chapter 24

489 22 1

TW: panic attack, mentions of abuse, nightmares

they decided to watch the movie in the living room as opposed to the home theatre, so they could watch the sunset over the hills through the glass doors.

choosing a movie was a whole other ordeal, as they could watch nothing with sandy or cate in it, as well as a whole group of movies that sandy and cate refused to watch because of personal disagreements with people in those movies.

specifically sandy who refused to watch anything by a certain director/producer, who was unfortunately responsible for a lot in hollywood.

much to dylan's delight, the princess bride ended up being the movie of the night.

they settled in, sandy and cate cuddled up together, with sandy's arm over dani and dylan leaning into dani's other side.

halfway into the movie dani fell asleep, her head against sandy's shoulder.

three quarters in, dylan fell asleep against dani.

when the movie ended, sandy gently removed herself from dani's hold, her and cate tidying up the kitchen, turning off the tv, and folding the couch blankets.

sandy then picked up dani and cate picked up dylan, as they brought them upstairs and to their beds and tucked them in.

sandy opted not to change either of their clothes for fear of upsetting them, knowing the boundaries of their bodies were very important, especially after all they had been through.

the kids were very light, lighter than they should be for almost fifteen, and sandy was reminded to add some protein powder into their morning smoothies.

she added the protein powder to her amazon cart, along with some other household needs, and placed the order while she was waiting for cate to come out of the bathroom.

cate exited sandy's master bathroom wearing one of sandy's own shirts over her lace underwear.

her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and she had her light pink reading glasses on.

sandy was in awe of the gorgeous woman in front of her.

sandy herself was in cates boxer shorts with a loose tshirt on.

cate flopped on to sandy's bed unceremoniously, groaning as her head hit the soft pillows.

sandy rolled over to lie basically on top of cate, missing even being in the woman's presence.

they stayed like that for a while, cate softly rubbing sandy's back.

sandy spoke after a long while, "cate?"

"yes my darling?" cate shifted sandy off of herself slowly so they were facing each other on the bed, legs intertwined.

"do you think i can really do this?"

despite the vague premise of the question, cate knew what sandy meant.

"darling, i think that you're sandy fucking bullock. you're the woman that crawled her way from obscurity, waiting tables in new york city, to being one of the most renowned actresses in the world. you gave birth to two children at the age of eighteen and not only lived to tell the tale, but lived for fifteen years with the pain of being separated from them. you can do anything that you put your mind to, and in terms of being a mother, you're a natural."

sandy reflected on cates words, a tear slipping silently down her cheek.

"you have to say that, you're my girlfriend."

adopted by sandra bullock (and her gf cate blanchett)Where stories live. Discover now