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You have been warned.

FLASHBACK (Misaki's Pov)

"Oi! you brat get your ass downstairs! We have company!" My mother yelled from downstairs, I hurried to get up and dash out my room. I stumbled over several stairs but maintained not to fall, as I ran into the living room where my parents where and a man who had bandages covering half of his face and a boy who had a mask and seemed just around my age. "I see she resembles you Haruto." The strange man said, I was very uncomfortable though I didn't make it so obvious. "Oh, shut it Momochi! As long as you keep her for the time, we have agreed to there will be no problems in getting those documents." My father then growled out, the man now known as 'Zabuza' then looked at me and began to introduce himself. "I am Zabuza Momochi, and this boy to my left is Haku. You will be staying with us for a few weeks while your parents are out. What is your name kid?" He finished before I replied in a low yet respectable tone. "Misaki Fujioka, it's nice to meet you sir."

After a while we left from my place with my bags as we traveled to where Zabuza and Haku stayed. At first, they seemed like ok people before Zabuza started getting a little too touchy. Being six at the time I was really confused on what was going on until he started grabbing my backside. There were some instances to where he would come into the room I would sleep in and rub up against me. Sometimes he would try to undress me, but I was always fast enough to get up and pretend that either I just woke up or I had to go to the restroom. But this one time I wasn't so lucky, it seemed like I made him angry. I guess he was tired of me avoiding him when he touched me that way. He grabbed me and threw me on the bed and started beating me, he continued on until my body went numb from the pain as he began to take advantage of me. I screamed and cried out for help, even for Haku's help but he never came. Zabuza continued to do this to me for the remainder of my time there. I never quite remembered who he was due to being so young and from the constant beatings from him and my mother. I figured out quickly that they worked together from time to time on the down low. That made my parents traitors of the leaf village, but I didn't have any proof or the guts to come forward.

Present time

I started to open my eyes little by little as I began to feel my senses return to me. 'Damn it...that boy.... that was Haku...' I thought before trying to get up, as I stood, I looked around and saw that he was nowhere to be found. The mist was only got thicker, I felt the weird sensation in my eyes that I felt a few weeks ago my sight was increased, but this time I was able to see full bodies of chakra and not faint markings. From what I could see it seemed like Kakashi-sensei was trapped and there was two Zabuza's meaning one was a clone while Sakura and Naruto were protecting the bridge builder. My eyes widened when I saw Zabuza hold Sasuke by his neck. I saw that I still had all my weapons on me, I hid my chakra and quickly ran to where my team was. As I got closer, I heard Sakura yelp out of surprise. I was about 25 meters away from them as I could see the outlines of their bodies, though I couldn't see their physical features. I jumped out from the bushes above the Zabuza clone and Sasuke and drew out my short sword that I had in my side pocket of my book bag, I struck down at Zabuza's clone he moved causing him to throw Sasuke back. I landed lightly on my feet as I glared at Zabuza, quickly catching Sasuke in my arms helping him sit upright before pushing him behind me.

"Seems like you woken up from your nap Misaki." Zabuza sneered as his clone attempted to punch me, it all seemed to go by in slow motion. I quickly side stepped, grabbed the clone's wrist and kicked him in the gut. "Misaki-Chan! You're ok!" Naruto cheered happily; the clone attempted to strike at me as I jumped up high in the air before his clone could touch me. As I was midair, I threw my bag down in front of my team feeling immense pain in my head. "You son of a bitch! I'll make sure you'll pay for what you did!" I shouted as my eyes concentrated on his movement. "Uh oh someone's angry, I wonder why." Zabuza sneered, I let out a loud growl which caught the attention of Sasuke and Sakura as well.

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