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No one's pov

Murmurs of confusion roared throughout the village of the hidden leaves. Hundreds of villagers, Shinobi and the lord hokage watched as a short petite brown skin girl with long black hair and piercing scarlet eyes stood at the hokage tower about to give a big speech. "What is going on here...?" A tall pale skin male with bright blue eyes asked a woman with long blonde hair with a purple diamond on her forehead. "That's what I would like to know...and who is this girl..."
"GRANNY TSUNADE!" A sudden shout in the crowd was heard as a blonde-haired male with black markings on his cheeks made his way over to the blonde-haired woman. "How many times have I told you not to call me Granny!" The woman scolded before looking back at the problem at hand. "Hehe....yeah still going to call you that, anyways...what's going on here? I mean I never seen so many people gathered up here all at once unless it's to welcome a new hokage, and seeing that you are alive and well this makes little to no sense." The blonde male said, as he looked at Tsunade for answers. Answers she did not have, all of a sudden loud clapping could be heard at the top of the hokage tower as everyone's attention was now on the girl.
She smiled widely at the large amount of people in front of her, as she felt content that everyone was about to hear her for the first time.
"Welcome citizens of the leaf! Now that I have your attention, I have a huge announcement to make!"
The entire village was silent as she was now standing on the railings, looking down at all of them. She took a deep breath as she began to speak, sparks of lightning thundered behind her. The villagers were startled by the lighting, but quickly hushed themselves as she began her speech.
"For as long as I can remember, my mother has always hated me. Being constantly reminded that I was useless, ungrateful and didn't deserve to be born. At first it felt worse than being stabbed with the sharpest kunai, but over time I grew numb to all of the pain I have received. At the age of six I sent away with the late demon of the mist, while she was digging around the 3rd Hokage's office for important documents. She had forced my father to help her, beat me, and almost KILL me. Around the age of seven I was left for dead, as I was bleeding out, I prayed that my father would come back and save me...That way we could escape together from this hell hole. I was saved...the third hokage had saved my life, but the only thing I had wished for was for my own mother to love and care for me." She paused; she looked around in the crowd until she saw a familiar shade of dark brown hair as she began to smile wickedly.
" Kanna Fujioka, at the side of the late 3rd does it feel to know that your daughter survived the night of my supposed demise...? Doesn't it feel great to know that I'm alive and well?" She asked with a crazed look ok her face, as gasps of horror and confusion spread throughout the crowd as they turned to look at the mentioned female.
"Kanna, what on earth is she talking about!?" Tsunade had asked the dark-haired woman, as she couldn't take her eyes away from the girl on the railing. She felt a sudden grab on her wrists to see her husband pull on their child who grabbed his mother to get her attention.  "What on earth are you talking about!? I only have a son, I never seen you before in my life!" She yelled at the girl in question as she started to tremble and sweat profusely, feeling the anger swell up in her veins. The girl on the tower tilted her head as someone from behind her past a large stack of papers, after taking the papers from the masked person she threw them out towards the crowd. The people hastily grabbed the papers as they could not believe what they were reading.
"I figured you might try to lie your way out, so I came prepared. The papers that you all have received are my birth certificate, along with my medical records containing my injuries from that night along with the compatibility with my parents!" The girl smiled as she watched the man and woman she once called 'Mother' panic as she stared at the papers intently. "You might be wondering what I get for telling you about my life as a child...I finally get to see the woman made me and my father suffer groveling at my feet begging to be spared only for them to die at my hands! For I, Fujioka Misaki has returned to complete my long-term goal!" She laughed menacingly as everyone caught the chills from the sight of her. The boy that held his mother's hand pulled away and stared at them in horror. " that true..." He asked in fear, as she denied it and tried to calm to panicking boy. As her 'husband' started to pull their child away from her, she glared at him in anger noticing the fear in his eyes. The man quickly picked up their child trying to console him, as he slowly backed away from Kanna.
The woman suddenly felt a stinging pain in her chest as screams of fear roared through the crowds. Villagers running away from the scene to try to escape, blood seeped through the woman's chest as she slowly turns to meet scarlet like eyes. She glanced at her side as she noticed her 'husband' and child were long gone. "You brat...I'll kill you.!" The woman utters raising her fist to swing on the girl, only for her hand to be severed clean from her body. She let out a horrid scream as searing pain surged through her body. The girl before her could only chuckle as she grabbed the woman by the throat, lifting her high up in the air. The woman used her now only hand to claw at the girl's wrist, feeling the lack of oxygen. The last thing the woman heard before she lost consciousness was...


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