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I swear the ai just refuses to not give Sasuke blue eyes and whiskers, but this is the closest I can get without the blue eyes or without making Misaki white. But hope you enjoy this new part of the story; I'll briefly go over the next part that contains the scene with Kakashi and orochimaru but ultimately, I'll be focusing on their relationship. I am going to apologize now this chapter Sasuke is completely ooc, it's purely filler but ykw it'll have to do. While in the version with the red dot I focus Misaki and what she sees.

Misaki's Pov

Following Kakashi, he guided us to a secluded room, distant from the preliminary battles. Observing the grave expressions on Sasuke and Kakashi's faces, they realized my unawareness of our purpose there. "It's time to start sealing the curse marks Orochimaru gave you both," Kakashi declared. His knowledge of my mark caught me off guard; I had concealed it effectively. Unless, of course, there was a leak from within our team—a distinct possibility.

"There's no need for concern on my behalf; focus on Sasuke. Each curse mark stems from a desire for greater power, leading the bearer down a perilous path. Yet, I possess sufficient power to overpower and neutralize the curse mark by my own means," I explained. Kakashi gave me a puzzled look, aware that all who bore the mark had either perished or endured severe consequences. "I need you to clarify," he insisted. "I cannot allow you to face this alone; you're more susceptible now with that mark. It's leeching your chakra, which could cause it to become uncontrollable."

I exhaled and lowered the collar of my turtleneck, feeling the room's warm air caress my skin while both men observed. I tilted my head, exposing the mark. "The mark is... it's sealed... but how?" Although I smirked, I genuinely had no clue how it began to fade. During my battle with Kanna, it seemed as though my chakra flowed straight to the mark, trying to neutralize it. "So, you see, there's no need to worry about me. I've been channeling my chakra towards the mark to seal it and prevent any chaos," I claimed, bluffing, but they didn't need to know the truth.

"Well, I guess I don't need to worry about you," Kakashi said. I nodded in agreement, turning to leave, when I felt a hand on my wrist. Turning back, I saw Sasuke looking at me with an almost nervous expression. The word 'stay' was clear in his eyes. I nodded, and his grip relaxed. "Alright, we've wasted enough time. Sasuke, let's get this mark sealed," I urged. Sasuke released my hand and faced Kakashi with a nod.

In a matter of minutes, Sasuke had removed his shirt, Kakashi placed markings in his on blood across Sasuke's skin. Kakashi warned me to maintain my distance as a precaution. Shortly after, Kakashi commenced the sealing ritual. Despite understanding its necessity, I couldn't help but feel uneasy as Sasuke's screams echoed through the room. Gradually, the blood markings faded, converging on the curse mark and sealing it with precision.

After roughly two minutes, it ended. I clenched my teeth and hurried to his side as he fell into my arms. His breaths were labored as he turned away, concealing his face from Kakashi. Kakashi explained that the seal's effectiveness depended on his willpower, and a lapse could trigger the curse mark. "I hadn't realized the depth of your bond, though I did observe your interactions with each other in the Land of Waves," he remarked. I rolled my eyes at his comment, feeling Sasuke's body relax and his breathing stabilize.

"You could say I'm closer to everyone now, Kakashi-Sensei," I remarked. He nodded in agreement, but as we were about to exit the area, a sinister aura emerged. "So, you've mastered sealing techniques now?" Kakashi tensed up as a man with long hair emerged from behind a pillar before us. "Orochimaru..." The name alone was enough to widen my eyes as I met his gaze, those serpentine eyes smirking back at me.

"Fujioka-Chan, did you like my gift to you?" he asked, his lips curling into a thin grin. "Go to hell, you bastard!" I shot back instantly. His gaze sent chills down my spine; I knew I didn't stand a chance against him, not now at least. Kakashi positioned himself protectively in front of us as the two exchanged words. My grip on Sasuke tightened as I racked my brain for an escape plan. Just then, Kakashi unleashed the chidori, and I felt an overwhelming urge to run.

'Hold on... why am I considering fleeing from battle? I've never done that before...' I frowned upon this realization. When I looked up, Orochimaru had disappeared, and Kakashi was exhaling in relief. Shortly thereafter, Kakashi led me to a hospital room to settle Sasuke in, urging me to stay there for my own safety, mentioning that some Anbu would guard the room. After consenting, I managed to clean up and change into a long-sleeved baby blue shirt and black tights.

I settled into a chair beside Sasuke's bed, where nurses had fitted a breathing mask over his face to stabilize his oxygen levels. With a sigh, I acknowledged he wouldn't awaken anytime soon. Gently grasping his hand, I toyed with his fingers. "You know, for someone so composed and boastful, your pain threshold is surprisingly low," I remarked with a wry laugh. Despite my desire to check on the others, I understood the necessity of remaining by his side.

The minutes stretched on, feeling like hours, until I resolved to get some rest, knowing Sasuke would be sleeping for a few hours at least. Maintaining a gentle hold on his hand, I laid my head down in the vacant space on the bed and gradually succumbed to sleep.


Third Pov

A soft knock echoed on the door, behind which two ninjas lay sleeping. Moments later, the door swung open and shut silently, admitting a young woman with flowing brown hair, clad in a hospital uniform. She suppressed a chuckle upon seeing the young boy, who ought to have been resting, attempting to lift a girl of similar age into the hospital bed. His cheeks reddened with embarrassment upon being discovered, while the woman simply shook her head, approaching with a smile.

"Uchiha-kun, you're supposed to be resting, but I suppose this visitor takes precedence," she giggled, amused by the scene. "If she sleeps like that, she'll hurt her back... I'd rather she be comfortable than get any sleep myself," the raven-haired boy responded. The woman sighed, approaching the bed and glancing at him, silently inquiring if it was alright to adjust the girl. He nodded reluctantly. With the woman's help, the girl with black hair was soon sleeping soundly in bed alongside Uchiha.

"I was just making my rounds to check if there's been any change in your condition. You'll need to keep the mask on a bit longer, but I'm glad to see you're awake," she said. The boy nodded, wrapping an arm around the waist of the girl with black hair, drawing her closer. The woman received another nod, turned, and quietly exited the room, gently closing the door behind her, leaving the two ninjas by themselves once more.

"Idiot... you could have hurt yourself sleeping like that..." Sasuke gently scolded the sleeping girl, his gaze softening at her peaceful expression. Her lips were slightly parted, her hands formed into soft fists. "Misaki... I promise to become stronger, to protect you rather than be protected..." He murmured, the mask on his face preventing any gentle kisses. "Let's always stay together... even through tough times, so I can protect you..." The raven-haired Uchiha pressed his forehead against hers, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips, which prompted his own smile. Then, succumbing to exhaustion from the exams, he drifted back into sleep.

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