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Ok this chapter is branching off from chapter 11, but this version is the true version of the story and Misaki finally reveals her true feelings and intentions. This will still kind of be half filler like chapter 11, but I feel like this would be more accurate with their personalities in my opinion.

Misaki's POV

It was the next day and we we're waiting on Kakashi once again at the bridge and I was getting agitated due to me not being able to sleep much last night, I kept thinking about that letter I received from Zabuza and what he had meant by 'being possessed'. I gritted my teeth as I felt the urge to punch something when I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone staring at me. Slowly looking up I saw it was Naruto, I slightly tilted my head and raised one of my brows.

"What is it?" I asked, "You were spacing out, are you alright?" He asked, as I noticed Sasuke and Sakura looking at me as well.  "I'm fine, just a little tired is all." I replied, Naruto nodded, and Sakura rolled her eyes mumbling something under her breath as I noticed Sasuke was still looking at me. I forced a weak smile, before he had shuffled closer to me. As he then leaned closer to my ear. "Do you want to talk about it later tonight?" He whispered, I thought about it before shaking my head 'no'. Kakashi then appeared out of nowhere, before giving out another lame excuse of why he was late.

I rolled my eyes a little as he jumped down in front of us. "Alright I know this is a little sudden, but I recommended you for the chunin exams, all four of you." Kakashi said, as I looked at him almost convinced that the strange genin we met yesterday was meant to be. "These are the application forms." Kakashi held them out to us, and I immediately took one of them. Sakura questioned him as Kakashi then explained that it was all voluntary, I hoped that if she applied, she would take it seriously. "Oh, and one more thing, the third hokage requested for Misaki to work solo for this exam. "Wait....what?! Why would he request for her to work alone?" Sakura asked, I glanced at her and back at Kakashi my lips turning upward as I laughed.

They all looked at me like I was crazy, but I honestly could care less, I was given a shot to go solo and I was craving for working alone for so long I had forgotten what it felt like. "Well, it is simply due to her not only being trained under him directly, but she also is technically on the level of a jounin. I guess the hokage wants to see what she can do now that she has learned the basic meaning of teamwork." Kakashi stated, as I pulled myself together the others were quiet for a moment as they all looked at me again with eyes that were expecting me to disagree with the Hokage's request.

"Tell Lord third that I, Fujioka Misaki accept his request and plan to crush the competition and show you all what I'm really made of." I said smiling ear to ear as my eyes went wide, I heard Sakura gasp while Naruto cheered me on, Sasuke on the other hand glared at me in what I assumed was anger, but I could care less. Teamwork was never really my thing anyway and in all I was holding myself back due to having to display teamwork, Kakashi nodded and told us to fill out the forms and head to the academy in three days for the exam. I turned towards my team as the only one who was excited was Naruto while Sakura looked uneasy, and Sasuke was staring at me with disbelief. "Well then, until these exams are over, we are now opponents.... I wish you guys luck in preparation for these tests.... see you later..." I said, bring my hand up as I signed a teleportation jutsu and left.





Once I got back to my apartment I began to mentally prepare for the exam, I knew for a fact that there would be a written one, and then the physical exams. I briefly thought over who I might try to target during the exam. 'I know for sure the sand ninja and team 7 is joining but I don't have any other intel of who else is unfortunately I will have to wait until the exams starts.' I deduced, deciding to eat and worry about filling out the application after I've had a meal. I walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a pan from the cabinet and a few ingredients from the fridge to make a light lunch since I wasn't too hungry but still needing to eat something until dinner time.

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