom.

I peeked my head out and saw it was just xavier moving about,I walked out seeing as if I wasn't gonna get any more sleep than I had gotten.

“Morning.”I greeted sleepily plopping down on the couch,

“What are you doing up?And why do you look like hell?”He asked while in the mini kitchen doing something.

“Thanks, you look good too and I couldn’t go back to sleep.”I replied stretching out on the couch “What are you doing here?Thought you guys got a room?”

“We did,I'm just came over cause I left something in here.”He replied constantly picking things up and putting them down,me being me got up and posted up on the wall to see what he was looking for.

“What did you leave.”I sang being noisy,he just brushed my question off.I was just watching as he ran through the place looking for god knows what,It made me laugh i never saw him so discombobulated.

"Looking for this Bro?" I heard Trevor's voice as he appeared in the living room,all I saw before Xavier pounced on him to get it was a small bag.Im no idiot I knew it had to be weed,well hopefully.

"What's that?" I questioned folding my arms,last time I checked I never saw any Monroe boy do that.

"I know you're a little slow but I know you know what this is"He mocked,I just rolled my eyes,still an asshole.

"Especially since what your parents did for a living."Trevor intervene,the same moment he said it Xavier slapped him upside the head,I on the other hand was still stuck on what he just said.

"Excuse you?" I asked,he stood there looking dumbfounded.I glanced over at Xavier who was shaking his head, I asked again and only got silence,I didn't know what I was missing out on but I was sure as hell gonna find out.

“What the hell is that pose to mean?”I asked,there was nothing but silence.I got impatient and ran to the room where Tyler and Kyle was,I bust through the door and hopped on the bed.I started bouncing till I saw some kinda movement,I didn't know why I came in here but I did know what one Monroe boy knew the others did too.

“CiCi stop bouncing!.”Tyler yelled sitting up and finding that im the cause of his awakening,I ignored him and kept bouncing I knew there was one boy that hide nothing from me.I kept bouncing and he soon opened his eyes,and to my surprise he looked like shit,now that I notice so did Tyler.

“Why are you bouncing on the bed?”Kyle asked,I was still starring at how bad these two looked.The hell happened to them?

“Why do you two look like shit?”I asked,

“The same reason you do ,no sleep.”Tyler responded getting out the bed,I watched him leave and found Xavier and Trevor hovering around the door.

“Kyle you wouldn't lie to me right?”I asked staring deeply into his bloodshot eyes,He just stared back at me then over my shoulder,I grabbed his face in my hands and asked again.

“No why?”He replied a little unsure about what he just said no to

“Do you know what my parents did for a living?”I asked,His eyes flickered behind me and I quickly jerked his head back to face me.I wasn't playing anymore I wanted a answer and I wanted it now,I kept my eyes locked with his and he never answered.

“Good everyone is up,Everyone needs-”He stopped talking when he got to the room,I turned to face him.Jason was observing the situation trying to figure out what he just walked into,I let go of kyle's face and hurried off back to my room.

Michael was well awake now,I almost assaulted him when I walked in.He was able to avoid my attack and pin me down,his eyes filled with confusion and secrets.

“Why the hostility?”He asked keeping me pinned

“You know I can easily flip you over right?”I asked,

“Yeah but you wont.”He was right hurting Michael was something I'd never do the others one sure but never him

“What do you know about my parents?”I asked,I was hoping he tell me since Kyle wouldn't.I was hoping anyway,damn why was this such big ass secret anyways?

“I know only what you know.”He replied,I looked deeper into those deep sea blue colored eyes trying to get to the bottom of all this.I didnt find my answer because deep down I was searching for one that wasn't true,

“Alright get off of me now.”I replied,he got off and helped me up and to no surprise the others were waiting outside of the door.I went over and slammed it shut,they didn't say it but I already knew what the answer was seven if I didn't want to except it.

It was three hours later when we were all preparing to leave,I was dressed in a very simple black dress that had very thin straps and a bustier type at the top.The boys were all in many different shades of black which I never thought was possible,they look amazing none the less.I see that Kyle and Tyler looked better and that Tyler was dropping some eye drops while no one was looking.

I hadn't talked much after the questioning I put them through I was just quite,Jason was oblivious to the tension that was in the room.Once he was ready we all headed down to the car,we piled in and headed off the the cemetery.

Today couldn't be more of a cliche,The sky was a gray color and looked as if it was about to rain.I just watched out the window,I felt numb,couldn’t feel anything.We pulled up and We got out,I looked around and found to the left of me another funeral that had to be going on cause there was at least two dozen people.Of course I was wrong when I heard one of the call Jason's name,me and the boys were confused.

