Calm before the storm🔴

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Misaki's Pov

'So, this is the Forest of Death...' I mused; my gaze fixed on the imposing woods before me. Encircling the forest was a 15-foot-tall steel gate, its purpose seemingly to keep outsiders at bay rather than confine anything within. The weather was warm but not unbearable, though I wished the lady leading us would hasten her pace. 'Some of these people are about to reek if they don't escape the sun soon...' The thought sent a shiver down my spine, I was hoping this exam would be more of a challenge than the last one.

During the first exam, I swiftly navigated through it, drawing upon knowledge acquired during my time in that ill-fated residence where my father is reluctantly confined. In less than ten minutes, I completed the test without resorting to any form of deception. Subsequently, boredom overtook me, and I retired for a nap. Amusingly, I later discovered that this examination served as a test of a ninja's information-gathering abilities. The irony was not lost on me-I chuckled at their oversight, for they had evidently neglected to account for my stealthy prowess.
"This whole place gives me the creeps..." Sakura's voice echoed through the air, reaching my ears as I shifted my attention back to the front. Our enigmatic instructor, Anko, responded with a cryptic promise: that we would soon understand the forest's ominous name. I couldn't help but roll my eyes; it sounded like a lame joke, a theatrical setup for what was to come.Naruto, ever impulsive, planted his hands on his hips and declared, "They call it the Forest of Death~ And you're about to find out why!" His enthusiasm bordered on reckless, and I wanted to sink into the ground from sheer embarrassment. Closing my eyes, I hoped the earth would swallow me whole.

But Naruto, ever defiant, insisted he wasn't scared. He dismissed the threat with a bravado that bordered on insanity. Meanwhile, Anko observed us with a bemused smile, tilting her head. Her eyes held a glint of amusement, and I wondered if she saw through our bravado.

Then, as if to punctuate the moment, a kunai slid down Anko's sleeve, narrowly missing Naruto's head.

It continued onward, snipping off a small lock of a woman's long black hair. Anko then materialized behind Naruto, attempting to rattle him. 'Can we speed this up? It's beyond lame...' My mind wandered, and I must have zoned out for too long. Anko produced another kunai, this time because the long-haired woman had slithered up behind her, her snake-like tongue gripping a kunai. 'Okay, that's just gross... She might be a problem in combat with those snake abilities...' Anko tensed, her warning clear: "Don't stand behind me, thirsty for blood... unless you want a swift demise."

"Well, it's in my nature to get excited at the sight of red blood... and since my hair was cut, I couldn't help it," the woman replied, her head slightly bowed as her hat shielded her from the sun. She apologized and turned around, making brief eye contact with me, sending chills down my spine before she returned to her spot.

'That woman... she's not an ordinary genin,' I thought as Sasuke glared at her and Sakura looked bewildered, with Naruto mirroring Sakura's expression. Soon after, the proctor held up some papers. "Before we start, I need to distribute some consent forms," she announced. Naruto asked why, and she responded that there would be corpses in this round of the test, or it would be her responsibility, followed by a laugh. I rolled my eyes and reached into my bag for a pen. As she began explaining the exam, I listened intently for any peculiar phrasing. A consent form was handed to me, and I passed the rest back.

She displayed a map of training field 44, noting it was enclosed, meaning we would be locked inside. "There are rivers, a forest, and a tower in the center, about 10 kilometers from the gate. You must survive an anything-goes scroll battle," Anko explained, revealing two scrolls. She elaborated on the test details, 'I need both scrolls to pass. Then reach the tower to advance to the next test.' I glanced at Sasuke and Sakura, then focused ahead, staring at the back of Naruto's head. I did slightly worry about them because of that woman, and as much as I wanted to help, they would have to do this without me.

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