chapter 39

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TW// implications of abuse and r@pe

at 9:30 pm, sandy and cate were on their way to the hollywood hills home of anne hathaway, a bottle of wine sitting on cates lap in the passenger seat and sandy in the drivers seat with both hands on the wheel, both of them singing softly to a lumineers song.

anne only lived fifteen minutes from sandy, and sandy had assured her two children that her and cate would be back by midnight at the latest.

neither of the two women wanted to stay that late anyways, knowing that they had a full day of work tomorrow, although they doubted that would deter some of their costars (cough cough, paulson).

sandy only wished that she could use her children as an excuse to have to be home early.

sandy had given the kids some strict instructions to be in bed by 10:30, not to have any more sugar, not to have anyone over and not to answer the door to strangers, and to call her or care immediately if anything we're to happen, or if it was a dire emergency - jen or reese.

she had also texted jen and reese to let them know the kids were home alone for the night, just so they could keep an eye out if anything weird were to happen in the neighborhood.

and she texted milo, the twins driver and the closest thing they had to a nanny, and paid him to be on duty should they need anything.

okay maybe she was going a bit overboard, but she was absolutely terrified of anything happening to them, and she hadn't spent the night without them since they arrived at her house.

although this was only half the night - not even,  more like three hours - sandy was still on edge.

soon she and cate pulled up to a large and extravagant and extremely modern home - very anne.

sandy parked her mercedes along the other cars in the long winding driveway, and she and cate walked up to the door.

cate could hear laughing and music coming from inside the house, a warm yellow light emitting through the curtains of the houses floor to ceiling windows.

she knocked on the door, which was opened seconds later by anne herself.

"ladies! it's about time, come in, please, make yourselves at home." anne held the door open, ushering them in.

"everyone is in the living room, and all the wine is there too. here, i'll get you two some glasses, just go get a seat!"

anne lead sandy and cate through a large hallway to the spacious living room with windows that looked out right across the gorgeous city, which cate always found more beautiful when all lit up at night.

they were met with cheers from the group of women in the room, which consisted of the cast minus helena.

anne's living room had two couches facing opposite each other, with two love seats that completed the rectangle of seating surrounding a large glass coffee table.

nora and rihanna were sprawled out on one love seat, with sarah and mindy next to each other on the adjacent couch.

despite every part of sandy screaming that she just wanted to curl up on the other love seat next to cate, she knew they shouldn't do anything to further suspicions of the nature of their relationship.

so, she took a seat on the other side of mindy on the couch, while cate took the hint and sat on the couch opposite them.

anne entered with two glasses and asked what they'd like to drink, to which both cate and sandy replied "red wine".

adopted by sandra bullock (and her gf cate blanchett)Where stories live. Discover now