Cute... (filler)

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Next chapter will cover chunin exams, this one is just filler from chapter 12. I wanted to include it because at least it will have some sort of foundation and the nature of their relationship.

Misaki's Pov

I felt the sun's gentle rays against my skin as I opened my eyes, my vision was blurred as I could make out my nightstand on the side of my bed. After blinking a few times my vision cleared as I sat up reaching my arms over my head gently pulling on them to stretch out the remaining ounces of sleep that resided in me. The sound of the shower running quickly brought me out of my trance, as I turned my head to look towards the bathroom door. 'Who the fuck is in my apartment...' I slowly got out of bed, feeling the cool morning air on my legs as I made my way to the kitchen quietly grabbing a frying pan from out the cabinet. As I crept to the side of the door waiting for whoever the intruder is to come out.

It was only a few minutes later when I heard the water stop, as I heard light footsteps on the floor in the bathroom. The door then opened a few moments after that, the door was blocking my sight of who the person was, which kind of gave me a disadvantage but if I was fast enough all should be okay. "Where did she go...? I made sure not to wake her before it was time to get up..." I then heard him venture into my room as I sighed inaudibly. 'It's just Sasuke...wait. What is he doing here...?' I thought as I quickly turning around to tiptoe to the kitchen. Once I made it back, I placed the frying pan on the stove top, and opened the fridge pretending to look for something.
I felt arms wrap around my waist moments later causing me to freeze up from the affection. A gentle kiss was placed on my temple as a firm chest was against my back. 'What the heck is going on....'

"Good morning..." Sasuke said quietly as he held me from behind, I replied back as I grabbed some eggs and bacon and placed it on the counter. He didn't let go the entire time I was cooking, and man did I feel flustered. I quickly remembered what happened last night, as a blush covered my face. 'W-We kissed....shared a bed....and now he's holding me...!' I freaked out internally as I felt his grip fade from my waist as I heard a low clanking behind me. As I turned around, I saw Sasuke setting the table and placing the food in the middle, he then grabbed one of the chairs and placed it next to the other one. I walked over to the table sitting on one of the chairs as he sat next to me.
After a moment we both filled our plates with bacon, eggs and a piece of toast, having a cup of water to go along with our food. After a few minutes of us digging into the food, I felt his hand slowly snake up and cover mine. His grip was gentle as if reminding me that he is there, I couldn't help but lightly smile at the gesture. A moment or so later we both finished eating, I glanced at the clock on the wall and made a note that we had two and a half hours before we had to be at the spot for the second part of the exam. I turned to look at Sasuke admiring his features, his pale skin, raven hair and onyx eyes.

"Like what you see?" He asked teasingly turning his head to meet my eyes as my face was flushed, I looked away from him as my face was as red as a tomato. I then felt his grip on my hand tighten a little bit, while his other hand reached under my chin to direct my gaze back towards him. I gently bit my lip as I stared into his eyes, under normal situations they were dark and distant. But the way he was looking at me was warm and gentle, he had a smirk on face as it complimented his features. Sasuke then leaned forward and captured my lips with his, I closed my eyes tightly as I squeezed his hand. It felt like butterflies were on my lips from how gentle he was being, the feeling of his hand on mine disappeared as he then placed it on my waist to pull me onto his lap. We soon had to pull away for air as his hands stayed put on my waist.

I was panting for air as my hands were firm on his shoulders, I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. I looked away before burying my face in his chest, which caused him to chuckle. "Your so cute...I'm glad I'm able to call you mine now..." He said as I could practically hear the smile in his voice, that caused me to smile as I closed my eyes listening to his steady heartbeat.

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now