I never thought My parents worked with these many people,I looked around and all these people had one thing in common,they all looked expensive.Javaughn put his hand on my shoulder and we all walked to where Jason was talking to some man,The man looked at me and smiled.

“Ciara nice to meet you again.”His deep tone spoke,I was a little confused I never seen this man In my life.I conjured up a small smile,that was the hardest part because all of me didn't want to smile.

“Ciara this is Vick,He worked very close with your parents.”Jason Introduced,Vick was a medium height man,cocky and had a dark chocolate complexion.

“Really?What did you and my parents do.”I asked,He looked at Jason who had a stone face on.Vick was about to speak when a woman appeared before us,she was a tall,skinny girl.She reminded me more a model,her flawless skin and her lengthy legs.

“This must be Ciara.”She asked giving jason and Vick a hug,I looked at her and again I had no memory of this lady. “Im Tanya”

"Hello." I greeted,again my voice sounding very awkward.I couldn't believe how many people was here,that and how they all looked something out the 50 cent movie,get rich or die trying.

"I know this must be weird for you,especially with all these people."If I didn't know any better i'd say she just read my mind,this was an uncomfortable spot,every one knew me and I didn't know anyone.

“Kinda,I mean I didn't know my parents had this many friends.”I replied,My hand instinctively grabbed the locket they gave me.Even when they were gone I still felt that they were with me,

“Well you're parents were highly respected people in the game.”She didn’t notice she just answered my unasked question,the wheels in my head was spinning to click on what she just said.I was about to say something else when I notice everyone was gathering around to the coffins,the ceremony was about to start.

I Followed to the front of the crowd with the monroe boys surrounding me,Javaughn on my left and Michael was on my right.I sat down and was faced in front of the two photos,I smiled those two frames brought back so many memories.The two caskets were side by side,flowers surrounded them,and the preacher stood right behind them.

The preacher started speaking but to me I wasn't paying too much attention,my mind kept going through the past memories of being with them.I hadn't notice that a half hour had past through the ceremony seeing as though I was deep in thought,I didn't notice he called my name until Michael nudge me,snapping me out of my trance.

“Please Miss Ciara why don't you come up here and say a few words.”He stepped down and gestured for me to come up,I got up not prepared to talk.I walked in a daze to the podium,I looked out onto the crowd and was baffled when I notice that the crowd grew a bit.

“Um...I didnt prepare anything today,I didnt think I would be speaking.My parents where my greatest supporters in whatever I did,my mother was a loving women and a kindhearted one.My father was stubborn and was hard headed,I guess that where I always got my stuborness from.”That last line got a few chuckles out the crowd. “I don't know why they had to leave me so soon,I don't know why they had to leave me that night they were headed to New York.There are many questions unanswered and I may never know the answer,But one thing I know Is that I was never alone even when they passed.”

“I always have them with me,plus they left me in the hands of a very incredible family.I didn’t think my parents had friends but as I look unto the crowd I can that there are many people here who cherished their existence,I may not know your names but I can see that there was a lot of people who cared and that makes this a bit more special.”I took a paused and looked around,there were women crying and men trying to keep their stone faces,but on the inside was crying. “I guess that all I have to say today,I love you mom and dad hope you're in a better place,and every one that came out to-”I was interrupted by the rupture of blasting noises,I didn't take no chance and ducked down behind the podium.My mind raced when the loud noises continued,I heard the screams of everyone,I heard the same noises coming closer.

I was crouched behind the wooden podium,I looked straight ahead and saw the headstone not to far away shatter.So were a few others,I finally came to a conclusion that the noises I was hearing were bullets being sprayed.My heart raced,I was beyond scared I didn’t know what was going on,I didnt know what to do.I finally felt a hand touch my shoulder,I jumped at the touch and when I looked at there faces it was the man from earlier, it was Vick,I looked him up and down and he was alright but had what looked like a pistol.He extended his hand and I questioned where to take it,the look In his eyes told me it was alright to trust him.

I took his hand and we stood up,the lady from earlier was also by my side with a gun,and soon I was instantly surrounded by people with all types of guns.I looked out and tried to find the monroes,I saw that they were gathering into a car on the other side of the field with what I believed was Jason and Xavier was holding guns in large sizes,My eyes grew big when I notice they was using it like second nature,I also saw the bodies of those that were hit with the bullets.

The further I look the more I saw that there a large group with large guns spraying bullets into the air,they were shooting at us and the people gathered here for the funeral was shooting back.

