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Misaki's pov
I feel.... cold...? I wanted to move but something was stopping me and no matter how many times I tried to open my eyes, they felt like they were forged shut. I could tell I was in the dark. Am I....dead? Why did he look so.... sad when I took the pain for him...? I'm sure I didn't imagine it...why did I feel bad for him...?

'Somethings wrong with me...why did I feel like I had to protect him...?'  My thoughts were stopped when I felt strong arms pick me up. They felt...warm and it made me feel safe...? After a while I could start hearing people talking though it was slightly muffled.
"But Sasuke your hurt please prioritize yourself first, please be reasonable and let one of us carry her!" I heard a girl's voice speak up, only for a male's voice to cut her off. It sounded so close to me, and it felt like the one who was holding me was talking.

"Shut up Sakura you don't know what happened! The look in her eyes when she... damn it!" He finished, that voice...Sasuke...? Why are you so upset? Another voice chimed in, "Teme...Sakura just wants to help..." Naruto why do you sound so down too...? I heard someone sigh as Sakura spoke again. "We can't risk you hurting yourself either! I'm the only one unharmed so it should be me!" Sakura had shouted at them, and for a moment I was taken aback, she has never yelled at Sasuke, and she sounded like she had been crying. I had them opened my eyes only to immediately shut them from the brightness compared to when I was unconscious.

"Why are you guys so loud...?" I whined as the rest of my team and Kakashi looked over to me. Sasuke was looking down at me since he was holding me bridal style. I could tell they didn't think I would make it. "Misaki!?" They yelled at the same time, I slightly winced from the loud noise as I tried to sit up only for Sasuke to deny letting me go. I looked up to get a look at his face and it startled me, it looked like he wanted to cry as he cradled me in his arms. 'Why are they upset over me...?' I thought as I turned to see my teammates relieved expressions.
I sighed as I turned my gaze to Sakura, staring at her for a while before smiling at her to let her know I was okay. "So, I'm guessing since everyone is here, Zabuza and Haku are dead?" I asked as Sakura nervously played with her fingers. "Yes, and Zabuza wanted me to relay a message to you and to give you this." Kakashi said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded-up piece of paper, he then gave it to me to which I accepted and placed on my stomach. "Zabuza said he was sorry for what he did to you." Kakashi said, I tensed but a moment later I relaxed and nodded.

"Sakura-San you didn't get hurt, did you?" I asked, directing my attention to the girl as she shook her head, looking down shamefully. "I'm alright Misaki, I just wish I was more helpful to you all." She smiled; I tilted my head slightly as I responded. "I don't know what happened outside the mirrors, but I do know this, Tazuna is alive. If you weren't there guarding him, regardless of how you feel you still pulled your weight in this mission. Sakura-San you did a good job, don't be so hard on yourself okay?" I said, this time I had smiled at her happy that not only she was starting to show teamwork but wanting to do better. Sakura smiled brightly, tearing up a little walking towards me, as she stopped in front of me and Sasuke, she gently squeezed my hand. "So, you heard us then?" Sasuke said to me, causing me to look up at him.

"Yeah, I did, and I'm sorry I scared you all like that." I apologized as they all shook their heads and apologized to me instead. I, then I looked around to see the whole village and Mr. Tazuna on the other side. I took notice of Zabuza and Haku's corpses, as much as I hated Zabuza, I silently wished he and Haku remained together for Haku's sake. I sighed closing my eyes as I leaned onto Sasuke's chest knowing I was not going to be placed down for a while. "Tired...wake me up when we get back." I said as I heard a protest from Naruto saying I just woke up as I merely rolled my eyes turning my face towards Sasuke's shirt as I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth off of his body flushed against mine, aiding me to fall back asleep.

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now