Chapter 3.

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The Monroe family and Ciara-------------------------------->

Dedicated to: Knightsrachel becuase she gave me some pointers on writers block,Which was handy since i didn't know what to do after the boys were introduced.


"Hey honey came to check up on you since you been up here for three hours." Kelly said coming through the door, I was just laid out against the king sized bed staring at the ceiling.

"Im fine just thinking." I said still looking up.

"I know you got a lot on your mind honey if you ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to find me okay?"

"Thanks kelly,I appreciate that."

" By the way theres a surprise for you when we all go to dinner."

“Can I get a hint?" I said laying up from the bed.

"No you may not,But I can tell you that it should cheer you up a bit." She assured with a smile and left.

I wonder what it was I liked surprises but i had no patience what so ever, I looked around the room and notice there was box in the corner. Weird I didn't notice it when I first came in here, I went over and opened it and it had my family's photo album some of my medals and a note it read.

Dear Ciara

I hoped that you never read this but if you are that means me and your mom are gone. Ciara we love you and want you to know even though were gone i know you in good hands. I put this in the will for only jason to find to give to you if something ever happened to us. Me and your mother dealt in some very dangerous things to pay the bills Jason promised in time he would tell you exactly what. We want you to continue in you fighting and make us proud there is a little something in this envelope so you can have us all the time.

From your mom & dad

Tears formed in my eyes and I looked in the envelope and there was a gold necklace with a charm in the shape of a heart, I opened it and it was a picture of them on one side and then us on the other. I smiled and put it on. I looked at the clock and it was only six I had a hour before dinner,I got up and walked out my room and was staring down at the necklace that I accidently walked into someone.

"Watch where the hell you're going." The person yelled at me harshly

"Im sorry" I said and then tried to go around him

"Wait who are you?" He asked rudely

"Im Ciara and all that rudeness you can take right out your voice." I replied walking away,He ran up behind me grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Girl do you know who house your in?." He was staring me dead in the eyes,He had dark brown eyes that weren't friendly.

"Boy I know if you don't let go of me we gonna have a issue." I warned snatching my arm away

"Xavier why you man handling our new house mate." Javaughn said coming down the hallway

"New housemate?" Xavier asked confused

"If you would come when mom asked you would've known that ciara here is gonna be staying with us from now on." He said stepping in between our little squabble,I looked at xavier he was was brown skin a couple shades darker that jason and he had black hair then I looked at javaughn he and xavier were the same height even though xavier was a little more cockyer than javuaghn

"I don't care,she just better watch who she talking to." He said then left to go into Tylers room

"Jerk." Was all I said then started walking to go down stairs.

"Don't mind him he is always a dick,So what you think of the house." Javaughn said falling into step with me.

"Its massively huge and i feel like i'ma get lost." I said walking to the stairs

"So where are you headed?"

"I don't know I thought I see what's poppin with the second floor."

"Mind if I tag along."

"Its your house." I said as I walked down the stairs

"Technically its both our houses."

"Okay since it is can you manage to put a shirt on once in awhile." I noticed he still hadn't put one on

"See im allergic to cotton so I don't put it on." He jokingly said

"Sure you are." I responded sarcastically.

We made it to the first floor and i turned to the left and found there was a mini library room, which javaughn said thats where they usually go to study or do projects. The was a room but had a do not disturb sign, He said it was michael's photo/art room and that when he is in there he doesn't normally like to be distrub. Then there was a room but said don't come in adjustments being made. We went on the left side and there was a room where you could chill and play any type of system you wanted, thats where kyle and tommy were. The other rooms were a home movie theater and two where guest rooms.

"Lets go to dinner mom likes it seven sharp and you don't wanna be the one thats late."

I agreed and we went down stairs into the big dinning room, he was right because everyone was already down there. Javaughn took his seat and I sat in between trevor and kyle,

"Okay Xavier since you was late you say grace." Jason said bowing his head

"Okay.Hey god thanks for the food and thanks for this water and for this plate..." He was cut off by kelly

"I swear why do we even bother with you any more." Kelly said obviously annoyed by her son."Michael please say grace"

"Come lord jesus and be our guest let thy give to us be blessed ,amen." Michael recited

"Thank you nice and simple." Kelly said passing the mashed potatoes around.

There was like a ten minute silence with people just passing the food around and eating food. My mom always told me when theres nothing but silence then the food is that good and she was right cause this food was all that and then some.

"So CiCi i have a surprise for you." Mr.Monroe spoke up,breaking the silence and causing everyone to look my way.

"Um okay." I said not liking the spotlight on me

"I know that your father and mother would still like you to compete so I redid the second floor 3 room on the left so you could continue training, plus got you a trainer to keep your skills sharp." He said with a smile

"Wow thanks Mr.Monroe thats very kind of you." I said with a smile, My fighting was the only thing I could do to keep me sane right now.

"Wait practice for what." Tyler said looking up from his plate

"Well CiCi here is a Mixed Martial Arts fighter so it be wise for you boys to stay on her good side." Jason warned while scooping some food on his fork,this was good.

