Recovered memory🔵

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Small A/n

So In this path of the story, I will be skipping over the fight with Orochimaru and over to when they are attacked by the sound ninja as I don't know how to fully include Misaki into the fight without making some of the context botched in my opinion. And I kind of want to move onto the next part T~T. Maybe when I write the second option I'll go in and write it out but just feeling lazy.

(Past) No one's POV

"Get back here, you brat!" shouted a woman with long dark hair, chasing a small girl with long black curly hair dressed in a blue kimono adorned with white flowers. The girl dashed towards the forest, desperate to escape. As she plunged deeper into the trees, her breaths came in pants, her face etched with fear. Large turquoise eyes filled with tears, her curls billowing out behind her. She halted only when the woman's shouts faded away. Turning to survey her surroundings, she realized she was lost.

The girl whimpered, terrified of solitude, yet she resolved to press on, preferring the unknown to the so-called 'home' she fled from. The thought of facing the woman's fury made her shiver. She trudged on towards an uncertain destination, fatigue setting in, her steps dragging in the dirt, her once neat curls now a frizzy tangle.

She stumbled over her feet and began to tumble forward; her eyes shut tight, anticipating the fall, only to feel small arms catch her, her head resting against a chest. When she opened her eyes, a black shirt greeted her, and as she looked up, she encountered a boy with pale skin, spiky black hair, and dark eyes looking down at her, his expression slightly annoyed. "Hey! You should really be more careful... you could've hurt yourself," the boy chided, as her eyes widened in mortification.

He assisted the girl to her feet before taking a step back, watching as she nervously twiddled her fingers and bowed deeply. "T-Thank you for your help, and I'm sorry for my clumsiness...!" she stammered, tears welling up as she braced for a scolding, but the boy simply gestured for her to rise, examining her with curiosity. The girl's caramel skin, large blue eyes, and flowing black hair contrasted with the blue kimono adorned with cherry blossom outlines she wore. From her attire, he inferred that she belonged to a notable family.

Although he had never encountered someone with such distinctive features, his cheeks flushed a light pink as he continued to gaze and admire her appearance. "What's your name? And what are you doing out here, are you lost?" he inquired, causing the girl to stiffen. 'I can't tell him I ran away... he'll insist I go back...!' thought the blue-eyed girl, sighing while she fidgeted with her fingers. "M-My name is Fujioka Misaki... and I got lost while playing in this forest," she murmured, half-truthfully, as the boy before her regarded her with awe, knowing her family name was highly esteemed in the village.

"Wow! You belong to the Fujioka clan? That's amazing! My name is Uchiha Sasuke, it's an honor to meet you. I can show you the way out of the forest," he declared, excitement evident in his voice. Misaki's eyes sparkled with gratitude at his kindness. Initially hesitant, she soon accepted his offer. Sasuke extended his small, pale, chubby hand and gently grasped Misaki's brown one.

A blush of light red colored her cheeks at the gesture, and he began to lead her out of the forest, hand in hand. To avoid an awkward silence, Misaki initiated some light conversation. She learned that Sasuke's birthday was on July 23rd, making him five years old and her junior by three months. He had a fondness for tomatoes and was attending a ninja academy. In exchange, she shared that her birthday was on April 6th, she had no particular food preferences, and she was homeschooled.

As she smiled, savoring the moment of conversing with someone her own age, they reached the forest's edge, and Misaki beheld a village street before her. She gasped, awestruck, as she had never been permitted to leave the Fujioka estate grounds. The open stalls and the diverse crowd, clad in various attire, captivated her. Sasuke, about to speak, turned his head but then shivered as he noticed a woman, almost a mirror image of Misaki, glaring at her from a distance. 'I don't like the look she's giving her,' he thought, tightening his grip on Misaki's hand to draw her attention. She looked at him, her eyes sparkling brightly.

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