The air smelled heavily of gunsmoke and a hint of blood covered it,A girl that was behind me who looked two years older,with a maroon colored ends than me grabbed my hand,she held what I guessed was a machine gun.I looked at her and her soft eyes told me it was alright,she was headed in the direction of the monroes with me when her father called out to her.

“No! Take her the other way,you won't make it that way!Well catch up later,take her to the safe house.”Vick shouted over the immense sound of the bullets,she nodded and we headed in the opposite direction of where the Monroes where,I saw a two boys that was about her age near a car using the large guns with ease.

We made our way over to them when a man jumped out of nowhere and aimed the gun straight at me!My heart could have stopped,he was ready to fire when the girl guiding me shoot one through his forehead.She grabbed my hand and we continued running to the car,One of the boys opened the door and the other went around to the other side in the driver side.The girl with the maroon ends made sure the coast was clear then we made a dash for the car,I hopped in and before she closed the door we were off.I was shaking uncontrollably and was in shock on what just happened,she notice my unease and spoke.

“Ciara I know you may not recognize me but my name is Connie,the two in front are my brothers Teyvon and Deshawn,Don't worry we'll get you to safety.”She introduced while they speed to get out the cemetery,this was something out of the gangster movies me and Briana always watched.

“Wait what about Jason and the others?”I asked,remembering they went a different way than we were,my head was spinning.

“Don't worry Jason knows how to handle himself much more than you know,and his son looked as if a prodigy of his father.”She replied,looking out the window.

“What happened?Why were they shooting at us?”I asked,she didn't answer the question but yelled for them to hurry up and get to where they were suppose to take me.Tears started escaping my eyes,fury and being frightened engulfed my whole body,after twenty minutes of insane driving we pulled up to this house.When I looked around I notice there were men posted up every where,everyone got out and I was told to stay.I sat and watched as they conversed with the men in front and soon I was told to get out.

I did as was told and followed them inside the house,The door shut behind me and they put the guns they had down on a glass table.The house wa a simple one story and was large though,the house was beautiful and decorated in only the best .Connie told me I could sit,I did on the couch and was still trying to process everything.She came back around with a first aid kit and examined me,I didn't have major injuries just some scratches.

“Okay Ciara Imma try and explain this,I know you have many questions.”She started saying. “Your parents were really respected as you could see,all those people you saw at the funeral was there most closest friends and use to be partners and workers.Your parents ran the drug game here in philly,we are the largest here.Your parents didn’t want you to know nothing of what they did thats why they kept this part secret from you,my dad Vick and Tanya my mom are my parents and was your parents right hand man's.Together they ruled pennsylvania drug game,until one day New York's drug lords wanted to come together to form one big union.So they said,your parents went to check out what they had to offer,but that car going off the bridge was no accident,it was a execution.”

My head was trying to put this information together and somehow it made sense in my mind,I couldn't believe what was being said and then again there was apart of me that knew.

“So when we found out we were going to come get you when Jason called us,he said that you were far away in florida.We decided against coming to get you after that,we knew in Jason's hands you would be alright.”

“Wait so if they were after my parents why did they show up at the funeral?”That part was rambling my brain,I mean my parents were dead.

“They were there to come finish the job which is you.”Teyvon answered coming into the living room. “You are the heir to the drug game here,What your parents had was gonna be past down to you which means power.”

“I don't want it!” I exclaimed,

“We know your parents had a special letter in some hidden things they had if they left this world early.They never wanted you mixed in this and to make sure you were protected they thought ahead,Plus is one reason why they started you in fighting so you could protect yourself.”He explained “That's why they left what they did in our parents hands,and they left Jason as a emergency contact.”

I was about to say something when I heard a groan type noise come out the kitchen,everyone jumped up and checked it out.I followed and saw the Deshawn was bleeding from his stomach,Connie quickly went back into the livingroom for the first aid kit and came back.Teyvon helped him removed his shirt,there was a nasty gash in the middle of his stomach.

“We need to take you to the hospital.”Connie said rumbling into the kit,Deshawn shouted no against it that it may give away were there at. “Well what are we pose to do your loosing to much blood.”

“I know what to do,Deshawn I need you to lay on the counter.”I order,they looked at me for a second and he did as was told. “Connie is there a need and thread and some peroxide in there?”

“Yeah here it is.”She handed me what I asked for,I went to deshan and studied the wound. “It only looks grazed no bullet hole.”

I poured the peroxide on it and he flinched a bit, I told him to just relax and it may sting a bit.Remembering what Alicia did to me I mimicked the movements she used and did a zig zag against his stomach,it came out better than I thought.I grabbed a gauze and wrapped it around wound,I told him not to move to fast or he could open it back up.