I heard a bunch of them burst out laughing, including Xavier leading them in it. It was normal for boys to think a girl couldn't fight so I didn't stress it I just went back to eating then javaughn said something

"Are you really a fighter cause you're only five feet tall."

"First of all im 5'2 and yes I am a fighter, state champ in philly so watch your mouth."I shot back with more attitude than was originally intended

"Oo she feisty too." Trevor commented

"Yall just mad cause she might be able to beat y'all" Tommy said

"See I knew there was one Monroe boy I liked." I said giving him a smile

"Whatever you still can't beat me." Trevor said,Then there were a whole bunch of rights going around even the quite one michael.

"Fine after dinner suit up and i'll just show you." I had the whole table hype over it.

"Fine after dinner,I'll just beat you in your new practice area" He said getting serious that I just called him out.

So after dinner I want up to my room and searched for my practice outfit which was a black sports bra with CiCI on it and black and grey shorts with CiCi on them as well then i searched for my MMA freestyle gloves which were black and grey as well then I made my way to the second floor. I stepped in to the area which the floors were covered with pads there was a punching bag in one corner while weights were in the other.After Five minutes I got bored and started to throw combos on the punching bag.

"Did we miss anything yet?" Xavier said walking into the room with kyle and Michael.

"Naw he hasn't showed up yet." I informed still punching the bag only half to my abilities

"So you expect to beat trevor with those weak punches. "Xavier snickered, I just ignored him.

"Xavier leave the girl alone." I heard Mr.Monroe say walking in with everyone else but Trevor.

"Where is the boy any way." kelly said

"Probably hiding from me." I said waiting around

"In your dreams sweety." Trevor said walking into the room.

He took off his jacket and had on ball shorts and no shirt,Then looked me up and down and gave a little phss

Mr.Monroe stepped in between us and said.

"Okay you two I want a clean fight no hitting below the waist and when the other person says mercy the fights over."

"Get ready to cry mercy." He said laughing,I just threw my set up and he did as well then I heard a ding noise like a bell and trevor went at it. He tried to throw a punch to my face but I blocked him and counted to his stomach. He hauled over and gripped his stomach i just started walking around him

"Come on trevor that weak behind punch." Xavier said.

He then straightened up and threw his set up again,I decided that he was no competition he then threw another punch this time i grabbed his arm flipped him over my back and he fell onto his back I then grabbed his arm twisted my legs around it and pulled. Didn't take him long to cry mercy.

"Damn she one tough cookie but that couldn't of been me." Javaughn said laughing

"Well looks like we don't have to worry bout her she can handle herself." Tyler said shaking his head.

Trevor got up threw his hoodie back on and then left the room,I just rolled my eyes I couldn't stand a sore loser.

After Ten minutes of talking and me going to change cloths Me,kyle,javaughn,tyler and tommy went to the game room and played the xbox connect. I was just chilling on the couch when kyle came and sat next to me and said.

"If I was you i'd watch your back trevor doesn't take too kindly to losing."

"I can handle myself but thanks for the heads up. "

"O after tonight I think we all know you can handle yourself im just saying watch it."

"Roger. So kyle tell me a little bit more about you since I only know that you're on track."

"Well im kinda into math i know nerdy but i love that class, I wanna run track in college im single.." I cut him off then.

"Omg you're single I would think you would of had a girl."

"If you hadn't notice most of us are single monroe boys have bad luck in finding girlfriends the only ones not single is xavier and I believe Javaughn."

"So the rest are single there must be something wrong with you guys."

"No its just that when we get a girl and then we bring them home without even any one turning on the monroe charm they start flirting with our brothers and we can't have that."

"It's true thats how I recently got single." Tyler said

"Boy thats cause your an insane flirt like your twin."

"This is true but I really tried that time." He said

" Whatever so what about you javaughn how things goin with you."

"Since im not a little boy like my brothers I know when to flirt and when not to,plus I don't go for sketchy girls like these idiots do I like mine down to earth while they pick the cutest person but the easiest one they can hit and run.They don't know how to sit and have a meaningful relationship."

"Bullshit what about lindsey. "Kyle said

"And taylor." Tyler said

"And lets not forget tiesha." kyle said finishing

"What about that other girl with the tattoo keisha." Tomm said,I was surprised he understood what we were talking about

"Okay its time for little kids to go to sleep now." Javaughn said throwing tommy over his shoulder and carrying him out.

"NO no NO no I wanna stay with ciara." He said trying to fight his way out.

"Wow your brothers body count has to be high." I said shaking my head

" Well what can I say girls do anything for the monroe boys."Tyler said

"Well you don't have to worry bout this girl."I said

"You never know we can be very charming at times." Kyle said winking at me

I just rolled my eyes , we stayed up till Twelve and then I decided to go to bed I was tired and it had been a long day. I was happy i just survived my first night with these boys.


haha trevor got beat

These boys are must be like sex gods or something

Next Chapter: The next day

Next Update:soon

Special word: Charm



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