My fight🔵

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so, kind of bending the rules for Misaki's portion of the exam because why not and it's fanfiction, it'll be more or less the same for the other version as well. 




Misaki's Pov

We had a brief respite before being instructed to join the other genin for the subsequent phase of the exam. 'I hope it's not team-based... our survival exam odds were slim because of that Orochimaru individual...' I sighed, observing the chunin proctors, including Kanna, our team leaders, and the Hokage assembled on the stage. To my surprise, my father was present, which was unexpected as I didn't recall his attendance being necessary for such an event.

Standing at the forefront of my team, aligned by our exam numbers, I felt my father's gaze. Glancing back, I saw the sadness in his eyes. 'Just hang on a bit longer, Dad...I promise...' The Hokage commended us for finishing the exam, noting that out of 81 participants, less than half were successful, yet his interest lay only in a select few. Murmurs rippled through the crowd as I rolled my eyes. The Third Lord caught my gaze and nodded. His eyes conveyed permission to unleash my full potential, and my excitement must have been apparent, judging by the smirk on his face.

As the Hokage stepped forward, one of the proctors captured everyone's attention to explain the purpose of the Chunin Exams. My smirk broadened with excitement, far beyond what words could express. Suddenly, a ninja appeared and requested to elucidate the forthcoming exam. With permission granted, he stood, coughing profusely. Turning around, I recognized Hayate-sensei; our eyes met, and he nodded. His kenjutsu training had saved my life in numerous battles. Despite public records indicating no dangerous missions, my private experiences told a different story.

Hayate-Sensei announced the need for a preliminary exam due to our large number and suggested that anyone not in peak physical condition should consider withdrawing. As he finished speaking, his severe coughing fit was a stark reminder of the incurable illness he faced, fueling my resolve to find a cure. "The preliminaries will begin immediately," he declared, despite some objections. I was unfazed, ready to prove myself. "The winner will be determined by a one-on-one sudden death match," he added, brandishing a clipboard. A grin spread across my face, realizing my penchant for solo work gave me an edge in this challenge.

Suddenly, a small wave of pain surged throughout my body. I managed to keep a straight face, concealing my discomfort from everyone. Behind me, I heard Sasuke groan. Turning, I saw him trembling, clutching his shoulder. "Sasuke... you have to quit these preliminaries..." His eyes widened in shock, and Sakura glanced at me, echoing the sentiment. "Ever since you two fought Orochimaru, that mark he left has been troubling you... and Misaki, I suspect you're feeling even worse... it's affecting you as well," she murmured. Yet, I was determined not to give up over mere pain. "I appreciate your concern, but I'm alright. I can't speak for Sasuke, but to me, this mark is a mere nuisance. I entered these exams to win, and that's precisely what I intend to do." Her eyes filled with tears as she admitted her fears for us.

As Sakura was about to raise her hand, Kabuto did the same. I gave the man a wary glance, my eyes narrowing. 'Something's off... he's been with us until the finish line, and now he suddenly withdraws.' Naruto shouted at the man, who then apologized, claiming he just couldn't proceed before departing. I overheard the Hokage remarking that he recognized him, 'I knew it! After this exam, I need to share my suspicions about him and this Orochimaru character.' I caught a snippet of Sasuke and Sakura's argument but quickly tuned them out, turning my attention forward. I didn't want anyone dictating my actions; after all I've endured, this was trivial.

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