chapter 29

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the rest of the day went by uneventfully, sandy gave gary a call to talk about the new shooting schedule, as well as inform him about the kids, which he was thankfully very understanding of and didn't ask too many questions.

the kids were also thankfully very understanding about the work schedule change, they assumed that sandys job would be unpredictable and were quick to adapt to the changes.

sandy was disappointed that she wouldn't get the extra week of bonding time with her kids, but was hopeful that gary would be lenient with her schedule now that he knew her situation.

saturday afternoon and dinner went by quickly, they ordered take-out chinese food and binged some more umbrella academy, and all went to bed shortly after cate left at 10.

cate was reluctant to leave but knew she had to spend most of sunday at her hotel prepping for the upcoming week.

dani awoke early on sunday morning, as she often did, and went downstairs to the basement to run on the treadmill, deciding not to venture outdoors today.

she enjoyed wearing her new athletic shorts and sports top, nike sneakers, and airpods.

at about seven am she finished her run and went back upstairs to shower, where she ran into sandy in her robe on the stairs going down to make coffee.

after a nice hot shower she got dressed in some sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt and went downstairs to join sandy in making breakfast.

dani started cutting the fruit and making toast as sandy poured coffee and juice and made eggs.

it was a nice routine that they were falling into, and they were both dreading the changes that the movie starting might bring.

it was nearing eight thirty when dylan joined them in the kitchen, still in his pajama boxer shorts with a t-shirt, his hair a mess.

he immediately complained about sandy and dani's music choice upon entering the room and went to change the record.

they all sat down for a nice breakfast, chatting mindlessly and laughing, and dani felt more at peace than she had in a while.

they talked about school, which they had ultimately decided should be done online, for multiple reasons.

they weren't sure what grade level the twins would test into, because of all the traveling they did as kids and the fact that they haven't attended school the past two years, so online school would allow their curriculum to be catered to them and they could get extra help with a tutor.

it was september now and they were 14, and the goal was to do this for a year, so they would be entering their sophomore year of highschool next year if they chose to go to school in person.

another reason they wanted to do online for the first year was that sandy would be shooting for the next eight months, and online school would allow their schedules to be flexible with sandy's hectic work schedule, so they could still find time to see each other as they adjusted to living here with sandy.

sandy would also be traveling a bit for filming as well as for the press tour for two months afterwards, and she wanted to take the kids with her, which online school would allow for.

sandy didn't tell the kids yet, but she also knew that they would be starting karting soon and online school would allow them to put more time in at the track and travel for races if that's what they wanted to do.

after they finished breakfast and doing the dishes, sandy decided to mention their plans for the day, which was a surprise for the twins.

"so i've been doing some research about karting tracks in the area..." sandy started, immediately catching the twins attention, "and i found one close by with great reviews. i went ahead and made an appointment with the track manager!"

both twins stopped what they were doing and looked at sandy in shock.

"so you better go get ready, we're leaving in twenty!"

it was a little past nine and they were supposed to be at the track around ten, and it was half an hour away.

"i can't believe this!" dylan exclaimed as jumped up and down.

he ran to his room to get changed, stopping to give sandy a quick hug on his way.

dani was just as excited, and followed her brother in hugging sandy and then heading to her room.

sandy followed them upstairs, needing to change out of her pajamas as well.

when they met downstairs twenty minutes later, dylan was wearing athletic sweatpants and a nike shirt, his hair pulled back into a low ponytail and his old karting suit thrown in a duffel bag.

dani was wearing something similar, athletic sweatpants and shirt, with her hair down but the front pieces pulled back and out of her face.

sandy was wearing black jeans with a grey shirt, and some light makeup.

as they made their way to the garage, dylan begged sandy to take the aston martin.

"we're going to a car place! you can't not take the aston martin!"

sandy finally gave in, and grabbed the keys to the vintage car.

sandy finally gave in, and grabbed the keys to the vintage car

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(this is the car)

she usually liked to take the car to nice diners or premier events, but couldn't pass up an opportunity to take the convertible out in the warm california sun.

she was hesitant about drawing unnecessary attention, but seeing as they were going thirty minutes outside the city, she didn't think it would be a problem.

all three of them piled in the front row, dylan's karting stuff being thrown in the back.

when their previous adoptive mother sent them back to foster system, dani never thought she would get to race again, and had decided to travel light and give up her karting gear. dylan had always had hope, and kept his suit.

sandy advised them to put their sunglasses on, both because of the morning sun and because of privacy reasons in the convertible car.

they then pulled out of the driveway, blasting music and singing along as they embarked on the ride to the track.


chapter 29 - 1046 words

adopted by sandra bullock (and her gf cate blanchett)Where stories live. Discover now