chapter 7

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TW: blood, hospitals, bruising, references to abuse

by the time cate had parked the car and walked into the building, sandy and the kids were long gone.

when she went up to the service desk and asked where they were, she learned that sandy and danielle were together, and dylan had been taken to the surgery wing.

of course cate wanted to be with her girlfriend, to comfort her and make sure she was okay. she had seemed a bit shaken up before they left the house, i mean who wouldn't be shaken up.

sandy's children were always a sore subject for her, and cate knew there was more to the story than sandy let on. she also knew there was more to danielle and dylan's story than they were letting on.

she decided to go to dylan. cate didn't know how long sandy and danielle were going to be and she didn't want dylan to be alone when he woke up. if he woke up.

she had only known them for a short amount of time, she really didn't know dylan at all, but she already felt a deep attachment to these kids.

after all, they meant something to sandy, and anyone that sandy cared about automatically came under cates care, too.

she followed a nurse down through the bleak hallways of the hospital until they entered dylan's room.

he was asleep on a hospital bed, an IV drip in his arm and a bunch of machines beeping around him. the lighting brought into even sharper contrast how skinny and pale he really was.

cate hated to imagine what he might have had to go through, especially at this age.

cate sat down next to him and took his hand, watching his steady breathing on the machine.

she was pulling out her phone to text sandy when the beeps started to slow down and a bunch of machines started blaring frantically.

a group of doctors and nurses rushed into the room, yelling a bunch of medical stuff that cate was too stunned to comprehend.

they wheeled his bed away quickly, leaving cate to run behind them.

a young nurse stopped her in her attempt to follow them.

"excuse me ma'am- you can't go there."

"i'm sorry?"

"he's going into surgery- you can't see him"



*i know absolutely nothing about medical stuff so let's just pretend this makes sense okay?*

the nurse proceeded to explain the nuances of his situation to cate. from what she could understand, they had woken him up immediately after situating him in a hospital bed and put him on an IV drip. he fell asleep shortly after, just before cate came into the room. they were going to let him rest for a while before treating the cut on his head and bruises on his stomach as they had been deemed non life threatening, but then a machine picked up some irregularities in his system due to internal bleeding, and he was rushed into emergency surgery.

"so what's the usual outcome of something like this, the success rate?" cate asked.

"the procedure itself has an extremely high success rate, the only complication might come from his return to consciousness from the anesthesia. he seems to have a history of head trauma that could complicate the matter."

cate could only imagine what could've caused so much injury to his head, the thought made her stomach turn.

"can i at least know what room he's in, so i can be there when he wakes up."

adopted by sandra bullock (and her gf cate blanchett)Where stories live. Discover now