Cruising through🔴

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Misaki's Pov

The purple-haired woman and I locked eyes for what felt like an eternity; my stance was defensive, not offensive. Suddenly, she charged, moving with a speed that seemed beyond human.

As she came within range, she launched a kick towards my head. Instinctively, I ducked and thrust my fist into her stomach. The impact felt as though I had struck metal. She smirked and tried to grab me, but I stepped back and swept her feet, causing her to lose balance and tumble. Cursing, she rose and charged at me once more. This time, I channeled chakra into my fists and delivered a direct blow to her chest, propelling her backward into a tree.

"Is that all you've got? I'm almost certain that if Orochimaru is your master, he should have trained you better than this! Or is he just as weak?" I taunted, resting a hand on my hip. She snarled back, "Hey! Don't you dare insult my master; I'll make you pay for that!" With that, she swiftly executed a series of hand signs, concluding with a seal I didn't recognize.

I tilted my head as the ground shook and split open, with large walls quickly rising around us, halting at an impressive height of 30 meters. The top of the wall curved inward, minimizing the chances of escape. "Do you require a personal arena to battle me?" I taunted, finding humor in the towering rock barrier.

"You won't be laughing for much longer! I'll be sure to finish you off here and now!" She sneered at me, I rolled my eyes at what I made out was an empty threat. Regardless of what jutsu she just executed, she was clumsy at the very least. She then vanished, not leaving behind a trace of her aura.

'Is she taking this seriously now?' I pondered, and it didn't take long before the ground under me began to crumble. Furrowing my brows I jumped up, she popped up from the ground leaving a large crater behind. 'So she's an earth style user....interesting..'

With a swift gesture, she had about twenty medium-sized boulders levitating. She hurled them in my direction. I managed to lean back, narrowly dodging the boulders, but was abruptly knocked to the ground. Wincing in pain, I sat up slowly and looked up to see the girl with purple hair looking down at me, a smirk on her face.

"How do you like that? Does the ground feel nice?" she mocked. A smile crossed my face at such foolishness. I had known about her ability since the creation of this wall. 'She can manipulate gravity because of the wall she created... clever, but let's see how long she can maintain it.' I sprang up and dashed toward the wall with intense speed. "Oh no, you don't! Where do you think you're going?" she yelled, chasing after me.

She was close behind me, but I reached the wall first. Punching my way out wasn't an option. The only escape was up; I channeled chakra into my feet and ran vertically to the summit, then leaped into the air above the concrete 'arena'. With a final hand sign – tiger – hundreds of needles materialized behind me, each tipped with a numbing toxin designed to paralyze an opponent's body for two hours.

'"Fujioka art... Nedoru Rasshu! (Needle Rain)!" With a swift flick of my hand, the needles descended upon her, mimicking the appearance of rain. The girl with purple hair attempted to evade the needles and seemed to use her hardening ability, yet some needles still managed to graze her legs and arms in her blind spots. I landed atop the wall, confronting her face-to-face.

"Hah! Was that your best? Did you think some needles would stop me?" she said, smirking. Meanwhile, I had three needles that I hadn't sent out but kept on my person. "From up here, it looks like you struggled," she growled. Before she could take another step, she fell to her knees. 'That was fast...' I thought as she looked on, confused, her arms becoming sluggish and difficult to move.

"What the hell did you do to me!?" I chuckled as I jumped down and strode toward her, stopping just in front of her. "I outplayed you, that's all. Now, you have two options, and only one of them is correct... are you ready?" I stared down at her with a 'cheery' smile. "What the hell are you—" Before she could finish, I backhanded her across the face, leaving her baffled as her black pupils contracted.

"Oops...that wasn't a good answer! Would you like to try again?" I asked, tilting my head to the side my smile thinning. "Go to hell!" She barked which caused me to laugh before throat chopping her, her eyes widened before slowly closing and toppled over. The concrete wall she created crumbled and fell, due to the user being unconscious. I then took a moment to briefly search her person, to look for a scroll.

After a moment or so I surprisingly found both earth and heaven scroll on her. 'So she was just being blood thirsty....interesting.' I then stood up and stretched before looking towards the tower, I didn't bother to go find team seven due to our last interaction. They can handle themselves and besides this is to test our strength with or without a team.








I reached the tower and examined the door before me. It had been only three hours since the exam began, and I was already done. The lack of difficulty was a letdown; I had expected a tougher challenge. The scrolls were mine after a single fight, thanks to a genin's foolish error. Dismissing it, I heaved open one of the tower's massive doors.

Inside was a vast, vacant room. I anticipated someone would greet me soon. Glancing upward, I noticed a board inscribed with information about the heaven and earth scrolls. I retrieved both scrolls from my weapon pouch and unfurled them. As smoke began to billow, I tossed them into the room's center.

''Summoning jutsu?' As the smoke dissipated, a man with gray-blue hair materialized, clad in a white and blue kimono adorned with floral patterns. Lifting his head, his ocean blue eyes met mine, both of us equally surprised. "Misaki... is that you?" he inquired. I inhaled deeply and nodded in affirmation.

"How are you faring, Father?" I queried. Observing his near-tearful state, I deduced that all was not well. Approaching, I enveloped him in a firm embrace. "I'll resolve it soon; I just need a bit more time," I whispered. Sensing his tremble, I realized his frame had grown frail. His arms encircled me hesitantly, and gradually, he found solace in our embrace.

"You completed the second exam so swiftly; you've matured so much on your own, and I missed so much. I'm proud of you, and I regret not being there for you," he whispered. My grip tightened, and after a few moments, we parted. "Since you've finished the second exam well before the deadline, you have a few days to unwind. You may train for the next phase or do as you wish, provided you remain within the tower," my father stated, and I nodded in agreement.

He turned and gestured for me to follow, which I did, keeping a slight distance behind him. As we walked, we caught up on recent events. He recounted the treatment he received from Kanna and her son Kyosuke, who had essentially enslaved him, leaving him no choice but to obey. Shortly after, we reached a room. Dad opened the door to reveal a cozy space with a twin-sized bed, a desk next to it, and an attached bathroom.

"This will be your room for the next four days. I have some tasks to attend to for the Hokage, but I'll make sure to visit you later, okay?" he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. I managed a reassuring smile and embraced him once more, which he reciprocated before quickly departing. Alone, I sighed, pondering the situation with Team Seven.

I somewhat missed them, yet I was aware that if I didn't meet them within four days, I would see them after the exam. I shut the room's door and got ready to rest for the following day.

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