“Thanks Ciara.”He said thankful for my little knowledge on stitching,

“No problem,Least I could do for yall forgetting me out of there.”I replied,Deshawn was a dark chocolate complexion like his father,Connie reminded me of her mother while Teyvon was a mixture of both.

“Look Ciara they will come for you if you stay here that's why you need to leave philly and never come back.”Teyvon said,I don't know why but the voice sounded too familiar.

“Why do I sound like I know you?Well all of you?”I asked,know that I thought about it they seemed pretty familiar.

“Well we use to play with you all the time when we were little,But when we started expressing interest in the family business we were told to keep our distance.Out of respect for your parents wished we did as was told,thats why you might had slight memory of us.”Connie answered.

“Ciara?”A voice shouted throughout the house,It was jason!I walked out and saw the whole monroe group around him.I practically ran into Jason's arms,tears started to escape my eyes again but this time in joy that they were alright.

“I'm glad to see you guy are alright.”I replied releasing from him,I looked and each boy seemed alright,Michael though looked a little shaken but fine.

“Please Jason was the best of the best shooters we ever had and his boy Xavier seems to be just like him.”Vick added walking up behind him,he was alright blood splattered his suite a bit but he was alright.

“Wait use to?”I questioned,I don't know why but the area around me seem to lift a bit,I felt safe and secured around these people and the fact that they risked their lives to save me was forever etched into my heart.

“Well lets say those visits coming back were more than to see you.”He laughed,His boys looked just as puzzled as I did.

We all had a slight laugh then we all gathered into the living room,Deshawn was helped off the counter and seated in with us.His father asked what happened and found out that he was taken care of by me

“Well Im pretty sure my kids already explained the situation to you right?”Vick asked,I nodded. “Good,well all theres left to say that it's not too safe for you to be here right now,not until we take care of the hit thats out on you.That means you need to go back to florida,well keep in touch to make sure you're alright.If you need anything Which im sure you wont since your with jason call us,your apart of this family and welcomed once it's safe.”

“And don't worry we'll take care of the rest of the funeral.”Tanya added coming into the room,he dress that she had been wearing was torn at the ends.

“Alright and thanks you guys,I'm fortunate that my parents had great judge in characters.”I thanked as we got up to be escorted back to the Jet,me and the kids of vick exchanged phone numbers to stay in contact and we hugged each other goodbye and I told them to make sure Deshawn doesn't move too much the next couple of days.The way we spoke to each other it was if we had known each other forever,we left the house and entered into the vans.It was quite till some one spoke up,It just had to be smart ass Trevor.

“So you're the drug queen?”He asked jokingly, “And dad you were some sort of assassin cause those moves with the guns were awesome! And Xavier I never would've known.”

Everyone broke into a laughter,I was still shaken a bit and maybe a little scared from this experience by this but being around people who cared took those thoughts away.

“Well you can say that.”Jason answered, “But that was long ago and I participate in Legal activity now.”

“And Dad took me to the shooting range a lot so I knew how to handle a gun.”Xavier answered,

“As for drug Queen I don't think so,Im just Ciara the one still able to kick your ass if you say that again.”I replied making the car fill more with laughter,I looked over at Michael who was a little pale.

“Trevor enough I'll tell you guys all about my past another time,and Ciara Language.”Jason said in between laughs,I nodded and scooted over closer to Michael.

“You okay?”I asked,

“No,Kinda, I mean how are you guys all calm when there was just a big war?”He asked,I knew where he was coming from we weren't acting all serious and disturbed.

“Cause I know even though that went on I have people who care enough to protect me.Just like how Jason and Xavier Protected yall to get out of there.” I replied not understanding fully either. “Plus I wouldn't let nothing happen to you so no need to worry.”

He smiled and hugged me,I gave him a hug back and we all sat back and waited to get on the Jet,soon we were all off back to florida and right now thats were I wanted to be.Something in the back of my mind though told me that this wouldn’t be the last time I'd be back in philly,something disturbing told me that my parents legacy was gonna drag me back here one day.I didn't know when but I didn't want to think about it too much,I tried to focus on the bright future ahead of me but the thought just told me I'd be back.


Authors note:Hope this was long enough for you guys! Hoped you enjoyed!My hands better and Ill be udating frequently now,If you was woundering what happend I accidently sliced the middle of my hand.Im a clutsz I know this,but anyway I wanted to say

Holy ish this chapter was the shizz! It was exciting for me to write.

P.s pictures of the outfits people and guns coming soon

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