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That night, I wrote in my journal about everything I knew about the mafia and everyone in it. Somehow, the mafia in Las Vegas was connected with the one in Paris and Rockie said they had 'Family' everywhere, but the Italians weren't connected as far as I knew. At least, they weren't in cahoots with the French. I wondered about the Russian mafia. They were well known. It made me wonder what the mafia in Las Vegas was called. Maybe the American mafia? I had never heard of such a thing, but maybe that was because I was an American. That made me wonder how much corruption there was in the states. It seemed weird that I was never warned about an English speaking mafia. That was a bit racist.

I moved on to the guys I knew in the mafia in Las Vegas. I would have to stick close to home for now. I had to start somewhere and Spiney was currently my biggest threat.

Spiney: the boss.

I scratched it out.

The Boss.

Just like how Family was capitalized when referring to the members of the mafia, Boss was capitalized when referring to the mafia boss.

Did Spiney have a boss? If he did, I had no clue who that would be. It seemed like he was the highest up on the ladder, at least in Las Vegas. That's why Boss was capitalized when referring to him and why he got half of the earnings.

Spiney: The Boss. And a judge.

He was trusted by society. They had no clue who he really was. In fact, Spiney even mentioned that the mayor herself took advice from him. Was she part of the mafia too? What role did she play?

Moving on.

Gavin: second in command?

I didn't know much about Gavin. Spiney only mentioned him once. Gavin reported directly to Spiney.

Diesel: third in command? Trusted assassin.

I wasn't sure if there was a straight order of bosses so I didn't know if there were multiple third in commands, or even multiple second in commands, but I knew that Rockie reported to him. Uncle Blade said that multiple members report to Diesel. That meant there probably wasn't a specific fourth in command.

Rockie: Diesel's subordinate. In charge of Duke, Jordan, Cam

And me. It seemed like he was superior to my uncle as well, but my uncle wasn't directly under him. Uncle Blade must have someone else above him to report to: someone directly under Diesel. Maybe Angelo? Angelo seemed more like a partner to Uncle Blade though. They were very close. He even knew about my uncle's 'terrorist attack'.

Why was Uncle Blade ordered to destroy that building? Rockie said it was partnered with the Department of Defense. Why would the mafia be against the military? What did they gain by destroying that building and the animals in it?

I still had a lot to learn. I would have to ask Rockie to explain more about the mafia to me. I felt like he would trust me with more information now that I have proved myself during the mission. He wouldn't want to discuss it in front of Birdie so I would have to join him next time he invited me to hang with him and the guys. Maybe they would give me extra information as well, but first I would do some research on my own.

Early the next morning, I went to the police station and did a background check on all the guys I knew in the mafia. I couldn't believe how little there was. Looking at the dates, I began to notice that most of them didn't have anything on them after a few years ago, probably the time they joined the mafia. The older ones didn't have anything on them other than minor offenses such as speeding or getting parking tickets. Diesel didn't even exist in our records. No birth certificate or Social Security number. Nothing. It was very possible Diesel wasn't his real name. I wondered if Rockie would know. If I was going to take Spiney down, his number one assassin would have to go first.

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